Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 301 You can escape a wave of death

Chapter 301

Shao Ge originally needed strong self-control to be able to restrain his instinct of wanting to eat. Now because of Tian Qing's words, he knew that the red cup fruit was not harmful, and he already had the firmer restraint because of worry trend of collapse.

At this moment, the voice belonging to Aye slowly sounded, and the young man raised his hand unhurriedly: "I have a question."

"Qizhi, you said that this red cup fruit is suitable for those Gu Dao geniuses, so why did you ask the four of us if you want to eat it before? It's not to test whether there is a suitable candidate among us?" Aye said this There was a bit of a teasing smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously he didn't believe this sentence himself.

"Of course not." Tian Qing also smiled, a very light laugh, she likes smart and rational clansmen, "I asked that because the red cup fruit is good for the red-rank beast creators, but for those who are suitable for cultivating Gu People who are worms together have more benefits."

This is actually very easy to understand. Each red cup fruit perfectly replicates the characteristics of the previous red cup fruits, and the powerful Dao Yun hidden in it is also the same.

It is a matter of course that those who are gifted can understand more, and those who are not gifted understand less.

"What good is it for people who are not suitable for Gu worms?" A Ye's eyes lit up very obviously, this is the information that is useful to him.

"It's not suitable for Gu worms, it just means that all of your created beasts are not suitable for Gu worms, it doesn't mean that you can't have Gu worms in your created beasts.

What the mighty one of the red-ranked beast creators wanted to find was a carrier that could fully carry Gu worms like him.

And among the nine great beast creation beasts, the red-rank beast creators who could only have one, two, three or four Gu worms did not meet his requirements.

Don't you think that there are so many red-rank beast creators, and there isn't even one who can create Gu worms?
That's not the case, it's just that these people are not suitable for completely following the path of Gu.

Aye, you can try it, after you try it, you will naturally know the beauty of it. "

Tian Qing pointed to the pile of red fruit, this time she didn't reach out to take it, because Shao Ge couldn't stand a little stimulation now.

It's a pity that Shao Ge was born in this era, not only that Da Neng has long since fallen, but also the good growth environment that the Tiangong clan should have provided for the children of the clan.

There are a few emperors watching over him, and he doesn't know his blood inheritance. If Shao Ge stays in Tiangong Continent, even if he already knows the path that suits him, he will have a very difficult journey.

It is impossible for Tianqing to accompany this person. This person's importance to her is not as important as those selected companions who followed from thousands of years ago.

The only thing she can do is to say a few words, to help when she meets, it is impossible to do too much.

[The Tiangong Continent is not suitable for him, he will either die or do nothing if he continues to stay in this continent. 】

Bancai hiding in the dark also discovered Shao Ge's particularity and current situation.

He already knew the status quo of Tiangong Continent in the science popularization of Tun Ri cursing, and he also knew very well that no matter how talented a beast creator is, it is impossible to bloom himself in this continent.

Either he is muddle-headed about everything, or he wakes up with difficulty and wants to become an enemy of the entire continent.

【What do you want? 】

Tian Qing seemed to smile, and a dark light flashed in her clear sky blue eyes.

This is the status quo of Tiangong Continent. They have not grown to the point where they can compete with the emperors of Shengqi, so they can only endure.

[It is possible to "die" in this trial ground. 】

Bancai laughed a few times, rubbed her hands together, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved.

【How to die?Do you think Shao Ge can stand on his own? 】

Tianqing raised his eyebrows, Shao Ge was still too young to be a leader, let him go to the world alone, or when people didn't know the blood of the Tiangong clan, it was really sending people to death.

(End of this chapter)

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