Chapter 210

Pei Qingge's life hasn't changed much, he still does fortune-telling in the morning and leaves the city in the afternoon.

And since Xiao Chihan went out with her once that day, he waited at the gate of the city every day, at first he made excuses to find a way to go out with her, but later he didn't even make excuses at all, and when he saw her coming, he just followed her and even sometimes to see her in Pnin Street, and then we went out of town together.

In the past few days, Xiao Chihan probably also noticed that Pei Qingge wanted to find a place with good feng shui, so after returning, he also told Xiao Gongjin about it.

Xiao Gongjin is the most familiar with the terrain around Shengjing, and he probably has a good idea of ​​the geomantic omen everywhere.

Of course, there is also one place that is the best. He originally planned to move the Xiao family's ancestral grave here for use, but that place is deep in the mountains and the road is not easy to walk. It is very troublesome for the younger generation to pay homage .

So he has been struggling, so he hasn't moved the grave yet.

Now that he knew that Pei Qingge was looking for a treasure land of geomantic omen, he could indeed take the opportunity to give this land away, so Pei Qingge would naturally accept the favor.

He told Xiao Chihan the exact location of the land, and Xiao Chihan led Pei Qingge there the next day.

Pei Qingge looked at this place, "There are photos in the front, backs, and a jade belt around the waist. It is indeed a rare geomantic treasure. If it is a cemetery, it is an excellent choice."

Xiao Chihan quickly nodded in response, "Yes, maybe you can use this piece of land?"

"I don't need it." Pei Qingge shook his head, "I don't have any relatives who have passed away, so why do I need such a place?"

Xiao Chihan looked embarrassed, it seemed that he might have misunderstood it.

"Your family should keep this piece of land, it's good to be a ancestral grave." Pei Qingge continued to walk forward as he said.

Xiao Chihan followed him again, "I don't know what kind of place you are looking for. My grandfather is more or less familiar with the Fengshui terrain around Shengjing. If you tell me, he may be able to give some advice, which is better than you here. It's much more reliable to wander around in the mountains."

"The place I'm looking for is called Zangsha Land, which can dispel evil spirits, and he probably doesn't know about it." Pei Qingge sighed, "This place is not easy to find, but..."

When she said this, she also stopped, squinting and looking forward.

Xiao Chihan also followed her gaze.

Not far ahead, there is a cave, the cave is not big, but the surrounding of the cave is bare, there is no grass, only the bones of some animals.

Pei Qingge looked there, then turned his head to look at the feng shui treasure land just now, and smiled lightly, "No wonder."

"Is it there?" Xiao Chihan had studied with Xiao Gongjin, so he could probably tell.

"En." Pei Qingge replied, "The Zangsha Land absorbs and dissolves the evil energy around it, so that a unique Fengshui treasure land can be formed next to it. Although it was not mentioned in the previous book, it seems that the Zangsha Land and Fengshui treasure land should be Live together."

After she finished speaking, she turned and looked at Xiao Chihan, "Let's go, go back, tell your grandpa by the way when you get home, my side is ready."

Xiao Chihan immediately understood that it turned out that Pei Qingge had been looking for this place for so many days because of their family's affairs, so he quickly clasped his fists together, "Mr. Pei has worked hard."

Pei Qingge turned to look at him, and was about to speak when he suddenly stopped and took a step back.

Seeing her stop, Xiao Chihan was a little confused, so he could only look past her and saw a snake winding on the road ahead, he smiled, "I heard from grandpa that generally a treasure land with excellent geomantic omen , there will always be snakes, and if there are snakes in the ancestral graveyard of any family, it is also a good omen."

"That's true." Pei Qingge replied, but still didn't move.

Xiao Chihan looked at her sideways, "Mr. Pei is not afraid of snakes, is he?"

Pei Qingge frowned, "What? No way?"

"I'll just drive it away." This kind of snake can't be hit, so Xiao Chihan picked up a wooden stick from the side, trying to drive the snake away.

But the snake not only didn't go away, but also vomited the snake letter towards Xiao Chihan, looking provocative.

Xiao Chihan frowned, trying to pick the snake away with a wooden stick.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the wooden stick touched the snake's body, the snake suddenly jumped up on the spot, and jumped straight in the direction of Pei Qingge.

Pei Qingge stood behind him, and when the snake jumped past him, he quickly raised his hand to grab the snake's body.

It's just that the moment Pei Qingge saw the snake leaping up, he was still so frightened that he took several steps back, slipped on his foot, and rolled down the hillside.

Xiao Chihan didn't care too much, he threw the snake out casually, and went to grab Pei Qingge.

He grabbed Pei Qingge's wrist, but he still couldn't resist the force of her falling, so he also fell forward.

The hillside is actually not steep, Pei Qingge was just frightened, even if he fell, he stopped after rolling a few times, but Xiao Chihan also rushed over, not only rolled a few more times, but was also crushed by him, Pei Qingge's face turned blue.

The moment he fell down, Xiao Chihan also felt that something was wrong.

After stopping, he quickly got up, sat on the ground and backed away, looking at Pei Qingge with some surprise, ""

Pei Qingge stood up clutching his chest, frowned and stared at Xiao Chihan, "What me? If you dare to say it, I won't care about your Xiao family's affairs anymore."

Xiao Chihan quickly stood up, blushed, swallowed again, "I... I don't know, sorry, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to hold you, I didn't expect..."

Pei Qingge ignored him, turned around and continued walking down the mountain.

"Pei Xian...Miss Pei." Xiao Chihan chased after him, "Don't worry, I will definitely not tell others."

"Then pay attention to your address." Pei Qingge glanced at him.

Xiao Chihan nodded, pursed his lips, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He used to go out with Pei Qingge before, and he could always chat a little bit everywhere. He thought it would be nice to have such a good brother, but suddenly the best brother in his heart became a girl, and he had never been alone with a girl since he was a child. After getting along, I couldn't even find the topic in an instant.

So this time, he sent Pei Qingge to Puning Street and ran away in a hurry without saying a word.

Yubei stood at the door, looked at Xiao Chihan's back as he ran away in a hurry, frowned slightly, and then walked over respectfully, "Sir, this is what my master told me before. You send it over."

Pei Qingge took over the list, there were not many names, only eight, "Okay." She nodded, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "What else did he say?"

Yubei thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, the master has nothing else to say, just say that during this period, if the husband comes to me, then the matter that the husband told must be handled properly."

"Understood." After finishing speaking, Pei Qingge put away the list and walked into the store. After taking two steps, he turned and looked at Yubei as if he had just remembered something, "Did he say when he will be back?"

"This..." It turned out that the concubine didn't know that the prince didn't go to Xihe City, and Yubei didn't dare to say more, "The master never said such a thing."

Pei Qingge just smiled, "Then when he comes back, tell him to come and find me."

 It's so hard to write chapters these days

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(End of this chapter)

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