Chapter 230 Tea House
She quickly came up with another solution, "I know you are worried that these things will not be sold, but don't worry, these medicinal materials are very common here, but they are not common in the north!"

"You dried it and shipped it over there, and you can sell it there for a pretty good price!"

Jiang Beibei was persuasive, and Zhang Chun was finally moved.

He tightened his robe slightly, "Then follow your wishes, what should we do now?"

"You go to the merchants in the town and tell them that everyone is doing it for money, and they will always agree to the benefits they can earn from these things." At the end, Jiang Beibei hugged Zhang Chun tightly again, "Again In addition to our Lord Zhang's face, how could they not agree!"

Zhang Chun was praised, and felt like a spring breeze for a while, "This is a good compliment, and I am very useful at this time, so let's do as you want!"

The people in front of him were so forthright, which blocked Jiang Beibei's words of admonition that he originally wanted to say in an instant.

She looked at Zhang Chun suspiciously, "I thought that Master Zhang wouldn't listen to me, but now it's different?"

Zhang Chun lowered his eyebrows, "If we follow General Ning's wife's words, should I agree or not."

Jiang Beibei hurriedly rolled along the slope, "Good promise, good promise!"

"That's fine!" Zhang Chun followed suit, "These medicinal materials, details of the sale, and where to sell them! You have taken care of these."

He has countless official affairs in his hands, and he doesn't have time to solve these miscellaneous affairs for Jiang Beibei.

Jiang Beibei was ready early.

She took a blueprint, which was a map of various places, "I calculated carefully, we go through the official road, and the nearest place is the northern border. It has also been eroded by heavy rain, but it doesn't affect it."

"But when the weather changes, someone will always get sick"

Jiang Beibei raised her head, "There are a lot of people in this place, there are only so many people in our county, and the medicinal materials are probably gone just by going to this place!"

These words added to Zhang Chun's confidence, and he put away the drawings.

Thank you Jiang Beibei, "This is what I should do, now I have to thank you, now that I have this blueprint, I can talk a lot!"

She looked at Jiang Beibei's eyes and always praised him.

Jiang Beibei curled her lips into a smile, "Don't thank me like that, it's my village that made the mistake, if other villages want to do the same, I won't stop it!"

"I know!" Zhang Chun nodded, and quickly got up to see off the guests, "If you have any news in a few days, please tell me earlier."

"it is good!"

The teahouse and medicinal materials were all taken care of, and Jiang Beibei was really in a good mood. The haze of these days dissipated, and her steps became brisk.

Who would have thought that when he went out, he suddenly saw Ning Xicheng sitting on the carriage!
Ning Xicheng jumped into the car and complained about putting on a coat, "I left in such a hurry, don't you know it's cold?"

Jiang Beibei's mind was so excited that she couldn't care less about the outside world.

She took Ning Xicheng's arm, "I've already taken care of the teahouse, let's go and have a look, Brother Ning, he said the location is very good!"

Ning Xicheng laughed, and at the same time tightened Jiang Beibei's clothes, "Then let you go."

When the two passed by, they saw a locked restaurant standing high among the crowd. There was a snack street in front of this place, and rows of residences behind it, extending in all directions, indeed the location was excellent.

"Mrs. Song really didn't lie to me?" Jiang Beibei's eyes brightened.

Ning Xicheng folded his arms behind him, "I'm satisfied now."

Jiang Beibei crossed her legs and ran back, "I'm very satisfied, Brother Ning, let's go back quickly, you have to cook something delicious for me, today is a good day!"

Ning Xicheng had no choice but to compromise, "Got it!"

The two bought chicken, duck and fish at the market, and when they got home, they were about to cook, but a villager suddenly came to visit them outside the door.

They were not sure about the news, and they were afraid that something would happen to Jiang Beibei halfway, so they could only come to invite him in person.

"Miss Beibei, can you take us up the mountain to pick herbs tomorrow? It's the first time you pick herbs, it's better if you take us with you!"

Jiang Beibei nodded in response.

They were right, if something happened to the herbs, it would be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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