The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 126 Listening to your prince, you still care about me?

Chapter 126 Listening to your prince, you still care about me?

Pei Qingge frowned, staring at Bai Jinye's back.

"This king is not a good man and a faithful woman. You want the entire palace to be destroyed, but this king will save you with blood? Anyway, Zuo Ci has always thought that you are a good princess in his heart, so it is not an exaggeration to let him bleed a little?" Bai Jinye Then he turned to look at Pei Qingge, "But it can only be the blood of this king, right?"

Pei Qingge didn't think that Bai Jinye would discover this secret if she hit her right. She was silent for a while before saying, "So what?"

"So what?" Bai Jinye chuckled, "Obviously needing this king's blood, and wanting to trap the entire palace into injustice, this really confuses this king. Even if there is revenge, there is no need If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred, right?"

Pei Qingge lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Bai Jinye seemed to know that he would not hear any answers from Pei Qingge, but waited for a while before saying, "This king is going to the barracks, you and Guiqing can continue to live here."

After speaking, he walked away.

After he went out, Pei Qingge checked his body carefully, and there was nothing unusual. Then he fainted just now, it should be because of the red jade stone lotus.

If Bai Jinye was not around, she would probably wake up by herself after a while.

Pursing her lips, Pei Qingge got off the bed. She was still not worried about Guiqing, so she planned to go over and guard him.

As soon as he walked outside the door, he saw Zuo Ci standing not far from the door.

She frowned. Since Zuo Ci already knew what she did to Bai Jinye, there must be a gap between her. Although she didn't want to implicate others in this kind of thing, it has already happened, and it is impossible to make up for it.

She withdrew her gaze and continued walking towards Gui Qing's room.

Zuo Ci had no choice but to walk over by himself, "Princess, this subordinate really can't figure it out. If you have a grudge against the prince, you can beat him and scold him. The prince should not be as knowledgeable as you, but does it have to be like this? You say it's like us It’s okay for those who are strong, but Nanny Zhang and the others are all old, how can they bear it in a cold and damp prison cell?”

"My lord is here, but they haven't been fully convicted. They are still looking at his thin noodles. At least they have food and clothing. Now that my lord has come to Yuecheng, I don't know how much they will suffer."

"Perhaps there will be a torture at this time. When the lord returns to Beijing in the future, the emperor will show the lord the confession that they have pressed their fingerprints admitting the lord's treason, and at that time there may not even be a living."

"The subordinates all advised the prince not to come to Moon City. The purpose of coming to Moon City is for the people of Tianfeng Kingdom, but in the end, these people belong to the emperor, so what does it have to do with the prince? It's better to be in prison, at least the four will be reunited after death. "

Pei Qingge didn't answer Zuoci's words. He said that obviously to scare her. Since Bai Jinye is going to come to Yuecheng, he will naturally settle down with other people. If he doesn't make any deal with the emperor, he won't easily come alone. , "What are you doing here? Why don't you go to the military camp with your prince?"

"Hey." Zuo Ci sighed, "Isn't this subordinate hurt? The prince has long said that he will not let his subordinates go to the battlefield. This time, he didn't want to bring his subordinates with him. He wanted to bring Sikong with him, but the emperor didn't Accurate." He said with a sneer, "Who doesn't understand that the emperor is so small? Sikong is the leader of the army, and his subordinates are now just the general manager of the palace. What can they do for the prince?"

Only then did Pei Qingge remember that Zuo Ci had said about his injury before, but now it is indeed time to employ people, if Zuo Ci's injury can be cured, it will also be a help.

While talking, he also entered Guiqing's room.

Pei Qingge checked it carefully again. After a while, Guiqing no longer vomited blood from her mouth. At least the internal injuries were gradually healing themselves, and the rest would slowly heal.

She pulled the quilt over and covered Gui Qing, then turned around and walked to the table, and wrote a list with a pen and paper, "You follow this list to prepare the medicinal materials, and I will help you take out the arrowhead on your shoulder later."

Zuo Ci was overjoyed, if he recovers now, he can continue to help the prince!
He quickly took the list, paused, the smile on his face disappeared slowly, and put the list back on the table, "Forget it, the subordinate should stop owing the princess, and the princess doesn't have to worry about the injury of the subordinate." , let the subordinate die in the prison.”

Pei Qingge looked up at him, "You really think so?"

Zuo Ci poked his neck and nodded.

Pei Qingge smiled, and when she looked away, she glanced at Zuo Ci's hands. There were no wounds on them. The smile on the corner of her mouth froze for a moment before she asked, "When I fainted just now, I heard from your lord that you still Do you care about me?"

"This subordinate is just running errands, so he can't do much except go to the doctor." Zuo Ci said, watching Pei Qingge's face carefully from the corner of his eye, "Besides, the one who cares most about the princess must be the prince. The doctor can't save the princess, the prince But I was so anxious that I set off a fire to drive my subordinates and others out, and I don’t know how anxious I was when I hugged the princess."

Anyway, Pei Qingge was dizzy at the time, what did he say, could Pei Qingge go to Bai Jinye for verification?

Pei Qingge narrowed his eyes slightly, Bai Jinye was indeed cheating on her!

"Hey, princess, did you understand what I said so much?" Zuo Ci couldn't help but worry when he saw Pei Qingge's unresponsive appearance, "No matter what the reason, even though you did this, the lord doesn't seem to blame you. , can you understand the good intentions of the prince?"

Pei Qingge didn't say anything, but just pushed the paper sheet back in front of Zuo Ci, "Since you know his good intentions so well, hurry up and prepare these medicinal materials, I'll take out the arrowhead, and after you heal your wounds, continue to serve your lord .”

Zuo Ci stomped his feet anxiously, grabbed the list in front of him angrily, turned around and left angrily.

Seeing him go, Pei Qingge clenched his hands into fists slightly, turned his head to look at Guiqing, and narrowed his eyes.

Zuo Ci prepared all the medicinal materials that day, and the next day the weather was also good and the sun was very bright. Pei Qingge helped him take out the arrowhead.

There were only two bedrooms in the General's Mansion, so she could only ask the concierge and the cook to help build a simple bed in Guiqing's room, and let Zuo Ci stay here to recuperate.

In this way, when she takes care of Gui Qing, it is also convenient for her to take care of Zuo Ci.

Zuo Ci didn't ask anyone to tell Bai Jinye about this matter. One is that the enemy is now at hand, so there is no need to distract him with such a trivial matter, and he really wants to surprise Bai Jinye.

So over the years, he has never taken the medicine obediently like this time, hoping that his injury will recover quickly.

When his wounds had scabbed away and granulation began to itch so much that he tried hard not to scratch every day, Bai Jinye finally returned to the General's Mansion for the first time in so many days.

Zuo Ci rushed out to greet him, but before he had time to tell the good news, Bai Jinye said to the porter, "Go to the inn and let me know, and take Mei Junwu and Tang An outside the city. Army, you can’t just do nothing.”

After speaking, Bai Jinye took his token and handed it to Zuoci, "Take the warrant and go to Liyang, and let them prepare to take over the people of Yuecheng."

As soon as Zuo Ci heard Bai Jinye's words, he knew that things were more troublesome than he imagined, so he quickly took the token, "Yes."

Bai Jinye squinted his eyes, and continued, "Also, let the defenders of Liyang deploy their defenses on Zhuya, and we must not let the dead corpses walk through Zhuya alive!"

 Please recommend tickets, my dears, there are so few recommended tickets recently

(End of this chapter)

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