Chapter 107
At that time, the team had already entered the territory of the water-eroded rhinoceros, and Cang Le and others recruited people along the way, and successfully changed the number of team members from a hundred to more than 300.

Along the way, although some people in the team still disappeared inexplicably from time to time, they did not cause too much worry to Cang Le and the others.

There are still a lot of mercenary regiments for the children of aristocratic families who have experienced in the Qingmo forest, so they don't have to worry so much about the decrease in number.

It was also because there were too many people, and those who came later did not know the identity of Tian Qing, the "blue rank beast creator".

After all, the inexplicable disappearance of someone made the whole team panic. If it wasn't for the high reward Cang Le gave, I believe many people would not be willing to continue to go deep into the Qingmo forest.

At this time, anyone with a little brain knows that it is not suitable to stay in the Qingmo forest for a long time.

The inexplicable disappearance has never been heard of in the history of Qingmo Forest.

The team was inherently unstable, and the mercenaries inside were not completely without conflicts. It could be said that some mercenary groups had deep hatred among themselves.

If it weren't for Magic Ji being there to host and the huge interests fishing ahead, no one knows what the situation of this team would be.

Just like at this time, when they were resting in the evening, they camped in an open space. Not far from the open space was a river, and the shadows of several water-eroded rhinoceros in the river were very obvious.

Anyone who is not stupid knows not to go to the river to provoke at such a time.

The temperament of the water-eroded rhinoceros is different from that of the wild bear. As long as you do not go too far, the wild bear will not talk to you at all, but the water-eroded rhinoceros will not.

The water-eroded rhinoceros is fine if you don't wander in front of it, but if you wander in front of it, something may happen.

It clearly knows the nature of the water-eroded rhinoceros, but it can't hold back the jealousy of its enemies.

The heads of the two C-level mercenary groups started to taunt each other as soon as they saw each other.

Cang Le and the others were overwhelmed by the recent anomalies in Qingmo Forest, and when they saw conflicts in the team, they didn't want to pay attention to them at all.

In their eyes, these people are like ants, and in the end they are just useless sacrifices.

How could they be willing to take care of the emotions of the ants and sacrifices!

As long as they obediently follow them to the deserted land, it is enough not to harbor ill intentions towards them in the process.

This also caused the small problems that could have been resolved through mediation between the two mercenary regiment leaders to quickly cause big troubles.

I don't know how things developed. In short, the heads of these two mercenary regiments finally ran to provoke the water-eroded rhinoceros. Whoever doesn't go is a coward.

Originally, this matter was nothing. There seemed to be only a dozen or so water-eroded rhinoceros on the water, and they were all minors. There were three young beast creators here, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

It was probably also because there were three young beast creators in the team who gave the two mercenary regiment leaders confidence, and they really went to provoke the water-eroded rhinoceros.

As a result, a big basket was stabbed at once.

The ones on the water surface are just the cubs of the water-eroded rhinoceros, and there are a large group of adult water-eroded rhinoceros below!
By the time Cang Le and the others noticed the situation, the water-eroded rhinoceros had already been provoked, and the two heads of the mercenary regiment who took the lead in the matter were already dead.

But the water-eroded rhinoceros are not at all like wild bears who only stare at the people who provoke them and don't implicate the innocent. When they get angry, everyone around them will suffer.

As soon as Cang Le looked over, he saw a green-rank beast creator from the Jifeng mercenary group who hadn't even summoned the beast, but was shot through the heart by a water arrow from the nearest water-eroded rhinoceros and died.

Negotiation seems to be impossible, and the water-eroded rhinoceros under the rage doesn't have so much reason.

The more important point is that they didn't pay attention to what the heads of the two C-level mercenary regiments did just now. Even if they wanted to negotiate, they didn't know where to start, and they couldn't even apologize.

Cang Le hastily summoned his six created beasts. At this time, he didn't have time to think about whether his created beasts were suitable for the current situation, so he called them out first.

Su Zhi and Fan Ji also reacted in the same way.

At this time, the difference between the elite B-level mercenary regiment and the small team randomly recruited on the road is revealed.

The members of the five B-level mercenary regiments quickly organized, or combined the power of their own creation beasts to fight, or summoned their own creation beasts to assist in the battle. Except for the team being unprepared at the beginning and causing a little damage, there was no more Casualties.

But for those small teams recruited casually on the road, the loss would be a bit heavy.

After a while, a quarter of the more than 200 people died.

People from the Yuehu Mercenary Group naturally also joined the battle.

Yu Liang and the others did their best, wishing to sacrifice themselves to protect Fan Ji and the others.

Under the guidance of Zhong Wenjin, Gu Yu and Gu Qin started paddling.

The three of them only cared about protecting their own safety, at most helping the members of their mercenary regiment.

But to say that the most serious paddling is Tianqing and Tunri.

Tian Qing noticed when the two mercenary regiment leaders were arguing, and she even had a chance to stop them.

It's just that Tianqing suddenly thought of a perfect idea of ​​getting out, so he didn't remind him, but watched the scene become chaotic.

Do you think Tianqing wants to take advantage of the chaos and leave quietly?

At this time, Tianqing was clearly urging and directing Tunri.

[The water-eroded rhino horn beast king is also here, right?I can feel his breath.You ask him to mess up the scene a bit more so I can leave. 】

[It's already a mess, you can leave whenever you want. 】Tun Ri was speechless, but he didn't dare to show impatience in his sleepy eyes.

[This is not enough.I can leave at any time, but why do you want to stay? ] Of course it's okay for Tian Qing to leave, but Tun Ri wants to stay.

The three of Cang Le knew that Tun Ri came here with her, if she left and Tun Ri stayed, even though they had already greeted Cang Le and others, there was still a hidden danger.

Because Cang Le obviously didn't want Tun Ri to stay, maybe that man sensed the danger of Tun Ri's laziness.

Anyway, if she left quietly, or at this time, it would probably cause some trouble.

That's not what she wants to see.

What she wants to do more is to give Tun Ri an aboveboard reason to follow this team.

Originally, I was still thinking about what reason to use, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come to my door like this.

Water Erosion Rhino Horn Beast King...

Although I don't know why the king beasts in Qingmo forest are so common, one after another approaching her, but this is not a problem. With the sun swallowing python king coming forward, the water erosion rhino horn beast king will definitely cooperate with her.

This way things are much simpler.

Tian Qing was thinking in his heart that the water erosion on the other side, who had just wandered around in his own territory, was dumbfounded when he received the message from Tun Ri.

Slightly sticking out half of his head, his water-eroded silver eyes looked at the water-eroded rhinoceros and the team that were fighting fiercely.

Seeing a familiar figure at a glance, he fell silent.

Shouldn't Tun Ri be dealing with Suo Li's affairs?How come here?

Hearing that Tun Ri actually asked him to help to make things more chaotic, his water-eroded silver eyes flickered slightly.

What does Tunri want to do?
 Sun Tun: Water erosion, do me a favor

  Water erosion: why are you here? !

  Tun Ri: It's not important, do me a favor first
  Water Erosion: No, it's very important, shouldn't you be dealing with Suo Li?

  Tun Ri: What Suo Li?What happened to Suo Li?
  Water erosion: ...

  So, the question is, will water erosion really help?

(End of this chapter)

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