Chapter 234 Huangquan Road

Pei Zimo didn't speak, he pulled Bai Jinye to a far corner before stopping.

Bai Jinye looked at her with some joy, "You can appear in my dream and lead me here, are you a descendant of 'Shen Ming Gong'?"

"I'm not, and I didn't lead you here." Pei Zimo frowned slightly. The map she gave Bai Jinye was only part of it, and she couldn't go on. Only descendants of Lord Ming can find it, "I won't stay here for long, you remember what I said. Although there are some traces of people living here, or some ruins of houses that have collapsed, these are not yours. looking for."

"The place you are looking for is not in this world at all. You need to go through Huangquan Road to get there. You have to find a way to draw Huangquan Road out of your dream and control it so that you can get to where you want to go."

As she spoke, she glanced not far away, and continued, "Don't trust anyone, everyone around you now has their own goals."

"Then who are you?" Bai Jinye looked at her and asked softly.

Pei Zimo didn't answer this question, but said, "Bai Jinye, you can only rely on yourself."

"Then why should I trust you?" Bai Jinye frowned.

"You don't have to believe me, can't let Pei Qingge die." After Pei Zimo finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Bai Jinye grabbed his arm.

"What do you mean?" Bai Jinye squeezed her wrist with great force, as if it was about to be crushed.

Pei Zimo looked behind him again, and the speed of his speech also increased slightly, "Not everyone in your blood can open the way to the underworld. I don't know how many years it will take for someone to have such ability. But if you live comfortably, This bloodline is not very useful, from ancient times to the present, anyone who can develop a bloodline like yours is someone who has lost their loved ones."

Bai Jinye frowned slightly, "What you mean is that Pei Qingge also knew this, that's why she..."

"Yes, she is still waiting for you to save her." After Pei Zimo's words fell, Xiao Chihan's voice came from not far away——

"Brother Chu, are you in front?"

Before Bai Jinye could answer, his hand was empty, and the person in front of him disappeared out of thin air.

He pursed his lips. When she was in his dream, he said she was dead, so was it just a soul?

After standing for a while, he turned around and looked at Xiao Chihan who was approaching, "Is everything outside settled?"

"En." Xiao Chihan responded, "I don't know where the ghost sender came from. It seems that we have been followed all the way. We found this place, and the other party knew about it, so they let ghost sender Show up, intend to kill people."

Bai Jinye looked at him, "Thanks to Mr. Xiao, if it's just me, I'm afraid I'll be in a lot of trouble."

Xiao Chihan looked around, "It's a little effort. It turns out that the ruins are not on the ground, but underground."

"It seems so." Bai Jinye nodded, "I also bumped in by mistake just now."

"It's no wonder that we haven't gotten anything up there for so many years." Xiao Chihan took out a torch from his pocket and lit it up, "But I didn't seem to feel that the bottom is empty, and now it looks like it's thanks to these ghosts. "

Xiao Chihan turned around and found two torches from the wall. After lighting them, he handed one to Bai Jinye.

The torches illuminated the surroundings, and it looked like a large hall in front of him. Except for a few pillars, it was the surrounding walls.

The two searched around, and finally found a very hidden secret door.

But when you open the secret door, there is only a small platform behind, and there is no way after that, and it is so dark that you can't see anything in the distance.

Looking at the abyss in front of him, Xiao Chihan frowned, "What's the situation? Are you going to climb down?"

Looking in front of him, Bai Jinye probably knew that, as the woman said just now, the road ahead could only be walked on Huangquan Road, and he needed to lead Huangquan Road out.

He recalled the previous two times when Huangquan Road was led out by him, both of which turned the original ground into Huangquan Road, so it must not be the case.

To extend Huangquan Road in one direction, even in an empty place, a road can be created.

Bai Jinye was silent for a while, then sat down where he was, thinking about Zhang Mingche's previous book.

Zhang Mingche said that at the end of his practice, he felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know why, probably because the road in his dream was not Huangquan Road, so he couldn't continue to practice.

Back then, Zhang Mingche was the only one who survived, and he carried the only book with him. There must be a way to open the way back to the old site in this book.

Xiao Chihan didn't expect the current situation to be like this. Seeing Bai Jinye sitting down on the spot, he thought he had been hit, "Brother Chu, don't worry, let's think of another way."

Bai Jinye didn't say a word. He could already memorize that book completely. Anyway, for him, he had plenty of time, so he started to recall it slowly from the beginning.

Xiao Chihan didn't know what he was doing, but he felt that he couldn't just sit like this, so he continued to search around in the empty hall to see if he could find another way.

After turning around in the hall, Xiao Chihan ran to the ground to search again.

But after a few days, nothing was found.

"Brother Chu, I received news from home that the person we have been looking for has been found." Xiao Chihan jumped off the ground and ran towards Bai Jinye happily.

Bai Jinye frowned slightly, and turned to look over.

Xiao Chihan looked at him, "Don't sit here, go with me, maybe there is something he can do."

Bai Jinye knew that they had heard the news from Jincheng, and after so long, they must have confirmed it before sending a letter to Xiao Chihan. He shook his head, "If there is something wrong with your family, please go ahead and Go back, she asked me to come here before she died, there must be a reason for coming here, I won't go."

Xiao Chihan stared at him for a while, knowing that there was no way to force him, hesitated for a while, and left him all the food and water he had now, "Brother Chu, be careful here alone, I have to go home Go and have a look, you also know about our family, if he wants to marry my sister, I have to be here."

Bai Jinye nodded, "Thank you Mr. Xiao for accompanying me this journey."

"No, Mr. Pei is also because of..." Xiao Chihan stopped talking, and didn't continue, "Brother Chu, take care."

Bai Jinye turned his head and watched Xiao Chihan leave. He didn't look back until he couldn't feel his breath. He raised his eyes and continued to look at the abyss in front of him. In front of him, a road that only he could see was slowly moving. The extension, although it only stopped after extending for more than ten feet, it has proved that he has already started to succeed.

He pursed his lips lightly and closed his eyes again.

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(End of this chapter)

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