Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 304 The Road That Cannot Be Inherited

Chapter 304 The Road That Cannot Be Inherited
[Because the red cup fruit was created by Emperor Gu. 】

Tian Qing's voice was soft, but there was a force in it.

Emperor Gu is the red-ranked beast-creator in the history of the Tiangong clan who, along with Gu worms, made Huanyu understand the terrifying power of the red-ranked beast-creator of the Tiangong clan.

When that emperor traveled around the world, he strayed into a planet that was 70.00% ocean, and met a very interesting tribe there.

The people in the tribe called Miao nationality have no connection with cultivation, but there is something in their tribe that aroused the curiosity of Emperor Gu who had not created any creation beasts at that time.

Yes, that is the Gu worm.

Gu worms were not created out of thin air by Gu Emperor.

He had lived in the Miao nationality for a hundred years, guarding the saint girl of the Miao nationality who fell in love with him, and while accompanying her to age slowly, he was fascinated by studying Gu insects.

A hundred years of research has allowed Emperor Gu to have a deeper understanding of those tiny creatures.

Based on his deep understanding of Gu insects, when he created his first creation beast, he directly created a love Gu king.

That leading beast also completely opened the way for Emperor Gu to shock the universe.

Emperor Gu, who returned to the Tiangong clan, brought his first created beast, and his situation at that time made his parents very worried.

If the beast creators can't create their own nine beasts before they are two hundred years old, and create the tenth beast in their lives, their life will end at two hundred years old.

At that time, Emperor Gu was only 30 years away from his [-]th birthday.

Seeing their son's condition, they were distraught.

The only person who didn't worry was Emperor Gu. After a hundred years of accumulation, he already had an idea for his nine leading beasts. All he needed was the red-rank beast creation stone.

Emperor Gu's red-ranked creation beast didn't take the usual poisonous way, but at that time everyone only hoped that he could create his own creation beast as soon as possible so that he wouldn't die when he was two hundred years old.

No one stopped him, which made Emperor Gu's journey to create the beast very smooth.

Of course, even if someone knows what Emperor Gu is creating, even those who don't understand Gu insects will support this child's innovation.

Every beast creator only needs to create a beast that fits their vision.

Everyone chooses a different path, but they belong to the Tiangong clan, a very united Tiangong clan.

The fighting crowd will protect those beast creators who are not suitable for fighting.

And Emperor Gu is not a beast creator who is not suitable for fighting, but his way is a bit special.

No one can copy his way, when Emperor Gu grows up and let the Tiangong clan see the power of Gu Dao, the Miao people who let him comprehend Gu Dao have disappeared in the long history of that planet.

Going back again, the planet without traces of the Miao people and Gu worms obviously couldn't let the beast creators of the Tiangong clan comprehend everything about the Gu worms.

Emperor Gu's Gu worms are the most suitable type he condensed, but they are not suitable for those red-rank beast creators.

Having reached a high enough height, Emperor Gu has been waiting for a person who is suitable for this path all his life.

He waited for a long, long time. The trial ground of the red-rank beast creator was not controlled by Qi Qi's master.

Emperor Gu specially set up an Enlightenment Area exclusively for Gu worms, but he waited for thousands of years, and no one was able to experience the same thing as Gu worms.

This road created by him is suitable for the red-rank beast creator of the Tiangong clan, but no one can walk it except him.

If it is someone else, I am afraid that I am proud and happy to have the uniqueness of my own cultivation path.

But Emperor Gu is not, he is a member of the Tiangong clan, what he wants is not that he alone masters this path, but that more red-rank beast creators can walk this path.

Thousands of years of loss made him helpless and collapsed.

He knew where the problem was, because his created beast was not a real Gu worm.

He enlightened from those Miao Gu worms, but what he created was his creation beast.

These created beasts can target cultivators, and they are no longer Gu worms in the strict sense.

They are stronger and have more marks that belong to him.

Every beast creator's beast creation is unique.

They all use the lion as the template to create beasts, and the created lions are completely different.

It is not pure to create your own lion based on the lion created by others.

(End of this chapter)

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