Chapter 271 Beauty and beauty
Her indifference caused Hu Yumei, who was waiting at the door and witnessed the whole process, to be a little worried: "Beibei, are you guys having a fight?"

Jiang Beibei smiled: "Mom, you should go to bed earlier, don't worry about it."

After speaking, he went into his room and began to study.

The next day.

Outside the tea house.

A notice with gentian soup has been posted: beautify the skin, nourish the body, you deserve it.

There are also many articles that are good for a woman's body, too many to count.

The novel notice, coupled with the extremely bluffing gimmick, immediately attracted people to discuss it first.

"Beauty and beauty, it's true or not, isn't this a lie?"

"Maybe it can really make the skin as delicate as grass."

"Try it, it won't lose a piece of meat anyway."


The excitement here is also not as full as that of the Song family.

Early in the morning, the nanny who came back from outside told her about the excitement outside the teahouse: "I didn't expect there to be such a strange soup in the world, ma'am, you must try it."

Song Shi nodded: "I want to try it."

After saying that, she changed her clothes under the service of the nanny, and planned to go now.

But when she was about to leave, Mrs. Song seemed to have thought of something again, stopped, and said to the nanny: "By the way, you can call all the ladies and wives in the city, and let them try something new. The girl adds to the business."

Mammy nodded yes, and went to do it.

By the time those ladies and wives got off the carriage outside the teahouse, Mrs. Song had already chatted with Jiang Beibei for a long time.

Inside and outside the words are the emotions of life: "Girl Jiang, your gentian soup is very suitable for my old lady's appetite."

"I think back then, there weren't so many good things, and they were all there to eat. Life was very hard."

"But now that all the hardships have come to an end, I am very pleased to see that a little girl like you has the ability and brains to manage the big teahouse in an orderly manner, which is not inferior to the old lady I used to be..."

These words are not another indication of Song's appreciation for Jiang Beibei.

To put it another way, none of the people present could get such heart-to-heart confidence from Mrs. Song.

I was so jealous that I was dying. How could someone like Jiang Beibei be appreciated by Mrs. Song?

But on the surface, he still pretended to be indifferent, and even followed the old lady's words.

After all, he was in front of the old lady, so he had to be decent on the surface.

Of course, there are also people who don't open their eyes.

Relying on the fact that her husband is a wealthy family, Mrs. Li is used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays.

There has always been something to say.

She didn't dare to make trouble in front of Mrs. Song, but it's okay to put Jiang Beibei's eye drops.

Maybe when the time comes, the old lady will divert her attention to appreciate her.

The ladies and wives are all here, so Song Shi and Jiang Beibei naturally don't talk alone, but exchange courtesy with each other, or taste the gentian soup that has been praised so well.

I want to see if it really has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin.

Madam Li also pretended to ask Jiang Beibei casually at this time, but everyone with a loud voice could hear: "Shopkeeper Jiang, Madam I heard something today."

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to Jiang Beibei, and they were fixed on her calm and composed face.

My heart jumped for joy.

There is one person present, who doesn't know Mrs. Li's temper?
Isn't this just to find Jiang Beibei's fault.

They are naturally happy to see this.

Looking at Mrs. Song's dazed eyes, Mrs. Li, who guessed that she was still kept in the dark, became more and more complacent, and didn't give Jiang Beibei a chance to reply, so she continued, "Did the shopkeeper Jiang teach the students how to live in other places?" How about opening a restaurant in the place?"

Her eccentric tone already carried certainty.

Mrs. Li also learned about it from the servants in charge of shopping.

It doesn't prevent her from using it to beat Jiang Beibei at the moment.

Just like the saying "What I can't get, don't even think about getting it, even if it's destroyed" describes this group of ladies and wives.

Even if they didn't know much about the situation at all, they only learned a few words from Mrs. Li.

It doesn't prevent them from stepping on Jiang Beibei's feet:
"Shopkeeper Jiang, how can you do this? Are you worthy of Mrs. Song's sincerity to you?"

"That's right, Mrs. Song is so kind to you, but you actually asked your apprentice to open a teahouse in the west of the city, obviously to grab business."

"Treasurer Jiang really has ulterior motives. The things you buy in the teahouse in the west of the city are exactly the same as here. I'm afraid it has been planned a long time ago?"

The cynicism and sarcasm all show that: you, Jiang Beibei, are the white-eyed wolf who did this kind of thing behind Song's back.

Even Mrs. Song frowned slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Anyway, in the eyes of those ladies and wives, Song's dissatisfaction with Jiang Beibei was almost the same.

No one can stand this matter on anyone.

After all, the story of the farmer and the snake is there.

Only Jiang Beibei remained indifferent from the beginning to the end.

Rather than being indifferent, it's better to say that her pretty face was so dazed that there was no expression at all.

My apprentice?
Opened a small teahouse in the west of the city, and they still sell the same things as the ones in your own teahouse?
How come I, a master, don't know?
(End of this chapter)

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