Chapter 209 Master
The corpse aura on Bai Jinye's body was covered by Pei Qingge, so others couldn't feel it, but he didn't know if Pei Qingge couldn't feel it either.

So after returning to Shengjing, the first thing he did was to go to Puning Street.

He had already told Pei Qingge that he was going to leave overnight, go back from her, pack up and leave.

At this time, he should have been on the way. If Pei Qingge felt his breath nearby, he would know that he hadn't left, and at least he should react a bit.

He stood outside Pei Qingge's shop for a while, staring at the window of her room on the second floor.

But there was no movement at all.

After another cup of tea, he turned and left.

After his figure disappeared, the window on the second floor opened a gap.

Pei Qingge squinted at the direction Bai Jinye left. He didn't go to Xihe City, and he didn't even have the mask of disguise.

If he didn't want others to discover his identity, he wouldn't take off his mask.

So either someone took his mask and went to Xihe City for him.

By doing this, Bai Jinye deliberately wanted others to think that he had left Shengjing.

But this time he came back, and he came here specially, what is he going to do?
Tell her he hasn't left?
Since he had no intention of leaving at all, he ran over again tonight and told her why he was going to Xihe City?
Or... he actually just wanted to make her think he left Shengjing?
Pei Qingge tapped on the window lattice lightly, accidentally touched the window with his wrist, and opened the gap a little wider. A ray of moonlight shone in through the gap, and a miserable cry suddenly sounded in the room.

It was loud and harsh, but it didn't wake anyone nearby.

Because only Pei Qingge could hear this voice, she sneered, closed the window, turned around and looked into the darkness, her voice was cold and bloodthirsty, "Knowing that I'm not popular, I should say what I should say earlier , so I can send you to reincarnation, Master!"

Bai Jinye returned to the mansion, and as soon as he entered, Yubei greeted him, "Master, everything you ordered has been arranged."

"En." Bai Jinye responded, "It's not urgent, it's almost dawn, go back and rest, we'll talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do."

Yubei scratched his head. He really wanted to go back straight after finishing his work, but when someone came to the house, he followed him. It turned out to be a thin-looking man carrying a crying The woman, the man threw the man at the door, said that the man was to be dealt with by their master, and left after speaking.

The woman cried for a long time, but could not utter a word.

He was so annoyed by the question, so he was taken away first, planning to wait for Bai Jinye to come back to see if he knew this person. He was just about to leave, but he just happened to meet Bai Jinye coming back.

"Master, two hours ago, someone brought a girl. The girl kept crying and refused to speak. The person who sent her said that this girl will be handed over to you. Look..."

Bai Jinye frowned, why do people keep sending women to him?
I don't know which one is playing tricks again.

He didn't want to worry about it at all, "If someone sends someone here, you just keep it? Can't you just send it away?"

"Uh..." Yubei paused, and then quickly added, "It is said that he was a servant of Prince Su's mansion, so he sent it here."

Bai Jinye glanced at him just now, Zuoci just praised Yubei for his carefulness, so he put the most important information at the end and said, "Where is the person?"

"Your subordinate will bring it here." Yubei said as he hurried down.

After a while, the person was brought to the hall.

Bai Jinye was taken aback, but he didn't expect this person to be Sang Yu!

Obviously, it was Pei Qingge who sent her here.

"What's going on?" Bai Jinye stood up, looked at Sang Yu, and clenched his hands slightly into fists, "What happened? How is she?"

He didn't wear a mask anymore, and when Sang Yu saw him, he really confirmed Zuo Ci's words, the prince is not dead, the prince is still alive, and he is in Shengjing!
After hearing Bai Jinye's question, she quickly shook her head, "No, it's the servant girl. The servant girl made the lady angry, so the lady kicked the servant girl out."

Bai Jinye narrowed her eyes. Pei Qingge is not someone who easily gets angry with others. After she returned to Shengjing, she asked Sang Yu to come back and serve her by her side, which proved that she still believed in Sang Yu. She throws it out?
And if Pei Qingge was really angry and chased people away, he just drove them out of the door, and there was no need to personally send people to him, "What's going on?"

Sang Yu wiped away her tears, "This servant...has been a little scared recently, and I didn't know who to tell him before, but when I saw Mr. Zuo today, I said a few more words to Mr. Zuo, Miss... Miss thinks this slave is too talkative. "

She lowered her head as she spoke, the appearance of Pei Qingge just now really frightened her.

She just appeared behind her so suddenly, with a cold expression and no warmth in her voice.

She used to think that Pei Qingge was very gentle towards everyone, but she never thought that her angry appearance seemed to be scarier than the former Concubine Zhang.

Bai Jinye frowned, if it was just because of this, Pei Qingge didn't have to do this.

He walked around the hall a few times, stopped to look outside the door, and asked after a while, "What else did she say?"

"She just said that since the slave girl thinks the people in the former palace are good, then continue to serve the people in the former palace and don't stay by her side." Sang Yu quickly explained, "The slave really doesn't think the lady is bad, it's just ... It's just that in the past, the left manager was in charge of all the miscellaneous affairs in the palace, and the slaves would go to him for anything, and he would help them to solve it. This time... this time, the slaves really held back for a long time. The servant will never say anything, it is impossible for the servant to tell others about the young lady!"

"I see." Bai Jinye turned to look at Yubei, "Let's take her down to rest first."

Yubei nodded, and could tell that this maid was supposed to take care of the princess before, so... the person who sent her here just now should be the princess?
The queen's skill is really good.

After Sang Yu left, Bai Jinye sat down again. That trivial matter was obviously not enough to make Pei Qingge lose his temper, but she sent Sang Yu over after he and Zuo Ci left.

What does she want to do?

Bai Jinye sighed, got up and walked out.

Yubei settled in Sangyu, and was already very sleepy. When he was about to go home to sleep, he saw Bai Jinye going out again, and he couldn't help yawning. The prince is so energetic, doesn't he even need to sleep?

 Today’s update is too late, so let’s make up for one more chapter~
  Ask for a recommendation ticket
  Master, she finally came out


(End of this chapter)

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