Chapter 228 Making a Marriage Covenant
Jiang Beibei's body trembled visibly.

There was mist in her eyes, but her determination still remained.

Ning Xicheng stepped forward to hold the man's hand, "You don't have to take offense at the mother-in-law's matter, let's go back to the room first, the weather is like this, I'm afraid you will freeze."

The sudden warm words startled Jiang Beibei a little.

"Brother Ning, have you opened your mouth?"

Ning Xicheng shook his head in surprise, "How do you say that?"

Jiang Beibei's tone was indifferent, and she didn't intend to explain, "Brother Ning, you know it yourself, and follow this meaning to ask me what to do!"

Ning Xicheng was speechless, but his hand holding Jiang Beibei became tighter and tighter.

Back in the house, Jiang Beibei lit the fire, and the originally cold room finally felt a little warmer.

Ning Xicheng still took the quilt and threw it on the ground, then opened his clothes and prepared to fall asleep.

Jiang Beibei, who was curled up under the blanket on the bed, suddenly muffled, "Brother Ning, it's so cold tonight! Can you sleep with me?"

"The two of us will sleep together so we won't freeze!"

These words followed Ning Xicheng's intentions, he rubbed his palms to warm them up, and quickly moved towards the bed.

Jiang Beibei clearly felt a big hand around her waist.

Warm, not cold at all.

She struggled a little, "Brother, you can just hug me, I'm a little ticklish!"

Ning Xicheng's body froze, he could only withdraw his hand unwillingly, the two of them tried to force themselves to sleep, but after a long time, both of them sighed and raised their eyes.

Jiang Beibei leaned against Ning Xicheng's arm, "Brother Ning, why can't you fall asleep?"

Ning Xicheng rubbed this person's hair, and finally expressed his doubts, "You are not in a good mood these days, is it because you were stimulated by Jiang Shiqing that you want to open a teahouse?"

Jiang Beibei frowned a little angrily.

This matter has nothing to do with Jiang Shiqing!
"Don't talk nonsense, if I really think so, then I am really a fool!"

After knowing that it was a misunderstanding, Ning Xicheng finally felt relieved.

But he was indeed more curious about Jiang Beibei's thoughts. His arms were propped on the pillow, "Then tell me why you suddenly want to open a teahouse!"

Jiang Beibei already had the answer in his heart, and he spoke without thinking.

"I'm inspired by Aunt Zhang and the others. Look at them, as long as they seize the opportunity, they will try their best to climb up!"

"But look at me!"

Ning Xicheng rubbed his head and said anxiously, "You are fine, don't belittle yourself!"

Jiang Beibei said lightly, "But I want to be better. I have good medical skills, so why am I willing to stay in the countryside all the time! Besides, I can be a different woman."

"rather than"

When she said this, she curled her lips, "It's not what my mother said, I only do laundry and cooking at home, and raise children to support the family."

"I don't like these!"

Ning Xicheng chuckled, "If you don't like it, don't do it, and follow your wishes."

"I knew it!" Jiang Beibei quickly raised the corners of her lips, and happily arched her nose towards Ning Xicheng, "I knew that Brother Ning would definitely be by my side!"

Ning Xicheng laughed and touched the man's forehead, "Since you think so, what are your plans next!"

The words had already begun, and Jiang Beibei spoke even more freely, "I still have a lot of things to do, I want to open my teahouse step by step, and open it all over the government and the public!"

"I want to earn the money of the whole world!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Beibei giggled, "This kind of thing is amazing when you think about it!"

"What else?" Ning Xicheng laughed, with some expectation in his tone.

Jiang Beibei blinked, but didn't understand the meaning, "What else?"

Ning Xicheng shook his fingers in disappointment, turned over and hugged Jiang Beibei, "There are the two of us, when you married me, it was only a few taels of silver, it was just like a business."

"If the two of us could have another wedding, would you like it?"

"Yes!" Jiang Beibei quickly agreed, which is naturally excellent.

"Then get some sleep!" Ning Xicheng tightened his arms, "I'll talk about it tomorrow, and do it tomorrow. Your husband still has to do business!"

Jiang Beibei pressed against Ning Xicheng's chest. There was a lot of heat here, and she blushed, "I see."

In the early morning of the second day, Jiang Beibei checked the silver taels left on her body, and after making sure that she had enough, she quickly took the carriage to look for Mrs. Song.

(End of this chapter)

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