Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 115 is finally here

Chapter 115 is finally here
It turned out that Xie Yunhe and the others had read in ancient books that the Qingmo Forest was the burial place of an ancient power.

And in the limited records in Qingmo City, it is also found that there have always been various formations in Qingmo Forest.

The beast creators in Tiangong Continent don't know how to form formations, but some of the visitors from outside the territory know these things.

Therefore, Xie Yunhe and the others deduced that the mighty person sleeping peacefully in the Qingmo Forest should be a foreign visitor.

If it is a local power in Tiangong Continent, then Xie Yunhe and the others don't think there will be any inheritance of the secret realm at all, because the beast creator in Tiangong Continent is only two hundred years old and can't leave much valuable things behind.

But the power outside the territory is different.

The lifespan of those people outside the territory is not only two hundred years old, but tens of thousands of years old.

They have been to so many places, and they must have left behind many treasures.

At the moment of Daoyun's death, he may have set up a secret realm to pass on his orthodoxy.

"So you think this is the inheritance place of a certain great power?" Tian Qing's mouth twitched slightly, but he still had to show a look of surprise.

Chi Yi, who was in the sea of ​​knowledge, didn't have so many scruples, and the always arrogant guy laughed wildly at this moment.

[Hahahahaha!At first, I thought they knew that this place had something to do with Qingmo, but in the end, just this... Is it because they want to laugh at me so that Qingqing can lose a right-hand man? ! 】

【Chi Yi, they don't know much about the past, so we can't blame them. 】

Tian Qing reluctantly reminded Chi Yi that, in fact, it makes sense to just listen to these three people, isn't it?

If she didn't know, Qingmo Forest should be the place where Qingmo's body died, Tunri and these Qingmo creation beasts are still guarding this area, it is impossible for others to create a secret inheritance here, she I want to believe what Xie Yunhe said.

【All right, all right, I won't laugh anymore.But having said that, Qingqing, why did you specifically enter this place? 】

Chi Yi also realized at this time that Qing Qing was unwilling to follow Shui Er to find Cang Qing and the others, probably because of this place.

But what he didn't understand was why Qingqing had to specifically involve herself.

[Because it's fun. 】

Tian Qing replied indifferently with an answer that was not an answer at all in the eyes of ordinary people.

But Chi Yi accepted this answer. Qingqing is a playful person, and sometimes a very simple thing can be played in different ways by her. Reasons to love and hate.

Chi Yi became quiet again, and Tian Qing could feel that Chi Yi was so quiet that he probably wouldn't be able to speak for three to five days.

It was originally awakened by the stimulation of the strong fire element, it was not a real awakening at all, it was normal to suddenly become quiet, Tian Qing was not worried about Chi Yi.

At this time, Tianqing was facing a rhetorical question from Xiang Qiaoru: "Don't little brother Moyu think this is a secret place to choose suitable candidates?"

"Moyu, the people who come in have nothing in common. They seem to satisfy various types. We all agree that there is a high possibility that this place is used by a certain powerful person to choose a suitable inheritor." Xie Yunhe did not expect such a person in front of him The young man who was clean and looked very foolish didn't believe it yet, so he hurriedly said.

"I don't doubt this, and I also think this place is for selecting people." Tian Qing finally came back to his senses, blinking his eyes and hastily explained.

This kind of performance falls in the eyes of others, that is, it was completely too surprised at the beginning and did not react.

Xie Yunhe's expression looked a lot better, and the smile on his face became more friendly, and he began to be persuasive: "In this case, then Moyu, we're telling you such a big secret, shouldn't you express it?"

"It should be, how does brother Xie want Yu to repay you?" Tian Qing looked like a rookie who didn't have much experience, and said on his face that I would agree no matter what the conditions were.

"You don't need to do anything, just form a team with us." Xiang Qiaoru smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed Tianqing's head, "In this case, it is safer to have a team than one person, right?"

Tian Qing nodded, and moved his head away calmly.

She was not so big-hearted when she handed over her head to someone who didn't know the details.

Xiang Qiaoru's smile became more sincere: "Little brother Moyu means that he is willing to form a team with us?"

"I also think it's good to form a team. Brother Xie, Brother Chen and Sister Xiang are all good people." Tianqing touched his head and whispered a little shyly, "Anyway, I'm not interested in that inheritance, as long as I can go out. gone."

"Don't worry, we will definitely protect you." Chen Dinghui patted his chest and promised.

Xie Yunhe's eyes flickered slightly, and his smile was very friendly: "In this case, then Moyu will show us the truth, how many creation beasts have you created now?"

Hearing this, Tian Qing stretched out his hand in embarrassment, making a two-to-one comparison.

"Two?" Seeing Tianqing nodding, Xie Yunhe smiled brightly, "Moyu is very powerful, there are already two creation beasts."

"Brother Xie for exaggerating." Tian Qing became even more embarrassed, and his voice became even quieter.

"It's amazing to have two creation beasts at your age." Xie Yunhe didn't hesitate to praise himself, "Thank you, brother, I have only created four creation beasts now."

As Xie Yunhe and Xiang Qiaoru looked at each other, Xiang Qiaoru nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Xiang Qiaoru seemed to want to do something, but at this moment, another white light suddenly flashed.

Another fell.

The moment that person fell, some people around who had been resting their eyes with their eyes closed suddenly opened their eyes: "There are two thousand."

As these words fell, from the very middle, one after another white light appeared, and after the initial glare, it quickly turned into a soft light.

As white lines lit up one after another, the surrounding environment finally became clear.

A white-clothed man who was meditating on the ground stood up and murmured softly, "Looks like it's enough."

A man in black who was stuck to the wall slowly opened his eyes. They were a pair of blood-red eyes that gave people an ominous feeling of killing just by looking at them.

The blood-red eyes glanced towards Xie Yunhe inadvertently, and paused slightly when they saw Tianqing.

Tian Qing seemed to hear the man snort, and a faint mockery flashed across his blood-colored eyes.

A sturdy man with two huge axes in his hand stared wide-eyed, and everyone who caught his gaze subconsciously looked away.

The gentle woman in the blue jacket and skirt closed her eyes, and she became a little more solemn from the initial casualness.

The people around waiting for this moment all broke away from their states one after another, watching the changes around them.

They knew that things were finally about to begin.

 Tianqing: I don't have much else in my hand, just a lot of good people.Come, come, come, you are welcome, one per person!not enough come again
  Xie Yunhe & Chen Dinghui & Xiang Qiaoru who were issued good person cards: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻We don’t want your extra good person cards, we just want you to really think we are good people!

  Tian Qing (difficult face): This... Look at my sincere eyes, isn't the good person card I gave you enough?You have to believe that I really think you are good people
(End of this chapter)

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