Chapter 106

Tianqing hummed subconsciously and raised his tone.

"What I mean is that Moyu asked Tuanru to temporarily join the Yuehu Mercenary Group to destroy the plan of the Dark Night Blood Palace?" Gu Yu repeated.

"No, of course not." Tian Qing smiled slightly, stretched out a finger and waved it, "I let Tuan Ru stay here just to protect you."

Hearing the word "protection" from Tian Qing's mouth again, neither Gu Qin nor Gu Yu said anything, and they had nothing to say.

"May I ask Mr. Moyu why he wants to protect us?" Zhong Wenjin hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

At the same time, Gu Qin on the side tilted her head and asked, "Moyu, aren't you going to destroy Cang Le's plan? If Cang Le's plan is carried out, none of the mercenaries here will die."

Between Gu Qin's and Zhong Wenjin's questions, Tian Qing chooses which one to answer first. It's almost unnecessary to say: "They are not worth my wasting so much energy. I mainly want to go to the territory of Blazing Tianshi, and I will leave soon."

"Ah? So Moyu still wants to leave?" Gu Qin thought that Moyu's return this time meant that he would not be separated from them in Qingmo Forest, but he still wanted to leave.

"Of course I have to go, otherwise why did you ask Tuan Ru to come over to protect you?" Tian Qing never expected that Gu Qin would always think that she would not leave the team. She has always behaved clearly, right?
"Oh." Gu Qin's tone was a little frustrated, but she also knew that she had no status to stop Tian Qing.

Seeing Gu Qin like this, Tian Qing was not comforted, but looked at Zhong Wenjin and Gu Yu: "As for why I help you, you can understand that I am helping myself."

"Help yourself?" Obviously what Tian Qing said was not so easy to understand, Gu Yu's face showed confusion, but Zhong Wenjin's face was thoughtful.

"Don't you have enmity with the Temple of Light? It must be revenge. Isn't that just helping me?" Tian Qing explained lightly.

In fact, there is another reason, that is, Tianqing has an intuition that Gu Yu and the others will not leave the team immediately, and she also has a stronger feeling that there is no one to help, the brothers and sisters and the loyal servant will definitely Fold in the hands of the Dark Night Blood Hall.

"Master Moyu wants to cooperate with us?" Zhong Wenjin's eyes flickered, and he spoke before Gu Yu could speak.

If Gu Yu were to talk about it, then Gu Yu would probably only say some meaningless nonsense such as "no problem, go all out".

That is in line with Gu Yu's upright character, but it is not conducive to maximizing benefits.

"That's right." Tian Qing glanced at Zhong Wenjin, and could tell what this guy was up to at a glance, but he was unexpectedly not annoying.

"Why should we cooperate with you?" Zhong Wenjin hesitated in his heart when he said this, because these words were clearly asking for benefits.

If it was him before, it would be impossible for him to do such a thing, and he would be ashamed to do it now.

Moyu asked Tuanru, a young beast creator, to help them. They had already taken advantage of them, but now he is still asking for benefits, which is really unreasonable.

When Zhong Wenjin's words came out of his mouth.Gu Qin was the first to refuse: "Uncle Zhong! What are you talking about! If Moyu wants to cooperate, he must cooperate. Cooperation will not do us any harm!"

At the same time, Gu Yu also disapproved all over his face. He was smarter than Gu Qin and knew that Zhong Wenjin didn't really want to cooperate, but hated the benefits, but he also knew this, and he became even more ashamed and angry: "Uncle Zhong! Stop talking Already!"

Tun Ri, who could barely keep his eyes open, heard this, a cold light flashed in his bright yellow eyes, this kind of person is really unpleasant!

Tiandu didn't have any other thoughts, just looked at Zhong Wenjin with a smile: "Cooperation is better than fighting alone. With your strength, it is impossible to face the Temple of Light in your whole life. The time will be gone first.”

Although Zhong Wenjin didn't want to admit it, what Tianqing said was the truth.

He and the young master are just two green-rank beast creators, and the young lady is just a yellow-rank beast creator. Throughout their lives, they will never be the one with a powerful outsider in the Temple of Light, or even a blue-rank beast creator. There may be opponents of the power of the purple-rank beast creator.

Not to mention the background of the Temple of Light, but the few young beast creators chasing them, they are not something they can deal with in a short while.

And the most important point is that when he said some things once, he felt that his old face was gone, so he was really embarrassed to say it a second time.

"I don't need you to do anything about the cooperation. I just don't want you to be damaged in the Qingmo Forest. I hope you can go out and cause some trouble to the Temple of Light on the premise of protecting yourself." Tian Qing felt that he had already I thought about these three people very much.

There is no need to pay anything at all, there is Tunri, the king beast of the green desert forest, to protect their safety.

This is not how she sells at a loss!

"Originally, I could stay and help you, but my business is quite urgent, so I asked Tuan Tathagata to help you." After Tian Qing said this, she didn't say anything, she had said enough It's clear.

Afterwards, Tian Qing also said that she would leave as soon as possible, so that Gu Qin and the others could leave her alone.

After saying this, Tian Qing removed the nearby enchantment, and put on Tun Ri's shoulder as if nothing had happened.

Tun Ri lazily yawned, and in turn leaned his head on Tian Qing's shoulder, putting all his weight on it.

Seeing Tianqing's reaction, Gu Yu and Zhong Wenjin wisely didn't say anything.

As for Gu Qin, probably the fact that Tianqing still had to leave hit her too hard, and she is still depressed.

Even if Tian Qing reassured her that she would come to find them after she found what she needed, if there was time, Cang Le and the others would not let Cang Le and the others sacrifice the lives of so many mercenaries, it was useless to Gu Qin.

Tianqing took the grilled fish that Yusen sent over eagerly, and sighed when he glanced at Guqin from the corner of his eye.

She has made it very clear, and Gu Qin also knows that she has no position to stop her, but this girl probably still can't bear to see so many people die because of the calculations of Fan Ji and others.

Especially under the premise that she is a blue-rank beast creator who can obviously stop Cang Le and others, the girl's desire to not see casualties is even deeper.

But you have to know that she herself doesn't have much strength now, even the enchantment just now, she also used her niece's ability.

Most of the strength of the Tiangong clan comes from their created beasts.

It's not that Tianqing is incapable, but those abilities are not suitable for exposure at all, and without the assistance of her beast-creator, she will not be the opponent of Cang Le's three young beast-creator masters.

To put it simply, she is no match for Cang Le and the others at all. If she finds Chi Yan Twin Grass and wakes up Chi Yi, she can compete with Cang Le and destroy their plan.

So even if he knew that Gu Qin didn't want her to leave at this time, it was impossible for Tian Qing to stay.

Gu Yu, Zhong Wenjin and Tun Ri all accepted the fact that Tian Qing would leave, but they never thought that this young man would leave so hastily. If they hadn't known that she would leave, they would not even be able to resist looking for her at that time. he.

 Tianqing: Stop making trouble, it's not like I won't come back, I really can't beat Cang Le's three young beast creators

  Gu Qin: You are a blue-rank beast creator!

  Tianqing: A blue-ranked beast creator has no beasts, and he is no match for the three green-ranked beastmakers!

  Gu Qin: You force the greedy wolf back every minute!
  Tianqing: That wasn't me, it was Tunri who did it, didn't I leave the person to you!
  Gu Qin: You are a blue-rank beast creator!

  Tianqing: doesn't make sense, let's slip away early
(End of this chapter)

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