Chapter 276
Fenglian didn't know, so she was thrown out.

At this moment, she scolded with a straight face.

"Those who have a conscience, and thinking about how powerful you are, dare to throw me out, let's not forget, it's not that I have something in my hand, how much can you sell!"

The more the medicine dealer thought about it, the more angry he became, and he called for someone.

"Throw it away for me, where did the stupid things come from, and cause these things! Hurry up!"

The people in the pharmacy didn't like Fenglian.

Looking at this man's bitterness, the strength in his hands increased.

Sway with them.

Fenglian fell to the ground at that time.

She looked rather embarrassed, and her already ashen face became even more ugly now.

Just as she was thinking about getting up, the spectators gathered around her!

Everyone laughed and mocked vigorously.


Feng Lian really felt ashamed, so she had no choice but to run outside like crawling.

In the teahouse, there were opinions among the medicinal material vendors.

The reason is because business has been bad recently!
They also gave Fenglian the top-notch medicinal materials, and the medicinal materials were put into the pot, but there was no turning back, they couldn't get them back even if they wanted to!

Just now, the medicinal material dealer asked the butler to settle accounts.

Who knew it would be good this time!Lost dozens of taels of silver.

When everyone heard the news, they rushed over like the wind!

Several people who learned of the loss ran from the door to look for the medicinal materials dealer, "What do you mean by thinking about it? Do you know how much money we lost? You pay the money."

One of the medicine merchants, surnamed Liu, was full of sadness.

He was also very upset at this moment.

"It's you who said that. It's not a loss. Haven't we already agreed? If Jiang Beibei's family is the only one now, will we have a way to go in the future?"

Several medicine merchants shook their heads.

The situation is anxious now, and Jiang Beibei just turned his face off a few days ago!
They lost face, and their business went downhill.

If you come and go again and again, the money will only lose more and more!
But they started out with the idea of ​​making money.

"Alright, alright!"

One of the medicinal material dealers stood up, "Everyone knows our current situation. We were originally doing a loss-making business, and we used high-quality medicinal materials to sell at a reserve price. Didn't everyone agree at the beginning?"

Then someone clapped their hands.

He had a look of resentment on his face, "When I promised earlier, you said that you could make money, so you gave the medicinal materials. Who knew that damn bitch made this look, what do you tell me to do!"


The people on the side agreed.

They said emphatically, "Anyway, this matter must be resolved. If it is not resolved, we simply don't do it. Love is whatever!"

Shopkeeper Liu heard that everyone was going to break up.

He looked anxious, "Oh my god, how many times do you want me to say it? Now the time is coming, let's hold on for a while, Jiang Beibei will definitely not be able to stand it!"

"I don't think so!"

Soon someone retorted, and he pulled his throat.

"We're not saying that we don't want medicinal materials, but we're just saying that the medicinal materials are made a little worse. Aren't these things the same? You can still eat them."

"That's right!" The medicine merchants wanted to save money, so they listened to this, and quickly responded, "Anyway, Boss Liu, you take the lead. You have to think carefully about today's matter!"

Shopkeeper Liu sighed!
He wanted to insist on using the top-notch herbs.

But now there are too many people who oppose it, and he has lost his mind!
Along with the small and broken voices around him came.

Shopkeeper Liu finally compromised, he lowered his head, "All right, all right, let's do it now!"

"We use slightly inferior medicinal materials, this kind of thing can't be eaten!"

"Yes yes yes yes!"

Seeing that shopkeeper Liu finally compromised, the medicine merchant beside him nodded vigorously.

Fenglian is a half-hearted person, so she learned the skill of making medicinal food from Jiang Beibei's hands!

I really know these medicinal materials very well, so I really can't tell!
Therefore, when the medicinal material dealer administers the medicinal materials on the second day.

Fenglian didn't notice it at all. She kept complaining when she was picking up the medicinal materials, "Arguing with me, you are only so capable, and you know I have skills."

"Isn't it just a matter of delivering things here!"

Hearing Fenglian's proud words, the person who delivered the medicinal materials was very contemptuous.

They didn't say anything, they just pushed things up silently.

"Be nice to our boss."

"hurry up!"

Fenglian's eyes widened in an instant, no matter what the three seven 21 were, she would be shocked.

"Let's go!"

The person who delivered the medicinal materials shook his sleeves and walked out quickly, but when everyone didn't see him, they laughed for a while!
The guests who came from outside, Feng Lian saw that they were regular customers, so she sent herbal meals without asking.

She greeted people, "I haven't come here for a long time, you seem to have a lot of energy!"

These people are just waiting to eat the medicated diet!
He hurriedly greeted, "Hand over the things quickly, why are you talking so much!"

"Give, give!"

Feng Lian hurriedly handed over the things, "Anyway, the things in my place are more expensive than those in Jiang Beibei's. It seems to be a thousand times more expensive, and it doesn't cost much money. It's all about your money."

Here Fenglian is talking bad things about Jiang Beibei.

Unexpectedly, the guest tasted it, but felt that something was wrong.

"Did you use bad medicinal materials for today's medicinal diet?"

When Feng Lian heard this, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and cursed, "Where did you come from, stupid woman, I followed you here to talk today, and let me tell you, stop talking nonsense here."

“The stuff here is really good!”

Later, Feng Lian cursed non-stop.

The woman couldn't bear it, so she had no choice but to run away!
(End of this chapter)

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