Willful surrender

Chapter 70 This time, she has Gu Pianian

Chapter 70 This time, she has Gu Pianian
Cheng Siyi remembered this incident, but she didn't quite understand the relationship.

"so what?"

"The purchase of materials for a real estate is a huge sum of money. Since inferior materials were used back then, the price reports your father saw should all be the prices of first-grade materials. What's the price difference?" Gu Piannian asked. An immature conjecture, but it is still a conjecture and needs to be demonstrated.

"It seems that the person from the joint venture with my father went abroad with money and has never been caught." Cheng Siyi said, "But I don't know who that person is. I just heard that my father called him. Mom seems to have said that that person is my dad's college classmate."

Cheng Siyi told Gu Piannian everything she knew.

"I remember, your father served in the military." Gu Piannian said.

Cheng Siyi nodded, "After graduating from the military academy, he was directly assigned to the army. He retired when I was three years old, and then he started doing business."

"You are not suspecting that Lin Congli is the person who cooperated with my father back then?" Cheng Siyi exclaimed, and looked around again, "No way?"

"There is no evidence, so it's not suspicion." Gu Piannian said, "It's just that Lin Siran is not in the entertainment industry at all, and there was no rumor that he would participate in a variety show before this. He came here suddenly, so people have to be careful."

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, something happened up ahead, the director invites you to come over." The director ran all the way over, and stopped him when he saw Gu Piannian.

Cheng Siyi and Gu Piannian looked at each other, and asked what happened while walking with the director.

It turned out that yesterday the program group offended the people of the Fresh Fruit Group by selling fruit live, so the boss of the Fresh Fruit Group found a group of hooligans to make trouble, and several cameras of the program group were smashed.

"You didn't even inquire before you came. Who is in charge of the fresh fruits in this land? I said that if you don't let them let out one of the Murakami fruits, you can't let out one." very.

The beaten courier was still lying on the ground in the yard. He came to pick up the courier, but his car was smashed and he was also beaten.

"You are bullying, this is breaking the law." The director yelled, he had never seen anyone, but he had never seen such a bastard.

"Bullying? I'm the one who has the final say here. I've already given that woman Xia Pianpian face, so that she can still open a homestay. Otherwise, I would have overthrown the village long ago. She's nothing."

"According to the seriousness of bullying and violence, your behavior may constitute a criminal offense, and you will be charged with multiple crimes, such as intentional injury, seeking to cause trouble, gathering a crowd to fight, and so on." Cheng Si Yiren has not yet come in , her voice has already come in.

Mo Qiang looked back at the people who came in with a cigarette in his mouth. There was a man and a woman. The man was a very popular star, but the woman was pretty.

"According to Article 230 of my country's Criminal Law, whoever intentionally injures the body of another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance. Those who commit the crime in the preceding paragraph and cause serious injury shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; Whoever causes serious injury or serious disability by particularly cruel means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment, or death.”

"Hey, who are you scaring here?" Mo Qiang sneered, and spit out a puff of cigarette at Cheng Siyi, and in the next second, Gu Piannian grabbed his wrist, and it snapped off.

Then came Mo Qiang's shrill cry.

Cheng Siyi: "..."

The boss is a bit too violent, and the criminal law just now applies to you.

"What are you still doing blankly? Hit me!" Mo Qiang has been domineering for so long, when did he suffer this kind of grievance, and immediately asked his brother to beat him up.

"Law, explain the law to me, and I will tell you, I am the law here." Mo Qiang clasped his wrist and yelled angrily.

The scene became chaotic for a while, Gu Piannian kept holding Cheng Siyi's wrist with one hand, not letting anyone touch her.

He is extremely skilled, even with one hand he can withstand the attacks of so many people.

If it wasn't for protecting her, Cheng Siyi even had an illusion that these people were not enough for Gu Piannian to plug his teeth.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Mo Qiang pulled out the frame and hit Gu Piannian. Before Cheng Siyi had time to remind him, Gu Piannian turned around and kicked Mo Qiang's chest, stopping him from moving forward. Kicked away the rack in his hand, and pressed the man to the ground again.

Gu Piannian's knee was on top of his cervical spine, as long as he exerted a little force, Mo Qiang would be dead in an instant.

"Just you, are you worthy of occupying the mountain as king?" Gu Piannian said in a deep voice, his voice was as cold and sharp as snow on a mountain.


The people who were fighting stopped immediately when Gu Piannian heard it, and when they turned around, their boss had already been pressed to the ground, lying on the ground in an extremely humiliating way.

"Since you hit my hand, then I have no reason to ignore it." Gu Piannian approached Mo Qiang's ear and whispered: "Go back and tell your father, what is Article 230 of the Criminal Law? It also made him think clearly, what is the result of bullying the villagers in Yurou Township?"

As Gu Piannian said, he got up and kicked Mo Qiang around a few times, his neck hurt badly, but at this moment he only dared to look at Gu Piannian angrily, and then he was dragged away in embarrassment.

After those people left, Gu Piannian immediately looked back at Cheng Siyi, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

Cheng Siyi shook her head, she was well protected.

"I knew it would be okay to find you." The director said with a chuckle, "Hurry up, take pictures, keep them, and wait to tell others."

Gu Piannian is really too lazy to bother with the director, but there are still some questions that need to be asked clearly: "You didn't do any research before you came here, so you don't know the situation here?"

The director clicked his tongue, "The main reason is that I contacted Mr. Xia at the time and said that there were some minor problems, but the problem was not serious. I didn't expect it to be this kind of problem. Mr. Gu, is this a violation of the law?"

"It's not just breaking the law. Their combined punishment for several crimes is enough for them to spend a lifetime in prison. And judging by his posture, this kind of thing should happen often. As long as the villagers are willing to report, the chances of winning the lawsuit are very high." Cheng Siyi whispered Said.

She suddenly thought of the look in the mother's eyes when she took her daughter away when she went to France last time. It was despair of distrust, but also a calmness of compromise in life.

That look hurt her helpless heart.

At that time, she didn't have the ability to ask them if they needed help, after all, she was just a college student who hadn't graduated yet.

But this time was different, Cheng Siyi looked up at Gu Piannian, this time, she had Gu Piannian.

(End of this chapter)

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