Chapter 254 Soul Locking Curse

Pei Zimo looked around, and he was no longer in the underground secret room of Zhaochun Palace, "I'm fine."

Of course Bai Jinye knew she was fine.

He ordered people to prepare things and came back, only to see Pei Zimo lying on the floor of the darkroom, the darkroom seemed to have exploded, and it was a mess.

At that moment, his legs were really weak.

When he came back to his senses, he hurried forward to check on Pei Zimo's condition, only to find that her breath was normal and her body was fine.

He didn't know what Pei Zimo did, but he could probably guess that it had something to do with the broken stone bed in front of him.

He yelled for a while, but didn't wake her up, so he had to come out of the dark room first, find a place to settle down, and wait for her to wake up.

"I broke a formation and was stunned by accident." Pei Zimo sat up, "The problem is not in Zhaochun Palace, I'm afraid we have to find the reason."

Bai Jinye nodded, holding her hand without letting go, "Next time what you want to do, you must tell me in advance, even if you want to break any formation, you can wait until I come back to break it."

Pei Zimo smiled, did not answer this sentence, got off the bed, and said, "I have to hurry up, I thought before that in the palace, as long as it is solved, there will be no problem, but now the problem is not here, and we need to solve the problem." Find the source, and things will be troublesome."

Bai Jinye also stood up and followed Pei Zimo outside.

On the way out of the palace, Pei Li didn't speak a word, but when she got out of the palace gate, she found something, and said to Pei Zimo, "Go west."

Pei Zimo responded.

"Are you talking to me?" Bai Jinye turned to look at her.

Only then did Pei Zimo realize that he didn't seem to be able to hear what Pei Li said, so he coughed lightly, "Come with me."

Xiao Chihan hadn't left yet, seeing that the two were about to go out, he also followed them.

Going west, out of the city, continue walking according to what Pei Li said, when he reached the foot of the mountain, Pei Zimo looked up at the mountain in front of him, and said, "I seem to know."

This place is very familiar, it is on the mountain where the Xiao Family Jie Shasu was solved, if you continue to move forward, the problem will probably appear on Jie Shasu.

She turned her head to look at Bai Jinye, who also nodded.

The two of them didn't say anything, but Xiao Chihan said, "Is it... Jie Shashen?" Speaking of this, his face changed, "Isn't it the evil spirit from the beginning that spread out?"

If it was really because of this, wouldn't it mean that the most fundamental source of these evil spirits was him?
Is he also the one who caused the current situation in Beijing?

"There is no evil spirit in the air." Pei Zimo quickened his pace after saying a few words.

Arriving at Zangsha Land, the intensity of resentment here is even a bit hot.

Pei Zimo took out a talisman from his cuff, and after throwing it out, he slightly dispelled some resentment, and when he walked closer, he saw that the jade altar was still scattered on the ground after it exploded.

It's just that when they left, they didn't check the fragments of the jade altar.

Pei Zimo bent down to pick up a small fragment, only to find that there were still some formations engraved on the inner wall of the jade altar.

But this small piece couldn't tell what kind of formation it was, so he asked Bai Jinye and Xiao Chihan to pick up all the fragments of the nearby jade altar together.

Although there is no way to find all the pieces in a short time, and the small pieces can't be put together, but if there are a few pieces connected together, you can still see what it is.

"Soul Locking Curse." Pei Zimo frowned, "I was too careless at the time. This jade altar is not just a robbery monster. The upper layer is a robbery monster, but in the lower half of the altar, there is still a soul suppressed. This jade altar The soul-locking spell inside locks the soul inside, but after the jade altar shattered, it ran out."

As she spoke, she looked around, her face full of vigilance. At the moment when the jade altar was shattered, she didn't feel the breath of a soul, which could only prove that the spell of that soul was superior to hers.

The soul probably knew what would happen, so when the jade altar shattered, it directly hid its own breath.

She threw the fragments in her hand on the ground, pulled Bai Jinye and Xiao Chihan back a few steps, "Be careful, this soul..."

Before she finished speaking, she instinctively felt a hint of danger.

In this regard, Bai Jinye was more sensitive than her, and subconsciously took a step in front of her.

It's just that no attack came, and a muffled grunt was heard in the air ahead.

Pei Li's phantom appeared in front of several people, "Oh, I haven't seen you for many years, so it turns out that you were locked in a jade altar with so much resentment, I really felt aggrieved."

Probably because the enemy met each other, and they were extremely jealous.

The resentment in front of him began to gather, as if forming a vortex.

Pei Li just hugged his shoulders and watched coldly, without making a move to interrupt.

After a while, the black resentment gradually condensed into substance, and a black human figure appeared in front of several people.

As the resentment gradually gathered, his facial features and clothes gradually became clearer.

As if he hadn't spoken for too many years, he looked at Pei Li and opened his mouth to growl before opening his mouth, "Pei Li! Your soul is still here!"

"The soul of a person like you is still lingering, how dare I lose it first?" Pei Li said with a chuckle, not paying attention to the person in front of him at all, but turned to look at Pei Zimo, "Come on , Let me introduce to you, this is the puppet god back then, whose soul escaped from my hands, I thought I would have something to do, but I didn’t expect to be sealed in a small jar.”

Pei Zimo also explained, "I thought this jar was a robbery evil spirit, so I put it in this hiding place to dissipate the evil energy."

"Jie Sha Creature?" Hearing this, Pei Li burst out laughing "haha", and then looked at the God Puppet who was already very angry and said, "Sometimes in this world, due to some reasons, some creatures will naturally appear. , but many factors need to be brought together, so natural formation is actually very difficult, so that there are very few naturally formed creatures in this world."

"But they are a puppet god, they just like to raise animals." She said and looked at the opposite side, "You have been a god puppet anyway, but you didn't expect to be suppressed by Jie Shashen, how much pressure did you have? year?"

"I haven't seen you for so many years, but you still make people...want to kill you to relieve your hatred." God Puppet said and was about to rush over.

However, Pei Li didn't even look at it. He simply waved his hand, and the God Puppet Lord's figure was fixed in place, "Back then, you couldn't hurt me at all, and forced yourself to blow yourself up. Why, after so many years, Do you think you are my opponent?"

The god puppet did not speak, but kept withdrawing his grievances to strengthen his own strength.

Pei Zimo looked around. According to his speed, he should quickly take back the grievances that spread outside. If Pei Li solves it later, this matter should be fine.

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(End of this chapter)

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