Chapter 229
The carriage landed outside the county government mansion.

The people outside the door were already familiar with Jiang Beibei, and they greeted cheerfully, "Why did the girl come here? Our wife is anxious to wait these days!"

Jiang Beibei hugged her purse tightly, and gave some medicine buns to the guard outside the door, "I'm in a hurry to find it, Madam is at home."

"Yes, yes!" The guard quickly opened the door, still biting the bun.

It happened that Mrs. Song came to greet her. She liked Jiang Beibei in her heart, and she felt happy when she saw her.

"Come here! What's the matter?"

Jiang Beibei ordered her purse, "It's a big business now."

The two sat down one after another, and Mrs. Song talked to Jiang Beibei, "Speak carefully, don't worry, see if I can help you!"

Jiang Beibei handed over the money she had saved, and at the same time expressed her thoughts, "My recent medicinal food is very good, and I am well-known in the capital! So I thought about it carefully, if I can open a teahouse, I will specialize in it." Only sell medicinal food."

"It will definitely sell well!" Mrs. Song agrees, "I have eaten the medicinal food you made, and the taste is incomparable!"

"Even those restaurants that claim to cook their own food may not be able to compare with you!"

The direct praise made Jiang Beibei feel a little embarrassed, "My medicinal diet sells a curative effect. If it is said to be delicious, it really can't compare to it."

Mrs. Song waved her hand, "You can rest assured! With just these curative effects alone, those rich and noble families in our town will spend their money vigorously!"

"That's good!"

With Song's words, Jiang Beibei was much less worried.

While the two were talking, Mrs. Song asked Jiang Beibei, "You said you want to open this teahouse, but now you have learned the location and everything is ready?"

"No!" Jiang Beibei just returned to the topic, "I came here today just to ask for your help. Help me spot a suitable shop. I plan to open it in the town!"

"Of course it's good!"

Listening to this, Mrs. Song happened to say, "I am a dowry and there is a restaurant in it. The location is good. If I open a teahouse for you, it should not be too bad!"

"It's better than this, I'll give you a cheap price!"

"That's not good!" Although the two have similar temperaments, Jiang Beibei always feels that it's not good to take advantage of others.

Seeing that Jiang Beibei wanted to decline again, Song's face turned cold.

"I will give you some money to invest in shares. This is good. I will make money if I give it to you. Besides the relationship between the two of us, you really want to reject me!"

Mrs. Song is a wealthy master.

She found the woman next to her and took dozens of taels of silver, "These silvers are easy to hold, and I will wait for you to make a lot of money."

Seeing Song's attitude just now, Jiang Beibei couldn't refuse.

Coupled with Song's contacts in the town, Jiang Beibei only thought that it would be appropriate to add this person.

The two quickly wrote a deed, and immediately discussed it.

The Song family has people in the town for the decoration, so the job of recruiting can only fall on Jiang Beibei's head!

After discussing the matter, Jiang Beibei turned around and saw Zhang Chun again.

Zhang Chun's attitude is getting better and better now, "This is not our General Ning's wife, what a coincidence, she came to find me today."

Jiang Beibei's tone was uneven, "Right now, villages everywhere are suffering. Everyone has no money for the winter, and no food for food, so I discussed it with my husband!"

"They go up the mountain to collect the herbs that are in short supply, and then sell them to you, how about using them as collateral for taxes!"

Zhang Chun had a hard time making a decision.

He didn't have that idea in mind.

Although he nodded his head, but his mouth was only roundabout words, "It's hard to talk about this matter, I have to think about it carefully, you go back first!"

Jiang Beibei came today on purpose, so it's not easy to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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