Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 113 It was just a fluke

Chapter 113 It was just a fluke
No one in the current Tiangong Continent knows that there are formations one after another in the bottom of the Qingmo Forest.

And in this underground area full of formations, the only safe area finally broke the silence of thousands of years, and it was crowded with all kinds of people at this time.

There are some men and women standing or sitting in the outermost area. Everyone’s eyes look at the middle area from time to time. Of course, some people’s eyes are exploring around. At the same time, some people just close their eyes and rest, as if they don’t bother me. .

A little ahead of them lay some men and women in different clothes.

Some of those who were sleeping quickly woke up, and moved to the edge under the gestures of the people around them, and learned about the surrounding situation in the words of those people.

In the small place in the middle, a person would fall down from time to time.

When that person fell, a few people would appear among the people standing around, integrate their ability to create flying beasts, pass over those who hadn't woken up, and move the person who just fell to an open space.

Because it is unknown when the next person will be ushered in that central area, the personnel must be cleared as soon as possible, otherwise it is likely to cause secondary harm to the unconscious person.

Thousands of people have gathered in such a small place.

These people don't seem to have anything in common.

Some come from aristocratic families, some are just civilians; some are handsome and picturesque, and some are ugly and hard to look at; A red-rank beast creator who is not much different from ordinary people.

Probably the only peculiarity is that these people were brought to this place without their knowledge.

A white light flashed in the central area, not everyone who saw it for the first time knew that this was another person coming in.

Two people who have done it countless times are ready to go over and pull this person aside.

Just as they waited for the man to fall completely to the ground so that they could pull him aside to the newly vacated position, a surprising scene happened suddenly.

There were even exclamations and gasps in the crowd.

Because the person who seemed to be about to fall freely did somersault in mid-air and landed smoothly on the ground.

It was a young man in Tsing Yi. The young man's face was clean and fair, with a kind of cleanliness and clarity, and his sky blue eyes were even more clear and pure. Just looking at this person, there will be an unknown feeling. The goodwill suddenly surged, sweeping the whole body.

At this time, probably because of some movement in the air, the blue ribbon on the young man's hair swayed slightly, with a bit of casualness and freedom.

"It's so beautiful!" Someone couldn't help exclaiming.

This gentle admiration is like a drop of water dripping in boiling oil, and the splash has a powerful effect far beyond expectations.

People who were stunned by the young man's temperament and appearance came back to their senses. This time, someone finally remembered to remind the young man not to stand in the middle: "Young master, move to the side, your position is very dangerous."

Tianqing was observing the surrounding situation as soon as he landed.

The dense crowd around her, as well as the unconscious people lying on the ground, all made her feel a little puzzled while the alarm bells were ringing in her heart.

All of this did not meet her expectations at the beginning.

Hearing the reminder, Tian Qing hesitated for a moment, but soon, she stopped hesitating and quickly moved two steps to the side.

A person who stayed in mid-air looked at this young man with a clean temperament, and was about to say something when another white light suddenly flashed.

At the place where Tianqing was standing just now, a person fell down.

This person is not like Tianqing, who has obvious self-protection ability. He fell from a high altitude and obviously has not realized what happened. He fell to the ground with a bewildered expression, and soon fell into a coma.

Tian Qing stared blankly at the fallen man, who was obviously dressed as a mercenary.

When Tian Qing was stunned, the two men who had just stopped floating in the air and thought they were useless rushed over quickly, and quickly picked up the man in the middle and moved him to a place not far away. A person-sized lot.

After doing this, these two people will have time to look at Tianqing who is stunned in place.

One of the men with a pair of pure white wings subconsciously showed a friendly smile: "Little brother is pretty good."

"Luck is also very good." Another man whose back clearly belonged to the black wings of an eagle looked at Tian Qing and added on the side.

"It's just a fluke." Tianqing showed a pure and harmless smile, touched his head, and asked for advice, "Can you two big brothers tell me what's going on?"

"There is nothing to say, even if you don't ask, I will tell you." Xie Yunhe smiled very friendly, put away his pure white wings, and slowly landed in front of Tianqing.

"Yes, anyway, we don't know much information, even if you don't ask yourself, you can quickly find out." Chen Dinghui also put away the black wings of his creation beast, and landed on the other side of the sky.

Tian Qing could feel Xie Yunhe's smile froze for a moment just after Chen Dinghui's words fell.

Smiling secretly in his heart, this person should have wanted to sell her a favor, but it turned out that something that could have been a big favor was said by another person, and it instantly became inconspicuous.

"I'm Moyu. Anyway, I'd like to thank the two elder brothers for being willing to tell Yu about the situation here." Tianqing couldn't keep Xie Yunhe in a dilemma, so he could only smile to make a way out.

"Small matter, my name is Xie Yunhe, you can call me Brother Xie." The expression on Xie Yunhe's face is much better. It seems that this young man with good strength is easy to get along with, and it is worthwhile for him to take the initiative to make friends.

"My name is Chen Dinghui, and I'm Xie Yunhe's friend. Brother Moyu can just call me Brother Chen." Chen Dinghui saw Xie Yunhe introduce himself, and followed suit.

"Brother Xie, Brother Chen." Tian Qing called out very obediently, and Qing Lie's soft voice made people feel more and more fond of him.

The expression on Xie Yunhe's face was quite sincere. He looked around and said with a smile: "It's not a problem to stand in the center all the time. Let's go to the side first. Moyu, do you have a flying beast?"

As soon as Xie Yunhe said this, Tian Qing knew what it meant.

If you want to stand aside, you must first pass those people lying on the ground, and this requires the power of the flying beast.

If there is no flying beast, it probably needs the help of someone who owns the flying beast, just like the unconscious man just now.

To be honest, Tianqing didn't want to rely on these two men who didn't know the details, but she really had no way to go there by herself since the creation beasts on her body were basically useless.

Difficulty in my heart, but it didn't show on my face.

At this moment, Chi Yi who came back to his senses spoke slowly in her mind.

 Tianqing: Another day of being forced to pretend

(End of this chapter)

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