Chapter 272
It's just such a stupid effort.

The ladies and wives who regarded Jiang Beibei's silence as a sign of guilty conscience became more and more complacent, and further sowed discord.

Anyway, Mrs. Song didn't stop her just now, did she?
"Shopkeeper Jiang, don't you have a guilty conscience? If you make a mistake, you have to admit it, and when you are beaten, you have to stand at attention. What do you mean by not speaking?"

"Isn't it because you want to pass the test with cuteness? We are not so easy to fool, you'd better tell the truth."

"In my opinion, it's better to drive this kind of white-eyed wolf out of the teahouse as soon as possible, lest such people spoil the atmosphere of the teahouse."

Everyone looked at Jiang Beibei contemptuously, and they kept talking tauntingly as if they didn't want money.

The noise made Jiang Beibei's brain hurt, and she was about to say something.

Jiang Cheng ran in from the outside, his face was flustered, and he looked out of breath.

Seeing Jiang Beibei, he wanted to speak, but after noticing the ladies and wives, he shut his mouth abruptly, and just kept winking at Jiang Beibei anxiously.

It seems that there is something very important that must be told to her immediately.

But everyone obviously didn't want to let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, so they stopped in front of Jiang Beibei.

"Shopkeeper Jiang, don't you want to abscond in fear of crime?"

"It's better not to play such little tricks in front of us, and leave the teahouse quickly, and promise never to come back."

Jiang Beibei frowned, and his eyes suddenly turned cold, making everyone's heart skip a beat: "It's better not to make a definition so early before you figure it out."

Facing the knife-like eyes, everyone was somewhat uncomfortable, and they were even more surprised, why should I be afraid of her?

That's the stupid kung fu.

Seeing that Jiang Cheng, whose shopkeeper was surrounded, squeezed in from the crowd, pulled Jiang Beibei out in a hurry, and said, "Shopkeeper, I got the news that Chengxi is also open today." It’s a small teahouse, and the things sold in it are exactly the same as those in our teahouse.”

Jiang Beibei had already learned about this from the ladies.

She was puzzled: "Who is the shopkeeper of the teahouse in the west of the city? How could she have things from our teahouse?"

Could it be that the medicated diet formula leaked?

Otherwise, it is impossible for the medicinal food in the teahouse in the west of the city to be the same as that in my own teahouse.

When a face suddenly appeared in Jiang Beibei's mind, Jiang Cheng also said, "The shopkeeper of Chenxi Teahouse is Fenglian."

Sure enough it was her!

Jiang Beibei sneered.

Before going out, she put on a hat, disguised herself, and took Jiang Cheng to the west of the city.

She wants to see what kind of monster Fenglian is going to do this time.

West of the city.

Fenglian Tea House.

In front of the gate, there was an endless stream of people.

The faces of the people who stopped and watched were full of curiosity, and they were even a little excited in their hearts.

They are all people who have only heard of the name of Jiang Beibei Tea House, and they also know about the miraculous medicinal diet. They are well aware of the medicinal diet with various curative effects, but they have never tasted it.

Mainly because the price is a little expensive.

It's rare to hear a herbal diet with the same effect in Fenglian Tea House, and it's sold so cheap.

Naturally, I wanted to try it.

In the crowd gathered, the excitement of Feng Lian's family was no less than that of the people who stopped to watch.

The group of people were excited to taste the miraculous medicinal food.

And they are excited that they will be able to make a lot of money today.

This is no human, this is a bunch of white money.

Knowing why they came, Feng Lian's family shouted even harder.

"Let's take a look, old and young. The medicinal food that you can't usually afford is sold cheap here."

"We are all under the master Jiang Da's door at the teacher's office. The taste of the medicinal food we have learned and prepared is exactly the same, so you don't need to worry."

"You can't lose money if you buy it, and you can't be fooled, but it will definitely be cheaper than the medicinal food sold by my master. After all, we can't do the thing of selling people at a high price and breaking our conscience."

They talked more and more.

Jiang Cheng, who was already hiding in the crowd, became even angrier.

Staring at the shameless people in Feng Lian's house with wide eyes, he gritted his teeth: "Shopkeeper, how can these people be so shameless? They are obviously not your students, isn't this a bluff?"

Jiang Beibei sneered: "Isn't Fenglian a liar?"

What you said...Jiang Cheng really didn't know how to refute it.

But at the next moment, he was angered by Fenglian's remarks about not wanting Bilian.

I saw that Fenglian gritted her teeth tightly, feeling aggrieved and pitiful: "Everyone, young and old, don't you know that in order to allow everyone to drink this delicious medicinal food, I endured the humiliation and surviving in front of that Jiang Beibei, just waiting One day, I will let everyone have a bite of that medicinal meal."

Everyone couldn't bear to hear the words, and they were also very angry at Jiang Beibei, whom they had never met before.

"Is there still such a person in the world? From now on, I will only eat medicinal food with you, shopkeeper Feng."

"That's right, we can't afford the expensive ones, but we can't afford the cheap ones like Master Feng's?"

When Feng Lian was about to show a satisfied smile, she suddenly said, "You fart!", which made her face turn pale with fright.

(End of this chapter)

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