Chapter 330
The emperor had not come to the queen's palace for a long time to eat.

The two sat in front of a pile of gorgeous meals, unable to speak a word.

It was hard to wait until after the meal.

A court lady mentioned, "Your Majesty, the Empress, the flowers in the imperial garden are blooming very well recently, and autumn is coming soon, why don't the Emperor and the Empress go and have a look?"

The emperor put down his things and asked the empress for her opinion.

"Queen, you want to go."

There was no throbbing in the queen's heart, "Your Majesty, whatever you want."

The emperor felt inexplicable in his heart, but he still followed the queen.

When I came to the Royal Garden, I walked to the gravel road.

Suddenly, a eunuch knelt down and begged for mercy, his head was covered with cold sweat, "I beg the emperor, please the emperor, please help the emperor!"

Eunuch Gao wanted to push people away.

"Where did the stupid thing come from? You don't even look to see who is in front of you, in front of the emperor and empress, who are you showing embarrassment here!"

Seeing Eunuch Gao take the man away, the emperor looked at the man's anxious face, and finally asked, "What is it that needs my help?"

Tai listened to the emperor's opening, and ran over as if crawling.

He kowtowed to the ground, with traces of blood oozing from his forehead.

"The slave is originally from the capital city, and lives outside on a little farm. He got a vacation a few days ago, and wants to go back home to visit relatives!"

"Who knew that this would be a good move. I just went back and found that my whole family was gone. What do you think I should do?"

Eunuch Gao looked bored, "Talk to the local government about this matter, they will help you, why bother the emperor here."

The eunuch raised his head quickly.

"But in this matter, no one can help except the emperor."

The emperor frowned, "What happened?"

The eunuch cried, "Because I learned from other people that he is the younger brother of the empress empress, and he expelled all my family in order to occupy the land."

"Have pity on my poor people."

The eunuch cried uncontrollably, "By the time I rushed there, there were already a bunch of bones, and they all died!"

The queen was startled, "Why doesn't this palace know about this matter?"

When the eunuch said this, hatred flowed in his eyes.

"That's your family. The empress is naturally blessed. What can slaves like us say?"

The emperor scolded at this moment, "You don't have any evidence, so you just talk nonsense here for no reason, and show the evidence."

It's not that he wants to protect the queen.

It is true that this matter is said, it really affects the majesty of the royal family too much.

The eunuch also knew that what he said was useless, and he was determined to take revenge.

"If the emperor doesn't want to believe it, then the servant will show his will by death. Thinking about it, the emperor should believe it now."

After he finished speaking, he moved his feet and crashed to death on the rockery.

Hearing a bang, everyone on the field was stunned.

Eunuch Gao went to check his breath, he turned his head and apologized and told the emperor, "Your Majesty, this person is not breathing, he is dead."

Seeing this, the emperor glared at the queen angrily.

"I told you a long time ago that a younger brother like yours must be properly punished. What do you think about this family? You have a lot of gold and silver under your hands, and you just persecute those common people."

"Simply stupid."

The queen was stunned for a moment when she was scolded.

But facing the enraged emperor in front of her, the empress couldn't resist at all.

She could only keep saying sorry, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, it's because the concubine is incompetent, so I ask the emperor to punish the concubine."

The emperor flicked his sleeves, "It's too late to say these words. You did something wrong and you must be punished."

He first arranged for someone to capture the queen's younger brother, and at the same time put the queen under house arrest in the palace.

When Jiang Beibei rushed over, the queen's eyes were already red from crying.

"What should I do? The emperor and I went to see the flowers in the imperial garden when things were going well, why did things turn out like this!"

Looking at the helpless queen in front of him, Jiang Beibei felt a little sad.

The women in the harem were really defeated, even as a queen, they had no choice.

The queen took Jiang Beibei's hand, "Ben Gong, I beg you today, I must go to the prince for help."

"it is good!"

Looking at the helpless queen, Jiang Beibei decided to help.

When it was night, Jiang Beibei put on his night clothes, hid himself in the dark, and walked out along the familiar road.

Unexpectedly, two silver guns were erected in front of him.

Looking up, there were two guards with serious faces.

"Who are you? The emperor has issued an order, and no one in the palace is allowed to leave. Are you trying to disobey the emperor's order?"

Jiang Beibei was persuaded to leave at that time, and soon turned back.

No one can resist the emperor's order, not even Jiang Beibei!
But she didn't give up because of this, she just turned around and went to other exits.

who knows.
The four exits of the palace were all guarded, and Jiang Beibei noticed familiar faces among them, they were clearly from Concubine Yu's Palace.

In desperation, Jiang Beibei could only tell the matter.

When the Queen heard this, she was surprised and said, "Why?"

Or in despair, after finishing these words, the queen passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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