Willful surrender

Chapter 211 Cruise Ship – Funeral at Sea

Chapter 211 Cruise Ship - Funeral at Sea ([-])
Gu Piannian looked at him like a lunatic, no, to be precise, he was a lunatic.

Downright lunatic.

"Do you really think that what you have done these years can be seamless?" Gu Piannian said coldly, "Cooperate with me? What qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?"

"I have the most money in the world, and..."

"Are these scraps of copper and iron?" Gu Piannian kicked away the corpse of the robot at his feet, and the last sparks were emitted from it.

That's it?

Yu Yangjue narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing that the robot had completely lost its use value, he looked up at Gu Piannian, "The Chu family wants your life, but I don't, I'm here to save you, you want to spend the rest of your life with that woman Su Shuangfei, only I can help you."

He doesn't believe that someone in this world can give his life for no reason, for some irrelevant people.

Gu Xing pressed his injured wound and got up while leaning on the railing, "Yu Yangjue, how did you know the secret of the Long family?"

Yu Yangjue suddenly laughed when he heard this question, "The Chu family is originally a foreigner, and I am a person of the orthodox blood in country Z. Country Z has been controlled by people of the opposite sex for a hundred years. Why?"

"Country Z's national economy has reached a record high in the past hundred years, otherwise you think who can see your small land?" Gu Xing walked over step by step, "How about the Chu family? It's a grievance with my Gu family. But the Chu family has never been sorry to your country Z."

"A grievance? It doesn't count if one of the Gu family dies, but the second one is dying. Is this an easy grievance?" Yu Yangjue retorted.

"Then what is your goal? To dominate the world?" Gu Piannian took another step forward, "Then your ambition is too great."

"Too ambitious?" Yu Yangjue laughed out loud, "Since it's ambition, why don't you just maximize it? I have the technology, and you have the ability to be immortal, so we can have an omnipotent... ..."

Before Yu Yangjue finished speaking, he heard a bang, and a red dot-shaped hole appeared between his eyebrows, and then blood flowed out.

Yu Yangjue's body fell straight down.

But behind Gu Piannian, Cheng Mingzhi's expression was cold, holding the gun in one hand, and one movement said everything.

"Too much nonsense." Cheng Mingzhi put away the gun, more like impatient, and did not relax at all because of the revenge.

A helicopter is ready to pick you up from the aft deck of the cruise ship.

Gu Siyan arranged for people to evacuate the crowd. The cruise ship was so big that they couldn't see what was happening on the front deck. They only knew that the tsunami was coming and they had to leave immediately.

The ship kept shaking, and Gu Siyan looked to the other side from time to time. After the steward reminded him several times that he was about to board the plane, Gu Siyan still looked behind.

He had just heard gunshots and wondered what happened to his eldest brother.

"Shall the Second Young Master leave now?" Chu Zhannuo's helicopter arrived.

Chu Zhannuo stood at the door of the helicopter, keeping his voice down, following the sea breeze so that Gu Siyan could hear him clearly.

At the same time, his helicopter blocked the way of Gu's plane.

"These people are all innocent." Cheng Siyi said in a deep voice, worried that this lunatic would not spare even these people.

"Not necessarily." Chu Zhannuo said with a low smile, "Since I killed him, I will naturally relieve him of all worries."

(End of this chapter)

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