Chapter 253 Orthodoxy
Of course Pei Zimo couldn't understand the things that Pei Li couldn't figure out, but she probably knew something about the "Eleven Duke" dispute, so she told Pei Li about the bloodline of the lotus and the blood lotus over again.

"Oh?" Pei Li raised his eyebrows, "They're doing this? No wonder. But I'm afraid you all know this and don't know why."

As she spoke, she opened her collar, and on her shoulders, there were actually two blood lotuses that had fully bloomed.

Pei Zimo looked at her in surprise, " already had blood lotus at that time? Then what were they doing afterwards?"

"The reason why the Saintess' lineage can be one of the twelve powers together with the 'Eleven Lords' is because the bloodline of the Saintesses' lineage itself is not ordinary. This blood lotus is actually awakened from their 'Eleventh Lords' The bloodline of the lotus is also a little bit related. You are right, the Nine Heavens Xuannv gave them two lotus seeds, but those two seeds are the lotus seeds of the Saintess' line."

"That kind of seed was originally only suitable for the bloodline of the Saintess, but it was given to them by Nine Heavens Xuannv after re-refining the seeds, but it is just for strengthening the body, and it has long been incomparable with the blood lotus itself. "Pei Li sighed as he said, "I just didn't expect that after so many years, they have been passed down to be orthodox, and the orthodox ones have become demon lotus instead."

"Then what they said, later on, there was a person who developed a blood lotus, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, without his own consciousness, and needed Huajingyu to awaken his consciousness, so what happened?" Pei Zimo frowned.

Pei Li shook his head slightly, "I'm not sure about that, but if their dispute was about that unconscious blood lotus, and that blood lotus had already been suppressed by them in Beiming Kingdom at that time, all these things happened there. Before the next darkness, when I go back, I should be able to feel the breath of that blood lotus, but I don't."

"This kind of breath is very unique, just like when you came in, I knew you were the descendant of the saint, and you have blood lotus on your body. Although the blood lotus on your body has not yet started to grow, the breath is weak, but even a seed , I can also feel that if the blood lotus has been cultivated, then I can definitely feel the powerful aura."

Pei Zimo sighed. The inheritance of the saint is really lost. When she comes to her, she doesn't even know what the breath of the blood lotus is. "Then do you know that there is a lotus pond in Beiming Kingdom? They say Under that lotus pond is the place where the blood lotus was suppressed, there was no lotus pond there before, and it gradually grew after suppressing her."

"That's even more impossible." Pei Li shook his head, "I know that lotus pond, I went to see it, the lotus pond should have been moved from the residence of the Twelve Peaks saintess, and the appearance of the pond has not changed. "

Pei Zimo looked at Pei Li. This time, she didn't even know where to ask the question in her heart. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Then do you know Hua Jingyu?"

"I've heard of it." After speaking, Pei Li smiled again, "But what I heard is not the same as you. That thing is for nourishing the soul, and has nothing to do with awakening consciousness. Legend has it that after the soul arrives in the underworld, if If the soul is incomplete or damaged, if they are reincarnated, they will either go to the animal realm, or they will be born as fools. But some people have great blessings, so they will first send their souls to Huajing Yushan to recuperate."

"After their souls have recuperated, they will be reincarnated according to their blessings. This Huajing Jade can only be picked from Huajing Jade Mountain, and Huajing Jade Mountain is in the underworld. The possibility of getting it is very slim. But ...The lineage of 'Shenming Gong' travels the Yin and Yang realms, so it would not be surprising if you really got it."

Pei Zimo was about to speak again when she heard a vague voice calling her.

"Someone is looking for you." Pei Li looked at her and smiled, raised his hand and waved it, and the soul-locking jade flute flew out from Pei Zimo's cuff.

The soul-locking jade flute was originally on Pei Qingge's body, but it was taken away by Bai Jinye after she died. After confirming Pei Zimo's identity, Bai Jinye gave the jade flute to her again.

Pei Li played with the soul-locking jade flute in his hand, "I really haven't seen this thing for many years, I didn't expect you are still using it now."

Pei Zimo frowned slightly, "I was told before that this soul-locking jade flute is an inheritance of the saint. The one passed to me by my master at that time was broken and fell off the cliff and disappeared. I got a perfect soul-locking jade flute."

"So, you probably don't know how to use this thing." Pei Li said helplessly, "This thing was once owned by the Saintess lineage."

Pei Zimo's face was slightly embarrassed, that is to say, the soul-locking jade flute was not a rare item at all in Pei Li's time.

Pei Li played with it for a while, paused his fingers slightly, held the soul-locking stone and looked at it for a while, his face became slightly solemn, and flicked the soul-locking stone with his nails.

A spirit suddenly flew out from the soul-locking stone and landed on the ground. It was a tall and thick man.

He looked around in a daze, and finally his eyes fell on Pei Li, and he quickly knelt down, "Master."

Pei Li chuckled, grabbed it casually, and stuffed the spirit back into the Soul Locking Stone.

"So this soul-locking jade flute is yours?" Seeing this scene, Pei Zimo naturally understood.

"I lost it when I crossed the immortal calamity. I didn't expect it to fall into your hands by fate. This soul is the spirit of the soul-locking stone. In this world, my soul-locking stone is probably the only one that has become a spirit." Pei Li He stroked the tassel on the soul-locking stone.

"Now it can be regarded as returning to the original owner." Pei Zimo said, no wonder this thing is in Tianfeng Kingdom. After Pei Li was left behind, whoever picked it up, it has been passed down here for so many years, and later After tossing and turning, it fell into the hands of Concubine Zhang.

"What do I want this for?" Pei Li shook his head and said, "Since it fell into your hands, it is also destined, I just saw that this thing is the only thing suitable for possession on your body."

Pei Zimo raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you planning to leave here?"

"Yeah, since you happened to be here, and you don't understand so much, as a senior, there is nothing wrong with me teaching you more. Besides..." Pei Li narrowed his eyes as he said, "The two of us In the middle, there are still some links that are not right, so I have to find the answer, right? At least I have to know who sealed me here."

Pei Zimo nodded, and before he could speak again, his world was spinning for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw Bai Jinye looking at her nervously.

"You're finally awake." Bai Jinye finally let go of his breath, and held Pei Zimo's hand firmly, "You really scared me to death."

 The third is asking for tickets~
  The recent epidemic is so serious, everyone, please don't go around~
  Pay attention to protection
(End of this chapter)

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