Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 114 This is a Secret

Chapter 114 This is a Secret

[Qingqing, say yes. 】

When Tian Qing heard Chi Yi's words, he replied without hesitation: "I have some, so I won't bother Brother Xie and Brother Chen."

Hearing what Tian Qing said, Xie Yunhe and Chen Dinghui didn't say much, they just motioned Tian Qing to follow.

【Chi Yi, I let the lie go, the rest is up to you. 】

Tianqing nodded, smiling sweetly, and at the same time urged Chiyi to solve this matter in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chi Yi didn't even raise his eyelids, a strong and domineering force directly swept Tian Qing's limbs and bones.

It was also at this time that Tian Qing finally remembered that it seemed that each of her created beasts had the function of flying.

In front, Xie Yunhe had already spread his white wings, and Chen Dinghui had also spread his black wings. The two of them floated in place and waited for the sky to tilt.

Tianqing stretched out his left hand, and flicked from the right chest to the left at random. Following her movements, Xie Yunhe and Chen Dinghui were surprised to find that someone was directly suspended in mid-air.

No wings are created, but the person is suspended in mid-air.

Chen Dinghui opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But his words were stopped by Xie Yunhe without asking.

Xie Yunhe looked at Tianqing's current state, and there was a trace of respect in his scrutinizing eyes.

It can be suspended in mid-air without wings, which means that the so-called flying creature Moyu may not be a real flying creature, but a creature that can stay in the air for a short time.

It is not a flying creation beast but can stay in the air. As far as he knows, at least blue-rank creation beasts can have this ability.

This means that this clean-looking boy is at least a blue-rank beast creator.

That's the blue-rank beast creator!

Although it is not clear how many beast creations this person has created, the name of a blue-rank beast creation master alone is worthy of the respect and admiration of the world.

Naturally, Xie Yunhe was not the only one who knew the goods, and many people in the crowd also discovered this, and found a suitable reason for the boy to land smoothly.

It is impossible for the blue-rank beast creators who have created beast creation masters without some strength. The ability after merging the beast creation alone is beyond their ability.

Not to mention that it fell from this height, even if it was higher, there would be no difficulty.

But for some unknown reason, no one came forward and tried to strike up a conversation with the blue-rank beast creator.

"This little brother is a blue-rank beast creator?" Tian Qing followed Xie Yunhe and Chen Dinghui to a small corner, and a woman standing there looked at Tian Qing and smiled.

"Xiang Qiaoru, a green-rank beast creator." Xie Yunhe introduced to Tianqing.

"Hello, sister Xiang, I am indeed a blue-rank beast creator." Tian Qing shouted, with a slight dimple at the corner of his mouth, a little soft.

"Hello, my little brother is amazing, he is actually a blue-rank beast creator." Xiang Qiaoru was very happy to be called sister, and his gaze towards Tianqing softened a lot.

"Moyu seems to be the first blue-rank beast creator to fall here." Chen Dinghui said on the side, probably wanting to prove that Tianqing is really great.

It's just that from what I heard, if you are a sensitive person, you may not necessarily turn your face on the spot.

Because of this kind of content, there is always a connotation that a blue-rank beast creator will fall into this place.

Xie Yunhe also found a small problem in Chen Dinghui's words, and said with a smile: "Moyu should be the only blue-rank beast creator in Qingmo Forest, after all, blue-rank beast creators rarely enter Qingmo Forest. "

"Speaking of which, why did my little brother come to Qingmo Forest? Your family is assured that you will come out alone?" Xiang Qiaoru also changed the subject while testing Tianqing.

"Looking for a plant is a task given by the family." Tianqing explained softly, and the clear and clean voice echoed in the space, and many people who paid attention to this side also heard this explanation.

"Okay, let's get down to business, let's explain the situation here to Moyu first." Xie Yunhe politely didn't ask what kind of plant it was, and what kind of task it was, but turned the topic back to the original science popularization.

In fact, all the people here don't know why they fell here, because everyone's situation before entering here is different.

Some people are in a hurry, and they suddenly fall into this place while walking.

Some people fell in suddenly when they went to catch some wild animals around, and when they fell in, they still held the pheasant and hare they had just caught.

There are also some people who fell here suddenly during the battle with the strange beasts, and even maintained an attacking or defensive posture when they fell.

As for why the people here specifically moved the newly fallen people to the side, they should also thank the few people who fell in at the beginning.

Because of their willingness to help others, these thousands of talents have not completely messed up.

After listening to a lot of people who felt that there were not many important words, Tian Qing finally interjected: "The first person?"

"Hey, that's the one over there, Bai Yao." Xie Yunhe could clearly see the curiosity in Moyu's eyes, and pointed out someone to Moyu with a smile.

Xie Yunhe was referring to a woman wearing a blue jacket and skirt. The woman seemed to have noticed their gazes, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was very gentle when she turned her head to look over.

That kind of decision doesn't seem all that surprising if it's such a gentle woman.

It's just that there is still a doubt in Tianqing's heart, that is, how could such a woman appear in the Qingmo forest?

The doubt in his heart did not show, Tian Qinghui gave the woman a shy smile.

"The people who came in have nothing in common, so they haven't found the exit yet?" After a brief eye contact with the woman, Tian Qing turned his attention back.

"Smart." Chen Dinghui couldn't help admiring. These words made Xie Yunhe, who was about to speak, froze again. Fortunately, Chen Dinghui also noticed Xie Yunhe who was about to speak, and immediately made amends, "The specifics are still for Xie Yunhe to tell you Bar."

Xie Yunhe glanced at Chen Dinghui before answering Tianqing's question: "It is true that no exit has been found, but there is another reason, that is, we suspect that this is the secret realm of a certain powerful person, and there may be the inheritance of that powerful person." .”

People in Tiangong Continent are no strangers to this secret realm. Although the current lifespan of a beast creator will not exceed two hundred years, this does not mean that there are no legends about secret realms in Tiangong Continent.

"Why is the Qingmo Forest called the Qingmo Forest instead of the Red Desert Forest? There should be some particularity in it." Xie Yunhe spoke in a slow tone, keeping an eye on Tianqing's emotions while telling the truth.

"We stayed in Qingmo City for three years, searched all kinds of ancient books, and finally found a legend about Qingmo Forest." Xiang Qiaoru lowered her voice and said mysteriously, "We only tell the little brother about this. You, don't tell anyone else."

Tianqing nodded, showing a very honored look, but in fact there was no fluctuation in his heart.

 Tianqing: I'm listening, you guys make up slowly
(End of this chapter)

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