The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 648 I Haven't Killed One Who Shouldn't Die

Chapter 648 I Have Never Killed Someone Who Shouldn't Die
When the old monk said this, Han Yu was stunned, and didn't know whether to continue biting or not.

He looked blankly at the old monk, then at the lotus next to him, and finally turned back into a human form.

Seeing that he didn't intend to bite any more, the old monk couldn't help sighing, "Tsk tsk, this lotus juice is a good thing. If you bite it for a while and drink a few more sips, maybe you can improve your skills a little bit."

But even though he said that, he didn't intend to let Han Yu bite it down. With a wave of his hand, a flower pot half filled with water appeared in his hand. Put it in the basin for a while.

The lotus changed into its original form, fell into the flowerpot, and became a small red lotus.

Then he touched his chin and looked at the tree of life, "Let's go, go back, I'm hungry."

After speaking, he walked ahead and walked down the mountain.

Han Yu turned her head and saw the King of Beasts and Ziyi Tianpeng walking together, knowing that it was inconvenient to disturb her, so she followed Bai Jinye to help Pei Zimo.

The King of Different Beasts looked at Ziwing Tianpeng with a moved face. Just when it almost fell off the cliff, he saw Ziwing Tianpeng rushing towards them. It grabbed the purple-winged Tianpeng's feathers, "Look, we still They are connected by blood, just now when you saw that I was about to fall, you rushed over to save me, I can see that you are very anxious."

"But I'm not here to save you." Ziyi Tianpeng frowned, "I'm mainly here to save Pei Zimo."

The Alien Beast King was a little embarrassed, and after a while, he asked Ziwing Tianpeng about it and its friends in a low voice.

Pei Zimo also asked Han Yu in a low voice why he and the old monk were here, so Han Yu recounted what happened last night.

Although his voice had been lowered, the old monk walking in front could still hear him clearly.

The old monk turned his head to look at him unhappily, "What do you mean I'm not going to save you? I'm not doing it for your own good? If it weren't for this critical moment, would the two of you be able to break through?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Pei Zimo, "If you can't touch the threshold, you may be controlled by this lotus anytime, anywhere. Does it feel good to be controlled by others?"

Hearing what he said, Pei Zimo also vaguely felt something.

At that moment just now, she felt that even if she risked her life, she would have to seriously injure or destroy Lianhua.

She thought of the pictures on the murals before, and although she knew that those pictures might have been shown to them by Chihua on purpose, it might not be a solution.

The empress was absorbed by the lotus, but the empress herself was transformed from her essence and blood.

If the trace of blood essence has not been digested by the lotus and attached to his heart, then you can indeed try it by detonating the blood essence.

After this thought came up, thinking of the souls and people outside the Qiankun Palace, she didn't know where the strength came from, and she forcibly broke free from the control of the lotus.

He slapped Lianhua's chest with all his strength.

That palm destroyed the blood essence attached to Lianhua's heart, but at the same time, it also made her completely lose the strength to resist, and then fell into Lianhua's control again.

But she still remembers the feeling of that moment. If there is another time, when she is controlled again, as long as she is not in a state of losing strength, she should basically be able to break free again.

"And you." The old monk looked at Han Yu again, "I know how to eat and eat every day, and I don't know how to practice spells. When will I go back to the underworld to rectify the Shura clan? I don't know how to worry, I will help you break through the spells." Fa, blame me for not saving you? Then I would like to ask, is anyone among you dead?"

Han Yu opened his mouth, wanting to refute something, but when he thought of breaking through the old monk's seal just now, it really seemed like a force surged from his chest to his limbs, and this force was so full that it has not disappeared until now.

He felt his body carefully, and when it came to his mouth to refute, he turned into a low voice, "You yourself know how to eat and eat every day, and you still talk about me, and you still chase me to eat together."

Speaking of this, Pei Zimo stopped suddenly, "No, we have to leave Qiankun Palace first."

The old monk fumbled in his cuffs, took out a bag and threw it to Pei Zimo, "Why, are you looking for this?"

Pei Zimo caught the bag and was startled for a moment. The old monk gave her the same bag before, which was used to hold the souls on the tree of life, but this bag now... "There are no souls in the bag you gave me before? "

"Hmph." The old monk snorted lightly and did not speak.

Pei Zimo had a look of joy on his face, and quickly put away the bag, "Thank you, Master."

"Now that you know thank me, you want to throw me down. Why didn't you think of me when you came here to find the answer?" The old monk was obviously full of resentment.

Pei Zimo didn't dare to talk back at this meeting, the old monk said what he said.

But Han Yu was unwilling after walking a few steps, so he said to the old monk, "Master, can't we go back right away? When will we go this far?"

The old monk turned his head and glanced at him, but said nothing, but the next few people stood in the middle of the palace.

Han Yu hurriedly showed off to Pei Zimo and the others, "That's it, that's it."

The old monk pulled a petal from the lotus, and the lotus convulsed. Obviously, taking off the petal had a great impact on the lotus, but the old monk didn't care about it, and handed it to Pei Zimo, "Eat it, heal your wounds."

Pei Zimo took the petals and was still hesitant, but the old monk pushed her hand, and the petals were thrown into her mouth directly.

The petals instantly turned into a stream of liquid, which flowed down her throat.

Pei Zimo instantly felt a warm current emanating from his body, and all the pain in his body subsided.

She breathed a sigh of relief, moved her limbs, turned her head to look at Bai Jinye, and signaled that she was fine, then she looked at the old monk, "Master, what is going on?"

"Do you think that after living for so many years, I look like a fool who can't tell the good from the bad?" the old monk said.

Pei Zimo faintly felt that although he was talking about himself, he was actually mocking them for not being able to distinguish good from bad.

"Do you think my master is really kind?" The old monk sighed, "Although he guided me to kill him for the nine-star immortal formation, he created the nine-star immortal formation to let himself enter the underworld, but he The name given to this formation has already clearly stated his ambition. Miexian? How can he be called an immortal?"

"Although I have killed many people, I dare to swear that I have never killed a person who should not die."

(End of this chapter)

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