Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 303 The primary color happens to be red

Chapter 303 The primary color happens to be red

What Tian Qing said was very ruthless and very utilitarian.

But she is right.

Now she simply can't save every member of the Tiangong clan she meets, nor can she do that.

In Tiangong Continent, people die and people disappear all the time.

The disappearance of one or two people will not attract the attention of those emperors who are always paying attention to this continent.

But sooner or later, if there are more missing people, they will find out the problem. At that time, it will not only be her who will be in danger, but also the Tiangong clan gathered by her.

When she didn't have enough ability to compete with Shengqi and the others, it would be better for the remaining Tiangong clan to live in a daze.

At least that way, they're still alive.

As for those beast creators who had already lost their souls of Heavenly Craftsmanship by attacking their clansmen, Tianqing was also planning to liquidate them at the end.

The clansmen she will lead are only those clansmen who still seem to belong to the Tiangong clan.

And she didn't have so much time to save these clansmen one by one, so that people could understand the past glory of the Tiangong clan.

She is indifferent, but this indifference is just the embodiment of her inner softness.

[I see, young patriarch. 】

Qi Qi nodded, with a hint of thought on his face covered with various imprints.

If Shao Ge can't follow him, it will make the other party miss the whetstone in life, and he will never be able to grow from a blunt weapon to a sharp blade.

But it is also a fact that Shao Ge is not yet able to be alone, and it is impossible for them to feel at ease if they are alone in the world.

Yes, Shao Ge is not stupid, nor is he the kind of simple and ignorant person, on the contrary, he is very transparent and intelligent.

But Huanyu is not a place that will reason with you. People of some races will not reason with you at all. They don’t need a reason to kill people. They just come out of interest or simply don’t like you.

There are also some races that are bloodthirsty and will kill every living person they meet.

And there is another very fatal point about Shao Ge, that is, he is the blood of the Tiangong clan.

The Tiangong clan was wiped out by the nine emperors together ten thousand years ago, and the remaining clansmen were lost step by step under the designs of these emperors.

There is no Tiangong clan in the universe, and Shao Ge doesn't know how to hide his blood.

The journey of Gu Dao is too obvious, the Gu worm that once cast a huge shadow of fear in the universe can let everyone who has experienced that era know his origin.

All the forces with a little bit of background in the powerful world of the red-rank beast creator know it, and their disciples also know how to distinguish it.

Shao Ge, who is not protected by anyone, may be discovered and wiped out by those emperors at any time.

It is crucial for Shao Ge to be able to protect himself, at least to be able to escape smoothly when encountering danger.

[We don't need to do anything more, we just need to provide Shao Ge with enough red cup fruits. 】

Tian Qing thought to herself, you don't know anything about the abilities of Gu worms.

Those tiny and inconspicuous creatures are not like the path that the red-rank beast creators are used to.

What is really powerful about them is not the toxin, but the strange ability.

Gu worms are very tiny, which is also in line with the range that a red-rank beast creator can create.

But the red-rank beast creator who can completely create them is no weaker than her abnormal red-rank beast creator.

Tian Qing is a red-rank beast creator, but her talent is different from that of ordinary red-rank beast creators.

She seems to have broken through the size limit of beast creators of all ranks. As a red-rank beast creator whose maximum beast creation cannot exceed the size of a palm, her beast creation covers almost every color rank of beast creation size.

To be precise, she is not a red-rank beast creator in the pure sense, but her primary color happens to be red.

This is the real reason why she was able to become the young patriarch of the Tiangong clan.

It's not because she has the rare golden-rank beast-creator talent like the patriarch of the Tiangong clan, but because of her own special nature.

Her created beasts were of different sizes, which just broke away from the inherent impression given by the Tiangong clan of beast creators.

She was able to eliminate to the greatest extent other people's guesses that she was a member of the Tiangong clan, so she was able to become the only way out in the dead end of the Tiangong clan.

Tian Qing knows his own uniqueness, and also knows the uniqueness of the red-rank beast creator who can walk the way of Gu.

[Why is it enough to only provide red cup fruit? ] Spotted asked.

(End of this chapter)

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