Chapter 670 Ni Xuetang's Thoughts

Before leaving Ni's house, Bai Jinye left a prescription for Ni Zheng. After taking this prescription for a few days, Ni Zheng's health gradually improved.

In the past few years, everyone knew that Ni Zheng's health was deteriorating, and they were basically ready to receive his funeral letter at any time, but unexpectedly, they saw Ni Zheng began to stroll on the street.

At the beginning, I used crutches for walking, but later I didn't need to use crutches, but my gait was still a bit shaky, and in a few days, I was going to walk like flying.

Some people didn't believe it, so they came to Ni's house to visit. Afterwards, they were all amazed, and even asked what kind of panacea they had taken.

Bai Jinye had already explained in advance that it was enough for those close to them to know the reason, and there was no need to mention him and the princess to others.

ASRock and Ni Zheng also knew in their hearts that they knew that the concubine and the concubine had abilities, so they wouldn't think it was strange, but if too many people knew that the appearance of the concubine and concubine had not changed at all in the past ten years, how could Ni Zheng follow the general? If the state of death is pulled back, it will cause trouble for the prince and concubine.

It would be great if everyone enshrined them as gods.

But if they are used by someone with a heart, saying that they are some kind of monster, wouldn't there be a problem?
So Ni Zheng said to the outside world that a dead horse is a living horse doctor. He took a lot of medicine indiscriminately, and he didn't know which medicine worked.

There is indeed no other explanation for this incident. In the end, everyone can only say that it was Ni Zheng who defended his family and the country and accumulated evil virtues, so he was able to turn death into life.

The news naturally spread to the barracks, and Ni Zheng's grandson, Ni Youzhi, went home on leave.

After his parents died, his grandparents were the closest people he had in this world. He wanted to stay at home to take care of his grandfather, but his grandfather insisted on letting him stay in the military camp.

He thought that what he was waiting for might be the news that he would meet Ni Zheng for the last time when he returned home, but unexpectedly, he heard that his grandfather's health was completely recovered.

He didn't believe it at all, until he entered the door and saw his grandfather playing with a gun in the yard, he hurried over, grabbed Ni Zheng's hand and looked carefully for a while, before finally confirming that Ni Zheng was really recovering.

It was rare for Ni Youzhi to go home, and Mrs. Ni also prepared a very sumptuous dinner.

After dinner, Ni Zheng chatted with his grandchildren.

With no worries at home, Ni Youzhi can concentrate on the military camp. His grandfather and father are both great generals, so that is naturally his goal.

After chatting with Ni Youzhi, Ni Zheng looked at Ni Xuetang again, "Ah Tang, you are already old. Before that, your grandfather was in poor health, and your marriage has never been on the agenda. I will ask your grandmother to help you look after me these few days." He paused, "But if you already have someone you like, you can also tell your grandmother that our family doesn't talk about being well-matched, as long as it can treat you well, and the other party has no problem with character, you can consider it."

When he mentions this matter now, he also has other thoughts.

Bai Jinye and Pei Zimo put Ni Xuetang in the Ni family to raise him, but none of the Ni family actually knew what the child's background was.

Now that Bai Jinye and the others are back, they have no plans to tell Ni Xuetang about her background.

So in fact, Ni Xuetang's marriage has always been a headache for Ni Zheng and Mrs. Ni.

They didn't know what kind of family they could find to satisfy Bai Jinye and Pei Zimo.

Or does the other party need to let them see it too.

Neither Bai Jinye nor Pei Zimo came back these years, but fortunately Ni Xuetang is not very old.

Now that she has passed Jiji, Bai Jinye and Pei Zimo also happen to be in Yuecheng. If the marriage is finalized now, they can also follow along during the process.

It's best if they are satisfied, and if they are not satisfied, they can be replaced in time.

Ni Zheng also discussed with Mrs. Ni, so he decided to help Ni Xuetang meet in the next few days, and then talk to Pei Zimo about the candidate. If there is no problem, he will make a decision quickly.

Ni Xuetang looked down at her fingers on her knees, was silent for a while, and then asked, "Grandfather, your recovery has something to do with the guests who came to our house to see you that day?"

Ni Zheng frowned slightly. Ni Xuetang has been smart since he was a child. From the day the prince and concubine came to see him, his health has improved. Outsiders don't know, but his family will always notice something, "A Tang, grandfather's As long as you are healthy, it has nothing to do with anyone."

"But I know." Ni Xuetang looked up at Ni Zheng, with some determination in her eyes, "Since they cured their grandfather, they are the benefactors of the Ni family. Atang... is willing to serve the benefactor for the rest of his life to repay this kindness."

"Nonsense!" Ni Zheng slammed the table, "What are you talking about? They have wives and children, and the husband and wife are in harmony. What do you want to serve?"

"Isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines?" Ni Xuetang slightly pursed her lips, "Didn't you just say that if I have someone I like, I can say so."

"Anyone can do it, but he can't." Ni Zheng paused before adding, "Our Ni family can't afford it."

"Can't you afford to be a concubine?" Ni Xuetang asked again.

This time, before Ni Zheng could speak, Ni Youzhi said, "Sister, what kind of bastard are you talking about? If the other party is really our benefactor, there are many ways to repay the favor. Besides, my grandfather also said that if a family has a wife and son, even if you are willing, the family may not be willing, so isn't this just an embarrassment for the benefactor?"

Ni Zheng's face became more and more ugly, "Don't mention this matter again, let your grandmother show you the picture from tomorrow on."

Ni Xuetang pursed her lips and said nothing, but stood up and ran out quickly.

"This kid!" Ni Zheng frowned and patted the table.

"Grandfather, don't get angry." Ni Youzhi hurriedly said, "You are just recovering from a serious illness, so don't get angry. I have been on leave for the past few days, so I just have a good chat with my sister."

Ni Zheng sighed and didn't speak.

After a pause, Ni Youzhi asked in a low voice, "So... Grandpa, your recovery is indeed related to the benefactor that my sister mentioned?"

Ni Zheng looked up at Ni Youzhi, "Don't mention this matter again, let alone talk nonsense to outsiders."

Ni Youzhi nodded, "Don't worry, grandfather."

Ni Zheng waved his hand, motioning Ni Youzhi to rest.

He returned to the room with a headache.

Originally, the family was reunited, and he was in good health. He was happy at first, but he didn't know that he became so angry while chatting.

After returning to the room, he told Mrs. Ni about it.

Mrs. Ni's face was also ugly, "If you look at the appearance, the prince is indeed young, but in reality, he is already A Tang's father's generation. Besides, the prince and concubine have such a good relationship these years, and the prince has no side concubines and concubines at all. Get rid of Ah Tang's idea as soon as possible."

She paused as she spoke, and asked Ni Zheng for advice, "Speaking of this matter, do you want to hint to the princess, so as not to cause any trouble in the future, and with this consideration, the prince and concubine might make A-tang's life experience tell her."

(End of this chapter)

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