Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 302 He Can't Follow You

Chapter 302 He Can't Follow You

[Who hasn't come from an ignorant child and a brat.He is not capable now, but being in Tiangong Continent will only limit his development, and only leaving Tiangong Continent can give him a broad stage for growth. 】

Bancai flicked his colored hair lightly, and he grinned, and there seemed to be a hint of caution in that smile.

None of the members of the Tiangong clan are cowards, and none of them are cowards who dare not move forward and are afraid of challenges.

Although the current general environment makes the members of the Tiangong clan no longer look like the members of the Tiangong clan ten thousand years ago, some things are engraved in the blood, and all they need is an opportunity to wake them up.

【He can follow me. 】

Qi Qi suddenly said that Shao Ge is a very special red-rank beast creator. Because of his speciality, he doesn't mind paying more attention to people.

With Shao Ge's current ability, he can't walk alone in the world where the weak are prey to the strong, but Qi Qi also wants to go to the world, and Shao Ge can go with him.

He has the experience of walking in the universe, he can guide Shao Ge well, and there is poisonous grass in the front of their plan, and he can hide the two of them very well.

【If he follows you, he can't really grow up. 】

Tianqing's sky-blue clear eyes are full of reason and calmness, which is conducive to her analysis of the overall situation.

Qi Qi is very strong and talented, otherwise he would not be the only disciple accepted by the great elder of the Tiangong clan.

And Qi Qi attaches great importance to Shao Ge, which is not bad, but it is not so suitable for the current time when all available personnel are required to grow up quickly.

Shao Ge can't have an accident, because this guy has an excellent talent on the path of Gu Dao.

This point will be engraved in Qi Qi's heart, so that Qi Qi will unknowingly implement this point in his daily behavior.

And Qi Qi's ability and the status he will occupy next to Dumao's emperor will allow him to completely protect Shao Ge, and also make Shao Ge lose the opportunity to face the danger alone.

This is not what Tianqing wants to see. A person who has not faced dangerous experiences alone is just a delicate flower cultivated in a greenhouse, and cannot be entrusted with important tasks at critical moments.

Shao Ge's talent should not be wasted like this, nor should people become such a person.

【Didn't the young patriarch say that Shao Ge couldn't be alone, that he couldn't let people walk alone in the universe? 】

There was a hint of doubt in Qi Qi's cold voice, and the same doubt flashed in his dark eyes.

Isn't it the young patriarch who said that Shao Ge is not suitable to walk alone in the universe?

Why is it still the young patriarch who opposes him taking Shao Ge?
[I just said that he is not yet capable of being alone, but I didn't say that he should be a giant baby protected by you.

Qi Qi, you know what your strength is, and you also know that as long as you want to protect Shao Ge, Shao Ge will never encounter danger along the way.

But is that really what you want?Is it really what Shao Ge needs?
Which of the members of the Tiangong clan has not come out of tempering.

We are the sharp blades that have been sharpened by the whetstone, not the delicate flowers that have not seen the wind and rain and are protected by the greenhouse.

It's like the trial ground of Tiangong Continent that we are stepping on now. Yes, no one will die in this trial land, but the danger on this trial ground is real. It's real, every wound here is not an illusion.

Everything else is real except that there is no real death.

Because only between pain and life and death can a person stimulate his potential and show a different self.

Only between life and death can the genes and talents engraved by our subconscious mind in our nine collar beasts be fully activated, and the people of the Tiangong clan are the real blood of the Tiangong clan.

Qi Qi, Shao Ge can't follow you, it will ruin this person who has excellent talent on the path of Gu Dao.

If he follows you, his role is no different from that of those clansmen in Tiangong Continent now.

If that's the case, it's not worth our time wasting. 】

(End of this chapter)

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