The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 646 Mice beget mice, birds beget birds

Chapter 646 Mice beget mice, birds beget birds
Pei Zimo turned his head and looked at Bai Jinye. Ziwing Tianpeng also used this method to communicate with Zhengui before, so the big mouse probably felt anxious because Ziwing Tianpeng didn't answer its questions just now. up.

Watching the two beasts communicate, Lianhua's expression gradually turned sour.

Pei Zimo has the aura of the person who sealed the king of different beasts. It stands to reason that it would regard Pei Zimo as an enemy, but right now it is obviously familiar with the big bird brought by Pei Zimo. In this way, the two of them will unite, The enemy has become himself.

He stepped back slowly to the side.

After communicating with the big mouse for a long time, Ziyi Tianpeng turned his head and looked at Pei Zimo in a daze, "It said it was my father." After speaking, he couldn't help laughing, "But I also know that mice give birth to mice. Birds give birth to birds, how can mice give birth to birds?"

Seeing that Purple Winged Tianpeng didn't believe it, the big mouse yelled again.

Purple Winged Tianpeng continued to chat with it.

Pei Zimo turned his head to look at Bai Jinye, his eyes finally fell on Lianhua, she could see Lianhua's nervousness, obviously he also realized that the situation in front of him was not good for him.

After a long time, Purple Winged Tianpeng turned around and walked back towards them, and said, "It told me that at the beginning, they were all fairy beasts from the fairy world. When I was here, I didn’t take them with me, so I left them in the world.”

"But according to the rules set by the immortals, they dare not harm humans, so when they are outside, they will try to avoid humans and not conflict with humans, but this situation cannot be completely avoided."

"They live in a mountain forest, but as more and more people outside, in order to avoid being discovered, they slowly retreat inward, so that their living space becomes smaller and smaller."

"Later, a person found them. That person said that there is a paradise, which can avoid disputes with humans."

"That person described this place very beautifully. Although they are tempted, they dare not move with their families easily."

"Just when they were hesitating, suddenly a large number of practitioners came to where they were and attacked them."

"It said that my mother was about to give birth at that time, and when she first gave birth to me, her body was extremely weak, and she was killed by humans in that war."

"And I don't know why, I was just an egg at that time, because I was their first child, and they didn't know what was going on, so it found a cave, buried me, and brought me A part of the tribe left with that person."

"It told the rest of the tribe to hide. If that 'Xanadu' can really avoid disputes, it will come back and take the others away."

"This can be regarded as preserving the blood as much as possible. No matter which side has a problem, there may be beasts surviving on the other side."

"That person brought them to Qiankun Palace. In the beginning, they lived in a deserted place. At that time, the Alien Beast Clan did have a peaceful life."

"Alien Beast King also decided to send someone back to pick up the other clansmen, but at this time it realized that this place is not coming in and out at will, it can't find a way to leave, and the person who brought them here has already left."

"It knows that it and its people are trapped here, but since there is a passage to leave, as long as you look for it patiently, you can always find it. But in the process of searching for the passage, they encountered people from the Qiankun Temple."

"They just discovered that it's not that there are no people here as the man said, only them, so they don't dare to go out to find passages at will. Even if they go out, they will let the more clever clansmen go out to avoid humans."

"But they wanted to avoid humans, but humans came to the door, and the humans here are much higher than those outside. If they want to compete, they will have to pay a huge price."

"In the end, the Alien Beast King was suppressed by two of them, and has been suppressed until now."

"However, during the years of being suppressed, it felt that that person came back once, and that person seemed to have modified the formation that suppressed it. It tried to communicate with that person, but that person ignored him."

"There was a crack in the formation just now, and it broke through the formation, and then felt my breath. It said it left a mark on me, so it recognized me when it saw me, because I was an egg when I was born, and it was normal to turn into a bird, it said I might just be mutated, but it must be his child."

Purple-winged Tianpeng said, turning his head to look at Lianhua, "It said that that person has an aura similar to his."

"Just now he said that Chi Hua brought the strange beast in, it seems that he is right." Pei Zimo said.

The king of different beasts has already locked the breath of the lotus, and it is difficult for him to escape now. Obviously, the king of different beasts intends to settle the blame for that year on him.

Lianhua frowned slightly, chuckled, and turned to look at Pei Zimo, "If that's the case, then there is no other way." He pinched a few seals on his hands as he said.

Pei Zimo lost consciousness in an instant, and walked to the front of the lotus with a measuring ruler, facing the king of different beasts, and made a posture of attacking.

"Although it is hard for me to control her, even if she is going to die, at least she will die before me." Lianhua said and looked at Bai Jinye, "Open the exit channel, and I will let her go, otherwise she will die." You can only die with me."

Bai Jinye frowned, and called Pei Zimo a few times, but she didn't respond at all, "You can't open the passage to leave the Qiankun Palace?" He said and looked at Ziwing Tianpeng.

Purple-winged Tianpeng understood, and returned to the Alien Beast King, telling it who was his own and who was the enemy.

The Alien Beast King was also unwilling to hurt the innocent, so he just stared at Lianhua and didn't do anything for the time being.

"Open the channel right away, otherwise..." Lianhua moved her fingers, "If I strip the blood lotus seeds from her body now, she will not be able to live either."

Bai Jinye was silent for a while without moving.

Lianhua sneered, controlled Pei Zimo and rushed towards the king of different beasts.

The king of different beasts knew that he couldn't hurt Pei Zimo, but even though he felt that he didn't use much strength, the strength fell on Pei Zimo's body, but the strength was very heavy.

The Measuring Ruler gave it a powerful feeling, and it had the aura of a fairy world. It thought that Pei Zimo's skills should be very high, but it didn't expect that Pei Zimo's skills seemed to be unable to completely match the Measuring Ruler.

It just flicked its claws lightly, and Pei Zimo flew out together with the measuring ruler, landed on the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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