Chapter 232 Debris Flow

They ran down crazily, because there were dozens of them, and they were all young and strong, and their feet had a lot of strength.

Only then did he step on the ground, and the nearby forest trembled!

In addition, the mountain has been affected by floods for a long time, and a lot of sand and gravel began to shake, and then fell down!

Jiang Beibei noticed the change, and stood alone on the mountain and yelled at people, "Don't run, even if you want to go down the mountain, run slowly."

“This place can't stand that!”

People who were afraid of losing their lives didn't have time to consider Jiang Beibei's words. They just ran forward, and ran forward, without stopping for a moment.

And after!

After these stimuli, the mountains and forests finally began to collapse.

But for a moment, the originally hoarded sand and gravel on the mountain forest suddenly fell from top to bottom like a gust of wind.

These sands and stones are also like ferocious beasts that eat people, but they have swept over in just a moment.

The villagers who were still running down realized that something was wrong, their hearts almost fell to their throats, and they ran faster now!

But because of this, the sand and stone rolled faster.

The disaster came and went quickly. After a burst of shouting and confusion, seven or eight people had already been buried in it. They were silent, and only the poles and baskets they carried were thrown outside.

The villagers running on the side slowly stood up from the pile of sand and stones.

Looking at the scene in front of them, they immediately screamed, "Help! Help! Help!"

They kept shouting, but no one could pay attention to them.

The calm after the chaos on the mountain is even more frightening.

At this moment, someone finally stood up, "There is nothing we can do, we have to go back and call someone! If these seven or eight people really die here, what should we do!"

"Yes, yes, go back and call someone!"

One of them ran quickly, and they came to Hu Yumei's yard around the corner.

Hu Yumei was kowtowing melon seeds under a tree and was talking to her neighbors when she raised her head and saw a villager covered in mud.

She screamed instantly, "Master Tianshen, where did this monster come from? It's really scary."

The villager hoarsely said, "Sister Hu, I am Erniu next door. Now there is a mudslide on the mountain, and seven or eight people are trapped on it! Hurry up and ask for help."

When Hu Yumei heard this, her eyes turned white with fright.

"Then my baby"

The villagers were really embarrassed, "We searched for a long time, but we couldn't find Miss Beibei. I beg you, please go to General Ning quickly."

"Good good!"

Hu Yumei was so frightened that she threw away the melon seeds, got on the bullock cart and went to find Ning Xicheng.

She didn't dare to talk about Jiang Beibei, so she could only ask Ning Xicheng to help.

Ning Xicheng immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed to the village with his people. On the way, he found Hu Yumei kowtowing to the sky anxiously.

He even realized that Jiang Beibei was among them.

He asked anxiously, "Mother-in-law, you said that those seven or eight people were buried. Is there Bei Bei among them? You must tell me the truth."

Hu Yumei slapped her head and face again, her eyes turned red, but she was anxious.

"To be honest, Beibei is missing now! I don't know what to do."

Hearing these words, Ning Xicheng's originally calm face instantly turned frosty.

After going up the mountain, several villagers were still shouting loudly, "Is there anyone inside? Is there anyone inside?"

There was still silence on the mountain.

Ning Xicheng was unwilling to look again, there was no trace of Jiang Beibei, he panicked and yelled at the soldiers behind him.

"The speed will dig out the sand and stones in front of you, they must be inside!"

"Hurry up!"

"Yes!" The soldiers in the rear rose up one after another, digging in almost regardless of the danger.

Ning Xicheng also took off his armor at this time, and frantically pulled the sand and stones in front of him, "Jiang Beibei! Don't forget the agreement between the two of us. If you dare to die, I will never let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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