Willful surrender

Chapter 71 Not in vain

When Xia Pianpian rushed over, the scene was almost cleaned up, and she obviously came over after receiving the news.

"President Xia, this..."

The director was about to say something, but was stopped by Gu Piannian's eyes, he shut up decisively, the big boss is here, the big boss has the final say.

"Go back and talk about it." Gu Piannian said this for Xia Pianpian to hear, and then left first.

Xia Pianpian bit her lip slightly and followed.

After returning home, Gu Piannian did not turn against the guests, but waited at the door with Cheng Siyi for Xia Pianpian to open the door, after all, this is Xia Pianpian's home.

Xia Pianpian took a deep breath, opened the door and invited them in, then poured water.

Cheng Siyi looked at Gu Piannian, then at Xia Pianpian, "Why don't you talk first?"

"No, you sit." Gu Piannian pressed her shoulders to let her sit down, and then sat down beside her.

Xia Pianpian sat opposite.

"The fact that he is so afraid of you doesn't stop you from leading the villagers to open a homestay, which proves that you have enough leverage to move him away, but why did you become mutual restraints in the end?" Gu Piannian didn't care about him, Instead, he asked directly.

Xia Pianpian had expected this before coming, so she didn't need to think too much.

"The relationship here is complicated, and it's not that you can sit back and relax without moving one. Instead of this, I would rather restrict each other with them. It's just that Mo Qiang's sudden trouble is beyond my expectation."

"Although this can keep one party safe, they are still in Yurou Township." Cheng Siyi was puzzled.

Xia Pianpian laughed, "Maybe it's because of my limited ability. The only thing I can protect is this place, and I'm just a businessman. Who can guarantee that there won't be a second one after I move him down? Three out? At that time, I won't even have any handle on those people."

She didn't think she had done anything wrong, so she didn't feel that it was embarrassing to say such a thing.

"If I can't move the source, then I can only sweep the snow in front of the house."

"Is it because you can't move, or you dare not move?" Gu Piannian asked seriously.

There are different meanings here.

Xia Pianpian pursed her lips slightly, and said after a while: "I can't move, the business here is its own empire, even Xia Sheng's head office is in S City, not here, because if you want to gain a foothold here, you have to join them .”

If it's just that you can't move, it's actually not too difficult for Gu Piannian.

"What do you think of the economic system here?" Gu Piannian picked up the cup and looked at Xia Pianpian while drinking water.

"It looks stable, but it's actually rotten inside, but I didn't dare to touch them, because once we do it, the economy here will collapse, and no one can bear the consequences."

Xia Pianpian is telling the truth, and everyone understands the truth.

Those people also understand, so they dare to be so overbearing.

Perhaps they have also invited business, but small companies dare not come, and large companies are unwilling to enter the muddy water, so that things have fallen into a dead end.

"How long will it take to sue?" Gu Piannian looked at Cheng Siyi and asked.

"It's easy for them to get caught. Today's incident is enough to get them caught first, but if it's really what Mr. Xia said, there is another possibility that they will be released soon after being caught. , Then those people may get worse, the best way is to collect all the evidence and go directly to the provincial court."

After crossing this layer of relationship, we have reached a step that is easy for everyone to do.

"But in this way, the time may be delayed." Cheng Siyi also mentioned the disadvantages.

"I have some evidence that Mo Chuan opened a dark bar and abused adult women."

After Xia Pianpian finished speaking, Gu Piannian's hand tightened suddenly.

Cheng Siyi moved her lips, and when she looked at Xia Pianpian, her heart ached.

"It's not me. He tried to attack me, but he didn't succeed." Xia Pianpian explained, "It's because of this incident that Mo Chuan knew that I had his evidence in my hand, so he was afraid of me, and the Mo family dared not Trouble me, dare not trouble the village."

"How many girls were killed? Are you willing to testify?"

"There are quite a few, but not many are willing to come forward to testify." Xia Pianpian has collected information on those girls who were killed, but many of them avoid talking about it because they still have to live.

Cheng Siyi also thought of this point, and they also talked about it in class, why it is so difficult to win rape cases and rape cases, or even sue, a large part of the reason is that girls dare not stand up, because if they stand up When they come out, in addition to experiencing a nightmare like memory, the first thing they face may not be the punishment of criminals by the law, but the abuse of public opinion towards them.

But precisely because of this, those criminals dared to harm other women over and over again.

"What about the economic case? Since they are like this, it should not be clean economically." Cheng Siyi didn't want to use this charge to arrest people unless it was a last resort. This is one of his charges.

"It's definitely not clean, but the evidence is not easy to get." Xia Pianpian said.

She originally thought that Cheng Siyi was just a woman married to Gu Piannian, and she might have won in the face, but after talking, she felt that she might be prejudiced against Cheng Siyi.

Cheng Siyi bit her lips and looked at Gu Piannian, "I have a hunch that there must be other relationships between Zheng Changhe, Mo Chuan, and my father."

"So, today's release is likely to be a kind of test, to test what we are here for." Cheng Siyi suddenly said, feeling that he had suddenly opened up the two veins of Ren and Du.

A smiling face begging for praise.

There was a little more smile on Gu Piannian's serious face, and his eyes became more gentle.

Xia Pianpian: "..."

There is no way to see the specific development suddenly.

Didn't he find that there was an outsider like her?

"Cough..." Xia Pianpian, who couldn't stand it anymore, couldn't help coughing, reminding the two people with drawn eyes that it was almost over.

Gu Piannian was disturbed by the sound of coughing, he looked back at Xia Pianpian, "You go back and give me a copy of the business system here, it must be complete, and Xia Sheng is for investment, if you want to integrate the entire county business system, redo the investment rules, can you do it?"

Xia Pianpian was obviously shocked by Gu Piannian's proposal, "This, this is a lot of money."

"You don't have to worry about the money and entering the company, you just say that you can do it?" Gu Piannian asked again.

Xia Pianpian realized what Gu Piannian was going to do, and after careful consideration, she made a promise: "Yes."

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