Chapter 125 Rumors Between You Saintesses

Pei Qingge picked up the red jade lotus. This thing looked ordinary, but anyone who knew the existence of the blood lotus would definitely not think it was an ordinary thing!

But in this world, how many people still know the existence of blood lotus?

She was the blood lotus that Master planted in her body when she met Master the next day after she passed the last test in that pond.

The master said at the time that this blood lotus is a secret that only the saint and the king know, and it must not be mentioned to anyone.

It stands to reason that only she, the master and the monarch know about the blood lotus in this world.

It is impossible for Pei Shu to know the blood lotus without passing the last test.

Furthermore, there was Cang You who I saw at Liuxia Mountain in Pengcheng back then, but he didn't seem to need to do these things.

From Guiqing's memory just now, the monarch started to attack him as soon as he saw him. It is impossible to put this thing on Guiqing's body, so... only the person who can save Guiqing.

Who is it that saved Guiqing?
Pei Qingge held the jade blood lotus in her palm, but it seemed to be melted by the temperature of her palm. As she spread her hand, the lotus flower turned into a pool of red liquid, and the liquid quickly flowed from her palm to her chest. Wrist, arm.

While she was in a daze, Zuo Ci and the others also walked to the door.

They also heard the noise in the yard just now, and thought it was the prince and concubine who moved their hands. The three muttered for a while, and decided to come and see, at least to persuade the prince. What about the princess?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, the cook said that Pei Qingge's entourage was injured, and he just took the medicine and went in.

ASRock and the others don't know, but Zuo Ci still knows Guiqing's ability, so he hurried to take a look. If Guiqing is injured, it means that their opponent this time will be a headache, "My lord, my concubine, it's nothing Is it a big deal?"

"It's okay." Bai Jinye frowned slightly, knowing that he couldn't help here, and it seemed that Pei Qingge couldn't tell him even if he knew something, so he turned around and left.

But just as he took a step forward, he heard Zuo Ci shout exaggeratedly, "Princess!"

As soon as he turned around, he saw Pei Qingge lying on the ground with his eyes closed, not knowing anything about his personnel.

He could only walk back, bent down to pick Pei Qingge up from the ground, and walked to the bedroom.

"What's wrong with the princess?" Zuo Ci also followed, "We were fine when we entered the door just now, why did we suddenly faint? Did you work too hard these days?"

Bai Jinye turned his head and glanced at Zuo Ci.

Zuo Ci raised his hand and slapped himself on the face lightly, "Hey, look at this subordinate who has no memory, he can't help but care when he sees the princess fainted." He muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it the same for the prince? Did you immediately go forward and pick up the princess? You can't bear to lie on the ground for a moment longer."

"You care so much about her and why don't you ask the doctor to talk nonsense here?" Bai Jinye kicked open the door and walked in first.

Zuo Ci spread his hands and turned to invite the doctor.

The doctor came quickly, but he was at a loss what to do about Pei Qingge's situation. He took the silver needle and pricked it again and again, but Pei Qingge didn't wake up.

Zuo Ci stood aside, seeing the doctor's hands trembling a little, couldn't help but ask, "Can't you use another method? If you stick it any further, the princess will make you feel like a sieve, but you still haven't woken up."

The doctor was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground with a "plop", "My lord, please forgive me, the little one is not good at learning, and I really can't save the princess."

"No one is going to do anything to you." Zuo Ci muttered, looking up at Bai Jinye.

Bai Jinye frowned and looked at Pei Qingge who was lying motionless on the bed. The dead corpses walked out of the Ghost King Desert, all heading towards Moon City. At this stall, Guiqing was seriously injured, and Pei Qingge suddenly fell into a coma.

The two of them are obviously better than the others in dealing with the dead corpses, so at this time, the two of them have accidents one after another. Obviously, someone is manipulating them behind the scenes, and they don't want them to help deal with the dead corpses.

"You guys go out first." Bai Jinye waved his hand. He more or less understood Pei Qingge's ability. He was able to make Pei Qingge unconscious without anyone making a move. It must be a similar ability. In this case, it is normal Naturally, it was impossible for the doctor to wake her up.

Zuo Ci thought that it was useless for the doctor to stay here, so he hurried away with his people.

After going out, when he turned around to close the door, he saw Bai Jinye sitting beside the bed, helping Pei Qingge into his arms.

He closed the door quietly, and the prince and concubine probably couldn't break up again.

Seeing their prince like this, I'm afraid that if the princess wants to stab him with a knife, he will hand it over by himself.

Bai Jinye pulled away Pei Qingge's collar, looked at the red lotus on her shoulder, and frowned slightly. Last time, her body suddenly changed, and she recovered after the lotus sucked blood.

Now, I can only try.

Pei Qingge only felt that he was falling, unable to control his body at all.

When she stopped, she arrived at a world full of blood red.

In front of her was a blood-red pond, filled with lotus flowers, some were budding, some were about to bloom, and some were in full bloom.

She took a few steps forward when a voice suddenly sounded.

"Bai Jinye is dead, who will raise the lotus for you?"

Pei Qingge frowned, turned around and looked around, but did not see anyone, "Who are you? Where is this?"

"Bai Jinye is dead, who will raise the lotus for you?" The voice didn't answer her, but asked again.

"My business has nothing to do with you, let me out." Pei Qingge narrowed his eyes.

The voice laughed a few times, "It seems that when you planned to plot against Bai Jinye, you thought about this problem. Besides, among you saints, isn't there a rumor that the blood lotus will devour the Lord if you can't raise it? So you I would rather bear the backlash from the blood lotus than watch him die."

"Who the hell are you?" Pei Qingge asked again, "You put that red jade lotus flower on Guiqing's body? Just to lure me here? Why do you say that there are rumors between us saints?"

"Isn't it a rumor?" The other party laughed even more wantonly, "Don't talk about protecting the Lord, but eat the Lord, no wonder no one has cultivated blood lotus for thousands of years!"

Pei Qingge pursed his lips, and asked after thinking about it, "Are you... the Young Priest?"

"When you grow this blood lotus, I'll let you know who I am." The voice sighed, "It doesn't matter who's blood can grow a blood lotus. When I meet Bai Jinye, I don't know who I am." Whether it's your luck or his luck, it's all fate, it's all fate."

"What fate? Please speak clearly!" Pei Qingge couldn't help raising his voice, "Don't play tricks here!"

"Isn't it always been your saintess' forte to pretend to be gods?" The other party paused, "Forget it, forget it, it's still too early."

After his words fell, Pei Qingge felt as if he had been thrown out vigorously.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and she saw Bai Jinye's side face.

She subconsciously pushed him away, raised her hand and pulled the collar again, glanced at the blood on Bai Jinye's palm, and slightly pursed her lips, "It's fine, thank you."

Bai Jinye stood up, walked to the side, poured the golden sore medicine into his palm, bandaged the wound slowly, and then said in a flat tone, "You lotus can only absorb the blood of the king, right?"

 rumors kill people

  Who would have thought that after holding back until Chapter 125, he vaguely mentioned another blood lotus?
  Aww, I rack my brains every day, please give more votes

(End of this chapter)

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