Chapter 231
Early the next morning.

The roosters outside did not make a sound, but there were already chaotic footsteps outside the door, and Jiang Beibei and Ning Xicheng got up one after another.

When I opened the door, I saw more than a dozen villagers standing at the entrance of the yard waiting!

They did things properly, they didn't go directly into the middle of the yard, they just stood outside obediently.

These people have already come, Jiang Beibei can't waste time!

She hurriedly washed up, put on a thick outer garment according to Ning Xicheng's wishes, took the tools and ran outside.

Ning Xicheng, who had just finished cooking, went out with the buns.

He coughed at Jiang Beibei's back, "Why are you in such a hurry? You didn't even eat breakfast. After going up the mountain, where did you get the strength!"

Jiang Beibei stopped quickly, and looked apologetically at the villagers in front of her, "I'm sorry! I have to go back to have a meal."

The villagers at the door looked embarrassed, "Go! General Ning is right, this is our negligence, we should have told you earlier!"

At this moment, Jiang Beibei was pulled back abruptly by Ning Xicheng.

A big bun was broken into four pieces and stuffed into her mouth piece by piece, with an angry voice of lecture next to it, "People who are already so old! Why don't you take your body seriously?"

"I still need to teach you."

Jiang Beibei ate the steamed stuffed bun vaguely, her mouth bulging like a bunny.

She couldn't refute, so she could only smile silly, "Aren't I just eating? Brother Ning still wants to scold me, I'm going to be scolded and sad!"

Regarding Jiang Beibei's matter, Ning Xicheng has never been principled!

Hearing the words of grievance, he immediately softened, and his original voice of reprimand gradually softened, "Okay! Be careful on the road after you finish eating."


Jiang Beibei pinched Ning Xicheng's sleeve, "I will definitely be obedient."

"You!" Ning Xicheng nodded at this person's nose, "You have always had bigger ideas than anyone else, but I don't believe you, anyway, you must pay attention to safety!"


After saying goodbye to Ning Xicheng, Jiang Beibei's expression returned to normal, and he took the lead to follow everyone up the mountain.

The rain on the mountain has only stopped a little in the past few days, and the road is a little muddy, but this does not prevent them from moving forward.

There are a lot of herbs along the way, and Jiang Beibei picked up the herbs that are familiar with, "This is windproof, and it is specially used to treat allergies. It is the best for dispelling wind and relieving symptoms!"

"And this! The name is Schisandra, it removes blood and removes blood stasis, and it can be used to make injuries, which is also appropriate!"

In Jiang Beibei's mouth, these nameless herbs lying on the ground suddenly became more alive!

People on the road always sigh!

Blame their clumsy eyes, they can't even tell the difference between herbs!

Just when everyone was amazed, the sky suddenly started to rain heavily. Because of the last flood, everyone was extremely panicked!

Sensing everyone's worry, Jiang Beibei quickly spoke to dissuade, "It's just raining. Now that the flood is over, there can be no more incidents!"

"It's normal to rain!"

But they really suffered so much, how could they listen to Jiang Beibei now.

Someone quickly retorted, "What you said sounds good, is it normal? Last time everyone believed that the rain would stop soon, and so many people died!"

At this time, someone rushed out again.

"Why do you care so much? Let's go down the mountain quickly, otherwise we will die here when it rains heavily!"


The people behind nodded.

Jiang Beibei was extremely anxious, "You can't look for it. The soil on the mountain is soft. If you are so anxious, it will easily affect the land here. There are too many of us."

"I don't care." A roar quickly came from the crowd, "I want to go down anyway, don't let anyone stop me!"

When the voice of this person falls, the people behind can no longer wait.

(End of this chapter)

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