Chapter 250 Paralysis
Ning Xicheng picked up the silver conveniently, the silver was neatly cut, and it looked like it was taken out of a silver shop.

This thing does not belong to this child.

He pushed the silver back, "This matter is very important, you are only so old now, you can't be the master now."

"And this money is not yours!"

Facing Ning Xicheng's sharp gaze, the guilty child suddenly had nowhere to hide.

Jiang Beibei pulled people away, "He just wants to save grandma, brother Ning, I'm afraid it's not good for you to say that."

Ning Xicheng can't control so much!
If the money was stolen and it fell into Jiang Beibei's hands, it might not cause trouble. He is definitely not a living Bodhisattva, so Jiang Beibei will be involved!
After all, this is just a child, and he doesn't care about things.

"Go to the back for me." He controlled Jiang Beibei with his backhand, and pushed him back three or two times.


Jiang Beibei was completely unable to resist the force.

At this time, Ning Xicheng stared at the child again with a gloomy face and asked, "I'm not looking for trouble with you today, but the matter of money is very important, you must find your parents!"

"I'm not going!"

The child held the silver nervously in his hands, and retorted stubbornly.

"Why let them come? Even if they come, it won't be of much use."

Jiang Beibei listened to the disgust in the child's tone.

Thinking that something might happen!

She turned back and let Ning Xicheng's arm block her, she just raised her head and asked, "Why didn't you let your parents come over? From just now, including now."

"Is there something hidden here!"

"Let's say it again!" Jiang Beibei looked at the child distressedly, "Your parents beat you and your grandma, so you are afraid."

The child wiped the dirt off his face.

"No!" He grabbed his clothes, "My parents didn't abuse me, it's just that I ran in a hurry and fell into the mud!"

"But my grandma."

He gritted his baby teeth and didn't dare to speak.

Jiang Beibei's voice slowed down and gradually became softer, "Son, the reason why you came to look for me today is probably because you know my identity. Since you know that I won't harm you, why didn't you just tell me?"

"it is good!"

Under Jiang Beibei's persuasive temptation, she finally compromised, "My grandma is old! She can only be paralyzed in bed, but my father and mother don't want to take care of things."

"Just throw my grandma on the bed!"

He clenched his fists and pouted Lao Gao, "Now the bed sores on grandma's body are getting worse, and there will be holes in some places, and they still don't care about it!"

Jiang Beibei gasped.

It is said that there is no filial son in front of the long-term sick bed, but this is true.

The child was crying so hard at this time, "My grandma is going to die, and they still say they want to die. I don't know what to do, so I can only come here and beg you!"

"That's fine, I'll help you!"

Jiang Beibei pondered for a while, and finally agreed to the reason.

First of all, this child is really pitiful, plus the bed sores on his grandma's body, it is really tormenting, that thing goes round and round, when it is difficult, it is like a thousand ants gnawing on it, just like his grandma is paralyzed in bed people.

Leaving aside the yelling, these tortures alone may send people directly to hell!

Secondly, Jiang Beibei recently spent a lot of money on the affairs of the teahouse.

The caravan that Ning Xicheng formed earlier has not received any money yet, so she has to think of a way to grow some medicinal herbs, and the money from the sales is the money!
After the two parties considered it, it would be appropriate for her to agree.

The child was overjoyed when he got the good news, "Then thank you so much, sister, please help me quickly!"

Jiang Beibei glanced around, "Do you have a knife at home?"

The child froze for a moment, and quickly said, "There are some, I'll get some more candles."

But just as the child was running outside, there was a sudden commotion outside, and after a while, a woman walked in with the child.

She stared at Jiang Beibei, "What are you doing? Who told you to come to my house?"

(End of this chapter)

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