Chapter 124 Is it clear now? (seeking tickets)
Zuo Ci blocked the door, hesitated for a while, and moved away, and gestured to ASRock and Ni Zheng. The two understood, got up to bid farewell to Bai Jinye, and left with Zuo Ci.

After walking out of the general's mansion, the three of them entered the small courtyard next door. Huaqing hesitated for a while, but still asked, "The prince and the princess... are not in a good relationship?"

"Hey." Zuo Ci looked up to the sky and sighed, "I don't understand either. Sometimes I think it's okay, but sometimes it seems like I'm not as good as a stranger."

He didn't need to tell ASRock about the details.

After all, according to what Bai Jinye said, their imprisonment was all caused by Pei Qingge.

As a prince, he doesn't care about being wronged sometimes, but his bottom line is the people around him.This time, all the people in the palace were arrested and thrown into the prison, especially Concubine Zhang, who was still in a coma, was also thrown into the prison.

This is probably something the prince can't tolerate.

Although he didn't say anything, there is another corpse to be dealt with right now.

But it felt like he and the princess had completely broken up this time.

Bai Jinye looked at Pei Qingge who walked in, and then glanced behind her, "Where's Guiqing?"

Pei Qingge smiled, "I asked Guiqing to explore the Ghost King Desert to see when the largest number of corpses would arrive. But—" she prolonged her voice, "Even if Guiqing is not here, I'm not afraid that the prince will settle accounts with me, otherwise I would have left long ago."

"That's right." Bai Jinye stood up and stopped in front of Pei Qingge, "You are not afraid that this king will settle accounts with you. If you are afraid, you will not dare to calculate this king like this."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pulled the veil off Pei Qingge's face. The scars on her face were gradually fading away. Now it seems that it has faded a lot compared to the last time I saw it. Probably in a few days, the scars will be gone. Completely out of sight.

Pei Qingge frowned, not knowing what he was going to do, and took a step back, thinking that he just wanted to know the reason, but it was absolutely impossible for her to tell about Huangquan Road, so she was silent for a while before saying, "I am just a It's just revenge, when I first came to the palace, I will always remember your humiliation, as long as there is a chance, I will naturally not make it easier for you."

"Really?" Bai Jinye looked at her, "Then it's clear now?"

"Isn't your lord just standing here?" Pei Qingge chuckled lightly.

Bai Jinye squinted his eyes, and said after a while, "The enemy is at hand, and I don't want to be on guard against someone's sniping."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to solve the matter with the dead body, but...after the matter with the dead body is over, you give me the Purple Lotus Ring." Pei Qingge said.

"Our business, we'll deal with it after we've dealt with the corpses." Bai Jinye was about to take a step forward when he heard a "plop" from the yard, as if something heavy fell on the ground.

Pei Qingge's expression changed, he turned around and ran out, only to see Gui Qing lying on the ground, his clothes were stained red with blood.

She immediately looked around for a while, but didn't see anyone or anything unusual, so she hurried forward to check Gui Qing's situation.

Guiqing is now copper-skinned and iron-framed, and his force is almost at the peak. There are definitely not many people who can hurt him like this!

His face was pale, with only a faint breath left, and blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth.

"Give me a hand." Pei Qingge turned to look at Bai Jinye who was chasing him out.

Bai Jinye frowned. Just now Pei Qingge said that Gui Qing went to the Ghost King Desert. Now that he came back in this state, he obviously met a strong enemy.

According to ASRock's description just now, withered corpses are definitely not Guiqing's opponent, even if there are a large number of withered corpses, it is impossible to hurt him like this.

However, these dead corpses were able to walk out of the Ghost King Desert, obviously someone behind the scenes ordered them, could it be that Guiqing met that person?
He frowned, stepped forward and together with Pei Qingge helped Gui Qing into the room.

Pei Qingge had never treated the underworld corpse before. She looked at Guiqing and didn't know what to do for a while.

After a pause, she raised her hand to press Guiqing's eyebrows.

After Guiqing entered the Ghost King Desert, he was indeed just investigating at first, but after going deeper, he found some abnormal traces, so he followed the traces to check.

But there was already a deviation from the road from Yuecheng to Beiming Kingdom. Guiqing was a little hesitant at first, after all, if he went on, he might also get lost in the Ghost King Desert.

After walking for a while, he was thinking about whether to keep going or go back and talk to Pei Qingge first, when he saw a ruins that looked like a city wall, and there was a magic circle in the ruins, and the magic circle was obviously just set up. How long.

He was looking at it when he was slapped on the back and flew straight out.

When he got up, he saw that the one who beat him was actually the king of Beiming Kingdom!
Sitting behind the monarch was a man with an old face and graying hair, but after careful identification, he could still tell that it was Pei Shu who had escaped from Pei Qingge's trap a few days ago.

Guiqing immediately understood that the one who took Pei Shu away was the monarch, and if she left Beiming Kingdom without authorization, she would naturally be punished.

Pei Shu is, of course he is the same.

The monarch also didn't seem to intend to let him go, and killed him everywhere.

Gui Qing was not the king's opponent. Just when he was about to lose consciousness, he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and taken away from the ruins.

After that, Gui Qing completely lost consciousness.

Pei Qingge withdrew his hand, it turned out to be the monarch!

Did he come out to find Pei Shu himself?But if he knew that Pei Shu was there, and now that he saw Gui Qing again, he probably would have known about himself a long time ago.

Even if he didn't know, Pei Shu knew her identity, so it was impossible not to tell the monarch.

But why did the monarch want to kill Gui Qing?
Even if one has to be punished for leaving Beiming Kingdom without authorization, there are clear laws stipulating how to be punished, and the monarch will not deal with such things by himself.

And... who saved Gui Qing again?

The man knew he was here, so he sent Gui Qing over.

Pei Qingge turned her head and looked out the window. She thought she could bear the identity of the original owner, but in fact, her whereabouts have been known for a long time?
After a long time, Bai Jinye saw that Pei Qingge didn't move, so he asked, "How is he?"

"Underworld corpses have the ability to heal themselves." Pei Qingge said after a pause, "But the ability to heal itself is very slow, he is too badly injured, it would be best to get some external help, but I don't have any medicine that can help him right now. "

"In this world, who can hurt him?" Bai Jinye asked again, "Will the person who hurt him have anything to do with the corpse?"

Pei Qingge turned to look at him, but didn't speak. She couldn't understand what was going on right now, and Pei Shu, how could she age so quickly after not seeing him for a few days?
Even if it was a punishment, why did the monarch punish her in the ruins of the Ghost King Desert? could there be city wall ruins in the Ghost King Desert?

Pei Qingge raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brows. She had more questions than Bai Jinye, but no one could give her the answers.

Although general gold sore medicine is of little use to ghost corpses, but Pei Qingge can only help Gui Qing to bandage it first, and it is always better than nothing.

While it was being bandaged, something suddenly fell out of Guiqing's lapel. It was a fingernail-sized lotus flower carved from red jade!
 third later
(End of this chapter)

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