Chapter 277 Apologize
By night.

The guests outside greeted the same.

Feng Lian just packed up and went to the back kitchen.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he saw his worried mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law came up with the medicine, "Don't you think there is something wrong with this medicine? I smelled it carefully today, and looked at its appearance, and there is something wrong!"

"It feels much worse than it was a few days ago!"

Feng Lian didn't even look at it, she just thought her mother-in-law was talking nonsense.

She is proud and arrogant now, after all, she is also a dignified boss, and she is also proud at home.

Where did she follow her mother-in-law to talk in front of her.

"You old woman can't see clearly, what kind of bad medicine could it be? Don't you think about it, what kind of relationship do I have with those medicine merchants?"

"Why don't you understand, kid!"

The mother-in-law pushed forward with the medicine.

"If I really want to lie to you, why did I find these medicines? You know something."

"Dare to say I'm ignorant!"

Feng Lian gave her a resentful look, "Let me tell you, those medicinal material dealers can't do without me now, and they still count on me to suppress Jiang Beibei."

"How could it be possible to tamper with medicinal materials!"

The mother-in-law really had no choice but to take the things back.

"I can do whatever you want! Now you can say whatever you want."

Feng Lian sensed that this person was unhappy, so she just frowned and reprimanded, "You shouldn't think about these medicinal materials now, you should think carefully, why are these medicinal materials sold at a higher price?"

"Earn more money!"

The mother-in-law couldn't figure out the situation, and she didn't dare to answer casually.

"Whatever you want, anyway, isn't it you who is in charge of the family now? It's too thoughtful."

"It's good to know!"

Fenglian only thought that others were praising her, and walked out with twists and turns.

I'm even thinking about it!

Add ten copper plates to this medicinal material, and twenty copper coins to that medicinal material.

If so, it's big money!

And here with Jiang Beibei, the edge of the knife has come back from the outside.

He had a happy expression on his face, and he could see that he was happy, "Boss."

He came up to bow to Jiang Beibei, "Gong Xi Fa Cai, really Gong Xi Fa Cai, but you don't know, I have earned a lot of money along the way!"

"How much!"

Jiang Beibei was very surprised.

Although this was indeed within her expectation, but the heads of the knives who have seen the big world all look like this, thinking about the medicinal materials this time, that one is indeed good.

The head of the knife planed off his own portion.

Give Jiang Beibei a heavy purse, "That's it. If the time is not too short, I can find a farther place to sell, maybe I can sell it at a higher price!"

"Really good!"

Jiang Beibei thought from side to side!

Anyway, Fenglian still has to work on it for a while, and selling these medicinal materials in the future is enough to maintain the operation of the teahouse.

It happened that He Wen came from outside.

When he saw Dao Tou coming back, he thought about coming over to say hello.

"Brother is back."

As a result, while he was talking, a few coins were thrown into his hands. Jiang Beibei smiled, "This is your share, let me tell you! Your medicinal materials are of good quality, and you may earn a lot of money by selling them outside." Bar!"

"So many!"

He Wen took the silver in his hand and gnawed and bit it, crying immediately!
You must know that since he was targeted by the medicine dealer in the town, except for the share given by Jiang Beibei, he has never seen live money.

"Hey!" Jiang Beibei couldn't help teasing, "You say you are a man of seven feet, why cry? Go back and tell your wife the good news, don't waste time!"

"That's right!"

The head of the knife also hurriedly greeted.

"Go back and let your daughter-in-law take a look, you are making a lot of money now!"

"Don't laugh at me!"

He Wen held silver in his arms, hugging him tightly without a single gap.

He also listened to Daotou and Jiang Beibei.

Three steps and two steps, running towards the door like the wind!
Daotou and Jiang Beibei looked at each other and smiled at each other.

On the second day, Jiang Beibei took the time to apologize to Ning Xicheng while Ning Xicheng was taking a bath, "My brother Ning, you are still angry with me now! You should know that you don't usually behave like this, You talk to me!"

Ning Xicheng was still annoyed, no matter what Jiang Beibei said, he would not listen to a word.

Seeing this person turn his head and turn around.

Jiang Beibei yelled!He hurried up again.

She coquettishly flattered her, "This incident was also an accident. If I knew that I would not do this, I would listen to Brother Ning in the future. Whatever you say is what you say, okay?"


Hearing Ning Xicheng's response, Jiang Beibei was smiling and wanted to hug him.

Unexpectedly, he was pushed away in the next second.

Ning Xicheng was not angry, he had a cold face, "Okay! I'll listen to you talking nonsense in the future, whatever you like!"

"Brother Ning." Jiang Beibei stomped her feet and wanted to explain again.

And at this time, an unexpected visitor came to the door!
It was the group of medicine merchants again.

The one surnamed Liu bears the brunt, he asked unceremoniously, "What do you mean? Opening a teahouse is lawless now, right?"


Following the man's stare, Jiang Beibei showed a hint of disgust in front of his eyes.

"What are you doing here!"

The one surnamed Liu rolled up his sleeves, pointed at Jiang Beibei and yelled wildly, "You don't behave yourself, why do you ask us to come here?"

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(End of this chapter)

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