Chapter 233 You Led Me Here?

"Hey, what's the matter?" Xiao Chihan was taken aback for a moment, and quickly followed.

Bai Jinye didn't answer Xiao Chihan's words, but just walked forward according to memory.

He definitely hadn't walked this road before, but he remembered all the details in his dream, and he could match this road.

It's just that in the dream it seems that I only walked for one night, but if I really want to walk, it won't be that close.

Until noon, according to his memory, he only walked for a short distance.

It seemed impossible to pass by quickly, so he stopped and turned to look at Xiao Chihan, who was eating dry food while walking.

Xiao Chihan also handed over one, "Aren't you hungry?"

It is true that Bai Jinye can not eat, but if he has not eaten or slept, Xiao Chihan will definitely be suspicious.

He took the dry food, paused, and said, "Last night, I dreamed that someone was guiding me, and I was heading in this direction. Anyway, there is no map, and I don't know how to walk the rest of the way. Just go and have a look. "

Xiao Chihan swallowed what was in his mouth, "Then tell me, I thought something happened."

Bai Jinye found a flat place to sit down, so last night was really strange. For the first time in a long time, there was a change in his dream. Was it because he was close to the old site of the "Shen Ming Gong" lineage?Has he been affected, or is it because of his blood that it is also attracting him there?
The speed of the two of them is not slow, but it took six days to reach the place that Bai Jinye had visited in his dream.

This is at the bottom of a valley, the terrain is flat and wide enough, it would be a good place to build a house here.

Bai Jinye swept away the grass, and indeed saw the courtyard wall he had seen in his dream, "This should be here."

Xiao Chihan also squatted down and looked at the courtyard wall, "Indeed, someone must have lived here, but...even if everyone left and the courtyard wall collapsed, there should always be some other traces left on the ground, but apart from this Why are the foundations of several courtyard walls gone? Building a house always needs tiles and wooden beams, right?"

"In the deep mountains, I don't think too complicated materials will be used. If it collapses, it may also rot. It's just that the courtyard wall is built with mud, so the foundation can still be seen." Bai Jinye looked around. He opened his mouth and said, "And I don't know how many years have passed, it's good to have a little trace left."

Xiao Chihan looked at him, "That means that people from the lineage of 'Shenming Gong' are no longer here? There are only some ruins left here, and there must be no living people." He said a little disappointed, Sitting down on the ground.

"En." Bai Jinye responded.

"Then what are you looking for? Would they leave a line here to tell you where they moved?" Xiao Chihan asked again.

Bai Jinye turned his head and looked at him, "Look for it, what if they left something behind? Besides, since someone led us here in my dream, there must be some purpose, even if they are not around Yes, the soul may still be there."

"That's true." Xiao Chihan stood up again, and together with Bai Jinye, began to search along the courtyard wall inch by inch.

This search lasted for several days. When the vegetation is luxuriant, it takes a lot of effort to cut through the vegetation and check the ground.

On the evening of the eighth day, Xiao Chihan's patience was almost exhausted. He was about to say something to Bai Jinye when he suddenly looked into the distance, then slowly moved to Bai Jinye's side, raised his hand and stabbed him. stabbed him.

Bai Jinye looked at him, and then followed his gaze. The grass and trees not far away moved automatically without wind.

Xiao Chihan squeezed a few seals on his hand, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Pei won't give you anything for self-defense, right? Just in case I can't take care of you, take care of yourself."

Bai Jinye pursed his lips, and took out the Ling Chi knife.

Xiao Chihan's eyes fell on the knife, and after looking at it for a while, he said, "The knife is a good knife, but it can't be used often."

Bai Jinye knew that he had recognized Ling Chi Dao, and it was true that ordinary people couldn't use it frequently, but Pei Qingge also said that it had no effect on him.

The wind quickly picked up around the two of them, and the sky was getting darker and darker. Bai Jinye could only resist the approaching danger by feeling.

Fortunately, there is a sword soul on his sword, so it is not a blind attack.

It's just that he couldn't see where Xiao Chihan was after a while. Although he could occasionally hear a voice from a certain direction, he knew that Xiao Chihan was probably facing the enemy there, but he only wanted to go to Xiao Chihan's side. , it will be blocked by invisible forces.

A heavy blow hit him, and he fell to the ground. Before he could get up, something grabbed his ankle and dragged him into the woods.

He had no choice but to insert the Ling Chi knife into the soil, trying to stop the force being dragged.

But the strength of the other party was also great, Ling Chi's knife was completely submerged, and he was still dragged to draw deep marks on the ground.

When he was dragged along, he felt the blade pause, but Ling Chi Dao quickly cut off the obstacle. At that time, he thought that the blade was too sharp, and there was no way to stop him from being dragged. He was thinking of other things. When he was trying to find a way, the ground suddenly collapsed, and he fell all of a sudden.

And the strength that grabbed his ankle disappeared instantly. Fortunately, the collapse wasn't too deep, so he fell to the ground below.

He stood up, looked up and looked outside, those things he couldn't see seemed to have some taboo against this deep pit, and didn't follow in.

He called Xiao Chihan's name several times, but there was no response from Xiao Chihan's side.

He frowned slightly, turned around and looked at the pit he fell into.

The surrounding area was empty and there was nothing. He narrowed his eyes slightly and walked in one direction. After walking for a while, he reached the end. He raised his hand to touch the wall. The wall was very smooth, which should be traces of man-made.

So although there are courtyard walls on the ground, the ruins are actually not on the ground, but underground?

It's just that he and Xiao Chihan also knocked on the ground in the past two days, but they didn't hear that it was empty below, and they didn't dig anything.

It seems that the descendants of "Shenming Gong" hid here, and for the sake of safety, many measures were taken to protect their traces.

Just as he was thinking, Xiao Chihan's voice came from the collapsed hole, "Brother Chu, are you there? Did you fall down here? There is no danger up there. Do you come up first or should I go down? Do you want to help?" ?”

Bai Jinye was about to say yes when someone covered her mouth from behind.

This person approached so silently that he didn't even feel a trace of breath!

But the other party didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything to him, probably just didn't want him to make a sound.

He paused for a while, then turned his head to look, and the people behind him were no strangers.

It was the woman he had frequently dreamed about in his dreams before, but she seemed to have not been in his dreams for a long time, "Is it you?" Bai Jinye was a little different, "It was you who led me here of?"

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(End of this chapter)

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