Chapter 305

The Gu Emperor's Gu worms are also the same.

There are too many of his characteristics in his creation beasts, which interfere with the creative red-rank beast creation masters of the Tiangong clan.

Unless there is a red-rank beast creator who has no ego and completely copies his ideas in the Tiangong clan, Gu Emperor's way will not be lost after his death.

But such a red-rank beast creator has lost the most important foundation of being a red-rank beast creator. Even if there is such a red-rank beast creator, Gu Emperor is not willing to pass on his Gu Dao to this person.

Not to mention that the environment of the Tiangong clan doomed that there would never be such a beast creator.

The road seemed to be at a dead end.

During that time, Emperor Gu racked his brains so that his inheritance would not be cut off.

And the red cup fruit was born under such circumstances.

The predecessor of the red cup fruit is actually the Tianqian fruit that everyone in the Tiangong family always keeps.

Sky potential fruit can make people more deeply understand the blood talent in their body.

After the transparent fruit touches the beast creator, it will reflect the soul quality of that beast creator.

Everything is actually accidental, but there is also necessity in accidental.

At the level of Emperor Gu, Tianqianguo is no longer used to stimulate the potential and explore the blood of the Tiangong clan in one's body.

That kind of fruit is closely related to the Tiangong clan, which can reflect the true soul of the beast creator.

Watching my own primary color gradually soak into the transparent fruit, I can feel a huge sense of satisfaction at that moment.

And Gu Emperor often used this method to relieve his anxiety when he was in extreme anxiety.

It happened early one morning, when a team of beast creators who were out on a mission encountered danger, a beast creator in charge of logistics ran into Emperor Gu's palace and asked Emperor Gu to go to the rescue.

Because there was a disciple in the team who was very valued by the Great Elder at that time, and Gu Emperor, who had a good impression of the red-ranked beast creator, heard the news, and sent the Sky Potential Fruit that had been infused with his soul to the team. The beast creator who reported the letter dropped it from his hand and left in a hurry.

And the beast creator who reported the letter happened to be a red-rank beast creator, he admired the Gu Emperor who had gone out of his own way, and he was ecstatic when he got the gift from the idol.

Carefully holding the sky potential fruit, he ran home.

There was a very mischievous younger brother in the family of the red-rank beast creator, and that younger brother tilted his head when he saw what his elder brother regarded as a treasure.

It seems to be a hidden fruit in the sky...

The younger brother, who is also a red-rank beast creator, had his finger in his mouth, and when his brother was looking for the box, he swallowed the sky potential fruit in one gulp.

The bear boy was chased by his brother and beaten all over the street, and the whole Tiangong clan knew about it.

When Emperor Gu came back, he was silent for a while when he heard about this matter, and then took another Sky Potential Fruit that was impregnated with the true color of his soul, and went to the house of that red-rank beast creator.

After this door-to-door visit, I discovered the problem with the newly created beast created by the younger brother.

That created beast was clearly the appearance of a certain Gu worm in his memory.

Emperor Gu grabbed the younger brother's hand in ecstasy, and led the people to run to the head of the Tiangong clan at that time.

He thought he had found a child with excellent talent, but after the child finished the whole process of creating the beast, Emperor Gu was silent.

This child is not talented at all, he has a unique insight into Gu insects, but he has caught a trace of his dao rhyme.

After vaguely catching a glimpse of his centuries-old insights into Gu worms, this child created a Gu worm.

Emperor Gu, who had been so happy for a while, also found a suitable path by mistake.

He took the sky potential fruit and went through tests again and again, and finally created the kind of sky potential fruit that can make people feel his Dao rhyme. He named it the red cup fruit.

Red is the red-rank beast creator; cup is the container for cultivating Gu worms.

In order to allow the red cup fruit to reproduce naturally, the Gu Emperor exhausted his cultivation, allowing all his Gu insects to nourish the red cup fruit that he had given great hope to plant in his palace.

The red cup fruit has all the blood essence and life experience of an emperor. Its predecessor is the sky potential fruit. This fruit itself is very good, and it can arouse the talent of the red-rank beast creator to the greatest extent. This is especially true for the talented red-rank beast creators along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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