Willful surrender

Chapter 210 Cruise Ship – Funeral at Sea

Chapter 210 Cruise Ship - Funeral at Sea ([-])
After Lu Jiaxi struggled painfully, he raised his eyes again and his eyes were clear.

She turned around and looked at Wen Yueshi with a smile.

Wen Yueshi paused slightly, not because of anything else, but because of Lu Jiaxi's eyes, a person's eyes cannot be concealed, especially this kind of two extreme expressions.

Wen Yueshi stared at Lu Jiaxi, "You are not Lu Jiaxi."

"I am." Lu Jiaxi said, "It's just that it's not suitable for her to come out to solve the current matter at this time."

Wen Yueshi is a doctor. She has also studied psychiatry. She is not proficient in schizophrenia, but she understands it.

Lu Jiaxi split into another person.

And it looks like it should have split up long ago.

Lu Jiaxi raised her hand to let the servant who didn't dare to speak out, she signaled Wen Yueshi to sit down, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to your daughter, she will be sent back safely tomorrow."

As Lu Jiaxi said, she poured water for her in the past, but her son might never come back.

Wen Yueshi sat down on guard, and didn't pick up the water that Lu Jiaxi handed over.

Lu Jiaxi didn't care, but put it by her hand, "I thought I would let him get married quickly and have a child, but it's not as good as God's calculation. But thank you very much for being in my weakest years. protect me."

"No, it protected her."

Wen Yueshi couldn't understand Lu Jiaxi anymore. At first it was Lu Jiaxi who said they were the same person, but now it's her.

"I just want to know who you are and what you want to do?" Wen Yueshi said in a deep voice.

"Do you know that stupid thing Zheng Changhe likes you?" Lu Jiaxi said suddenly, "But even if you think about it, you don't like him."

Wen Yue Poetry: "..."

"I just want to know, where is my daughter?" Wen Yueshi said again.

Lu Jiaxi leaned on the back of the chair and looked at Wen Yueshi, "On the way to kill Gu Piannian."

Wen Yueshi was shocked, "Are you crazy? That's your son!"

Lu Jiaxi lowered her eyes, she smiled, but the smile seemed to be frosted and desolate.

Cheng Siyi also said this, and even asked her, wasn't this born by her pregnancy in October?
How could she be willing?

But she had no choice, from the moment the accident happened in the old house of the Long family, from the moment Chu Zhannuo found her, she had no other choice.

She needs and contributes her son.

Does the other Lu Jiaxi really hate Cheng Siyi?

No, what she hates is that Cheng Siyi will take his son's life.

It's like the extreme pulling between two people, but she is cowardly but also trying to protect her son with the most microblog strength.

She was strong, but she sent her son to death step by step.

"Zheng Changhe said that you are not what I see at all, and he also said that you are a lunatic." Wen Yueshi did not believe all these, but now, she began to doubt.

Lu Jiaxi laughed, and looked at Wen Yueshi with a smile on his face, "He should be afraid of me, after all, I almost killed him back then, if it wasn't for the friendship between the Lu family and the Gu family ancestor, I would really like to Kill that bastard."

No one could deny that Lu Jiaxi was glamorous and charming, but at this moment, he was such a glamorous person, but his words were full of murderous intent.

"Who are you?" Wen Yueshi asked again.

"It's a long story..."

There is only sadness and helplessness in it.

The gigantic cruise ship seemed to be emptied for a moment. The lobby on the first floor of the cruise ship was full of humming people, and the windows around were completely closed, turning it into a completely enclosed space.

"Please don't worry everyone, it's just a storm." Gu Siyan said loudly with a microphone on the stage. The elder brother said that at any time, even if the situation is urgent, you must stay calm. clam down.

The staff whispered a few words in his ear, and after he frowned, he said again: "You are all guests invited by my Gu family, and my Gu family will definitely be responsible for anything. After half an hour, a helicopter will come to take you away , so please don’t panic.”

Because of Gu Piannian, people in shopping malls are generally not optimistic about Gu Siyan, but now they see young people standing on the stage talking in an orderly manner, with no trace of panic in their brows, even if the cruise ship is swaying at this time Stop, he still made himself stand as straight as possible.

The housekeeper managed to stabilize his body, and when he looked at Gu Siyan, there was a lot of admiration in his eyes. The second young master finally stood up, even without the eldest young master, he could still be on his own.

The hall fell silent for a while, Gu Siyan stretched out his hand to help the butler who was not standing still, "Uncle Gu, please find a place to sit for a while, and when the helicopter arrives, you will leave with the large army."

"What about you, Second Young Master?"

"Brother is still here, I can't leave." Gu Siyan looked outside, but the window was completely sealed, he couldn't see anything, he could only hear the rumble of thunder outside.

The thunder outside gradually slowed down, and even the shaking became much smaller.

Gu Piannian's eyes have completely turned purple, with the aftertaste of anger.

At this time, they were on the deck at the stern, and there were still robot fragments that were sparking on the ground.

With blood on the corner of Chen Zhen's mouth, he leaned against the railing and let out a hey, "You didn't tell me that my fists are for these perverted things, so you still won't let me carry a gun."

Chen Zhen rubbed his wrist, but didn't ask why the sky suddenly changed just now.

Both Gu Xing and Cheng Mingzhi were seriously injured, sitting on the ground leaning against the wall panting, bleeding from many wounds on their bodies, it must be said that they were really old.

A bloodstain was drawn on Gu Piannian's shoulder by the robot, but it was not serious. He looked coldly at Yu Yangjue who was surrounded by bodyguards.

Yu Yangjue was also looking at him, as if he had underestimated Gu Piannian.

There were only tiny lightning bolts left in the sky. Yu Yangjue looked up, with inexplicable excitement in his eyes, "The descendants of the Long family are indeed the descendants of the Long family."

Nu Er Zhao Thunder, if such a magnetic field can be used in weapons, it will be a rare technology.

So Yu Yangjue looks at Gu Piannian now as if he is looking at his arsenal, as long as he studies Gu Piannian thoroughly, maybe he can design the most advanced weapon in the world.

The battle of science and technology is about technology, technology, and magnetic field warfare. After all, this is a thing that covers the whole world, and it is as important as air.

"It's not in vain that I spent nearly 30 years on you." Yu Yangjue stared at Gu Piannian, "They want your life, but I don't want to, what I want is our cooperation, as long as we cooperate , no one in this world can take your life, we are a win-win situation."

"I have the most money in the world, so I can develop the most powerful grievance in the world." Yu Yangjue pushed away the bodyguards, trying to get close to Gu Piannian, "As long as we cooperate, the world will be ours."

(End of this chapter)

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