The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 669 Three souls and seven souls pieced together

Bai Yiheng's voice was not loud, and the others did not hear it.

Pei Zimo put his hand on his shoulder, "Ah Heng, you are a boy, you can't keep staring at a girl, it's impolite, you know?"

Bai Yiheng pursed his lips, he was sure that his mother must have heard what he said, but she didn't answer, paused, and then nodded.

Only then did Pei Zimo look at Mrs. Ni, "Ah Heng stayed in the mountains with Master since he was a child, and we only picked him up recently. He doesn't understand many worldly etiquettes."

She had already opened her mouth to explain, so Madam Ni naturally couldn't say anything more, so she said, "No problem, no problem."

Pei Zimo didn't speak any more, and walked outside with his hands gently around Bai Yiheng's shoulders.

After walking a few steps outside, Bai Jinye bent down and hugged Qing Huan, talked to Huaqing, and walked in front.

Pei Zimo was a few steps behind Bai Yiheng, and she asked, "What happened to that girl's soul?"

Bai Yiheng turned his head to look at her, "Her three souls and seven souls were put together, and they don't belong to the same person."

Pei Zimo frowned lightly. Normally speaking, if a person on the Island of Recluse conceives and gives birth to a child, the soul is put in by the elder.

But at that time, Pei Zijin's child was born outside, and the great elder was not there. According to the situation of the island, it should be a stillbirth.

But when she saw the child, she didn't see anything unusual, so she thought that the child was born outside, so she had a reincarnated soul.

It's just that the souls that come out of the underworld are all the same. How could it be that three souls and seven souls were pieced together?

"Are you sure?"

"Sure." Bai Yiheng nodded with certainty.

"But the three souls and seven souls that are not alone are difficult to put together. Even if they are barely together, they can only last for a while, and they will disperse soon." Pei Zimo continued, "You may see Come out, why can her three souls and seven souls gather together?"

"Her three souls and seven spirits are all imprinted, and these imprints are combined to form a formation." Bai Yiheng replied, "But this is only the core of the formation. There is another formation on her body, two The formations are set together, the inner formation is to keep the three souls and seven souls together, and the outer formation is to keep the three souls and seven souls from spreading."

He said with doubts on his face, "Master seems to have mentioned this when he taught me the soul art." He scratched his head, "I thought of this just now, but I didn't remember it for a while, That's why I kept staring at her."

"Then about this matter, can you remember anything else?" Pei Zimo asked again.

Bai Yiheng shook his head lightly, "I can't remember it for now."

"Then what should we do in such a situation?" Pei Zimo continued to ask.

Bai Yiheng continued to shake his head.

Pei Zimo sighed, and then said, "You stare at her, whether there is a reason or not, it is very impolite. If there is really something abnormal about her, if you stare at her like this, someone may find out that there is something abnormal about her." .”

"Let's put it another way. If a person is possessed by a spirit, the spirit may be attached to him for concealment. You find out, if you can, before the spirit harms this person or others, Get rid of this spirit, then there's no problem."

"But if you can't deal with this spirit and keep staring at this person for no reason, the spirit will notice it, and it may do something that hurts people."

"So, when you encounter an exception that you can't handle, it's best not to let people find out that you know about the exception."

"Otherwise, it may lead to death, or it may harm others."

Bai Yiheng nodded, "Mom, I understand."

Pei Zimo knew that the old monk's skills were invincible in this world, he might not take anything seriously, and from the looks of it, the old monk hadn't formally accepted apprentices to teach him these years, so some things, Probably not so much attention.

In addition, he may have taught Bai Yiheng a lot of things, but he still needs to apply what he has learned in such matters.

After all, Bai Yiheng was too young and encountered few things, so the old monk suggested that they walk slowly along the way, which may not necessarily give Bai Yiheng a chance to exercise.

"Mother, as long as the formation doesn't dissipate, she will be fine for the time being. I think about what Master said at the time." Bai Yiheng said again after a while.

"Okay, then we'll stay in Yuecheng for the time being. Anyway, judging by your father's appearance, I guess he doesn't want to leave for a while." Pei Zimo looked up at Bai Jinye's back.

After the residence was settled, Pei Zimo told Bai Jinye what Bai Yiheng said.

Bai Jinye also felt strange, after all, the two of them didn't notice the abnormality of her soul at all, neither noticed it when they were young, nor did they notice it when they grew up.

"It should be because of the formation." Pei Zimo frowned, "If this incident is not done by the old monk, it proves that there are other people in this world who are proficient in the art of soul."

Bai Jinye thought for a while, "Back when we came out of the island, we brought her and Ah Heng's two babies. Ah Heng can see the abnormality of her soul now. It is impossible for the old monk not to see it at the time, but what did he do? Didn't say anything."

"The old monk doesn't like to meddle in his own business." Pei Zimo sighed, "Especially the nosy things that don't do any good."

"It's true, even if he knows that there are other people who are proficient in soul art in this world, the old monk shouldn't find it strange." Bai Jinye paused, then asked, "What did the ghost officer say?"

"Letting go of Ni Zheng is actually not a big deal for the ghost messenger. If one soul is missing, he can catch another soul, and he can make up the number. This kind of thing will usually not be discovered. But if Ni Zheng knows, let another innocent If someone dies for him, he will definitely not accept it." Pei Zimo raised his hand and poured himself a cup of tea.

"I just chatted with him about the plague gods in Moon City. Moon City became a dead city back then, and all the souls were used by them to plug the loopholes in the souls of the Recluse Island, but there are not so many people in Recluse Island. With so many souls, I probably didn't use them up all at once."

"Even in those few years, not only the plague gods in Yuecheng broke out, but the plague gods in other places may not have nothing to do with the underworld. They are equivalent to having a surplus of soul storage. When there is a shortage, use these souls. fill."

"It's just that they won't admit it easily, and they won't say it. I just reminded him."

Bai Jinye sighed, "In recent years, how many people have lost their lives innocently because of the matter of the Island of Refuge." He squinted his eyes as he said, "Trusting it, the source is in the Qiankun Palace again, this time we must completely solve the problem of Lotus and Chihua." thing!"

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