The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 647 You Can't Kill Him Even If You Bite His Wrist

Chapter 647 You Can't Kill Him Even If You Bite His Wrist

Seeing this, Purple Winged Tianpeng immediately called out to the Alien Beast King, "Take it easy, take it easy!"

The Alien Beast King was also a little embarrassed. He estimated Pei Zimo's ability based on the strength of the magic weapon. He really didn't expect it to be like this, so he directly set his target on Lianhua's body.

Lianhua didn't dare to confront the Alien Beast King head-on, so she could only quickly control Pei Zimo back to stand in front of her.

Because Pei Zimo was in the middle, the Alien Beast King was constrained everywhere, and he couldn't attack Lianhua.

Bai Jinye frowned. At first he thought that the Alien Beast King was here, and he had such a relationship with Ziwing Tianpeng. The three-party fight shown in the previous mural should not happen, but he didn't expect that now the lotus is controlling Pei Zimo. This is still a three-person battle.

So what is displayed on the mural may not necessarily be an active three-way fight.

He pursed his lips lightly, and now he probably could only sneak attack on Lianhua when Lianhua was not paying attention.

But if Bai Jinye had such a plan, Lianhua might not have no such plan.

He is not the opponent of the Alien Beast King now, but if he extracts the pill from Bai Jinye's body and eats that pill, he will have double the current spells, then the Alien Beast King will probably not be his opponent.

Although he did not intend to do so, he wanted to extract the pill at the beginning. After some years, the lotus flower should be able to grow again.

But under the current situation, it is impossible to give another lotus a chance to be revived, so it is better to fight for a chance to survive.

While controlling Pei Zimo to block the attack of the alien beast king, Lianhua moved closer to Bai Jinye.

Bai Jinye also stared at Lianhua with bated breath, planning to give him a fatal blow if he found a flaw.

Seeing the distance between the two of them getting closer, a phantom of a lotus flower suddenly appeared on Pei Zimo's body.

Lianhua frowned, feeling that Pei Zimo had faintly lost control.

Then Pei Zimo turned around abruptly, threw away the measuring ruler, and hit Lianhua's chest with his palm.

Lianhua knew Pei Zimo's skill level well. He thought it would be fine even if he received the palm forcefully, but when the palm hit his chest, he felt that something had penetrated into Pei Zimo's palm. His chest, and then he felt a spasm in his chest.

And after this palm was struck, Pei Zimo's face turned pale instantly, he finally broke free from the control, and was immediately controlled again.

The lotus controlled Pei Zimo to wrap the Alien Beast King with a phantom of the lotus, and then rushed towards the cliff behind the tree of life.

And at this moment, Bai Jinye also picked up the measuring ruler that Pei Zimo threw on the ground, and poked it into his body from behind the lotus.

Lianhua raised her head to the sky and let out a long roar, then turned around and pinched Bai Jinye's throat.

The tree of life stretched out its branches, trying to catch Pei Zimo and the king of different beasts, but the branches couldn't reach into the phantom lotus around them. The branches tried hard for a long time, but they couldn't catch anything.

Lianhua was seriously injured. He knew that he needed the pill in Bai Jinye's body immediately, so he directly tried to extract the pill.

Seeing this, Ziwing Tianpeng flapped its wings and shot out a bolt of lightning, which hit the measuring ruler. Lianhua's body convulsed, she let go of Bai Jinye, and fell to the ground herself.

Immediately, Purple Wing Tianpeng rushed towards Pei Zimo and Yi Beast King, trying to catch them.

But all of this actually happened between lightning and flint. Although the speed of Purple Winged Tianpeng is fast, it seems that it will not be able to catch up.

Han Yu, who was on the rock, saw that now, she was already very anxious.

A long time ago, he wanted to urge the old monk to go out to save people, but the old monk not only sealed his mouth, but even controlled his body. He couldn't move at all, and could only watch helplessly. occur.

He wanted to say that if the old monk didn't intend to save people, then let him out, and he would be able to help anyway.

It's just that except for his eyelids, his whole body can move now, and only his hair can be blown by the wind.

Seeing that Pei Zimo and the King of Beasts were about to fall down the cliff, he couldn't bear to look any further, so he closed his eyes.

He knew that Zuo Ci cared about Pei Zimo and Bai Jinye very much, if Pei Zimo died, Zuo Ci would be very sad.

And Purple Winged Tianpeng has been wanting to find his relatives for so long. Just now I heard that the big mouse is the father of Purple Winged Tianpeng. loved ones.

They just met each other. If the king of different beasts died like this, Ziyi Tianpeng would be very sad too.

In this world, what he cares most about is Zuo Ci and Ziyi Tianpeng. If both of them are unhappy, even if he dies, he still wants to prevent this from happening.

Thinking of such a scene, a trace of despair spread in his heart, and then something seemed to explode, he opened his mouth and roared.

The roar made him startle himself.

He didn't think he could break through the seal of the old monk, but now that he can make a sound, it proves that he has broken the seal?
He looked down at Lianhua falling to the ground, but he was still trying to extract the elixir from Bai Jinye's body, so he jumped off the stone, turned back into Shura's body, and bit Lianhua's wrist.

Seeing that Han Yu broke through the seal, the old monk chuckled lightly, stood up from the stone, raised his hand and waved, Pei Zimo and Yi Beast King who had already rushed to the edge of the cliff flew back in an instant.

Purple-winged Tianpeng also rushed to the edge of the cliff. Seeing that Pei Zimo and the king of different beasts had returned, he turned sharply and flew back.

Falling in front of the big rock, Pei Zimo's skills were exhausted, the phantom of the lotus flower gradually disappeared, and the king of different beasts was also freed from the phantom.

It took a few steps back suddenly, and looked at Pei Zimo with some fear.

In the middle of that phantom just now, it seems to have lost contact with everything in this world, and it can't even mobilize its spells.

Pei Zimo was lying on the ground, squinting at a huge Shura biting Lianhua's wrist desperately.

Bai Jinye broke away from Lianhua's control, and immediately got up and ran to Pei Zimo's side, helping her up.

Pei Zimo shook his head slightly at him, indicating that he was fine, and then the two turned their heads to look at the old monk on the boulder.

So the old monk actually came a long time ago, and he just stayed there, watching all this happen.

He waited until the last moment to help.

Pei Zimo sighed lightly, which indeed fit the character of the old monk.

"Okay, okay." The old monk jumped off the rock and patted Han Yu's head, "Don't bite, don't bite, he has no strength to resist."

Han Yu frowned, and turned to look at the old monk, obviously still not relieved.

The old monk continued, "Besides, you can't kill him by biting his wrist. If you want to kill him, you have to bite his throat."

(End of this chapter)

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