Chapter 251 Rescue the Old Man
As soon as the child sees this person.

It was like seeing Lord Hades, running extremely fast at that time!

Jiang Beibei and Ning Xicheng also froze in place!

The two looked at each other, it's not easy to move left and right now!

Jiang Beibei tried to explain, "We are listening to the child."

"Oh, don't say it!"

The child was clearly in a hurry and just wanted to cover Jiang Beibei's mouth.

After all, let this woman know that the old man on the bed is hopeless!

"Don't say anything?" The woman has a tyrannical temper. What kind of virtue is the youngest son of her own, and now she suddenly brings him home!

Of course she knows everything.

"You dead boy, you brought this group of people here to see the old man! Didn't I already tell you? Don't worry about it, don't worry about it."

Stamping her feet angrily, she started to trouble Jiang Beibei again.

"Aren't you going to get out quickly? You are not welcome in my family, so get out quickly."

The child thinks of his grandma suffering.

This time, I tried my best, and I could only turn back and beg for mercy, "Grandma is no longer good! She has become like this, you old man can't be so vicious!"

"You will be punished!"

When the woman heard this, she immediately became furious.

"You cheap son, do you really want me to give you a good meal? Say I will suffer retribution."


The woman nodded and found a stick thicker than an arm in the room.

But for a moment, the child was mentioned by the woman like a little chick.

She dragged him and scolded, "You son of a bitch, if you don't listen to me, I'll beat you to death today!"


The child was spanked and cried in pain.

Jiang Beibei couldn't see it either, and grabbed the woman's hand and said, "Stop beating the child! If you're afraid of spending money, I don't want money. I'll help the old man clean up!"

I was afraid that the woman would not agree.

Jiang Beibei worried about the consequences, "Now that the weather is getting warmer, if the old man's wound becomes infected, it will easily cause life-threatening danger and he will die!"

Jiang Beibei was so anxious that she forgot what the person in front of her was thinking.

The reason why they don't care!It's nothing more than wanting the old man to die.

Thinking that she wanted it right, the woman wanted to drive Jiang Beibei out even more, "I'm following you now, who are you? I don't know you at all."

She threw the child away, and the stick was already pointing at Jiang Beibei.

"Get me out!"

The child cried loudly, "I don't want it! Grandma is going to die, I don't want it!"

The woman was very vicious, "Shut up!"

Ning Xicheng stood up at this moment, his eyes were cold, "You are the one who should shut up. As a child, you have the responsibility to raise the elderly, which is stipulated by the court!"

"Do you dare to mess around in front of me?"

The woman didn't notice anything wrong at this time.

She only thought that this person was nosy, "What does this matter have to do with you? Who are you?"

But for a moment, a token with gold was placed in front of the woman.

"When the general is stationed here, you have something to say."

The so-called people do not fight with officials, women are just helpless this time.

Looking at the shining golden color on it, and hearing what Ning Xicheng meant, she understood that she couldn't afford to mess with this person.

The child was still crying, "Mother! Save grandma, grandma is really going to die!"

The woman is embarrassed and covers the child's mouth with her hand.

She frowned and Jiang Beibei said, "If you want to clean up, clean it up! I won't stop you, just do whatever you like! It's really interesting to use your own identity to suppress others."

Jiang Beibei only felt that this person had no power, so he really didn't want to say more than that!

The old man already had a lot of bed sores, Jiang Beibei tried his best to clean them up.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, your points have been credited to the account, the more difficult it is to seek medical treatment, the reward of twenty points. 】

Jiang Beibei was very satisfied with getting a lot of points.

(End of this chapter)

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