Chapter 331
Morning the next day.

Dali Siqing, who was interrogated overnight, produced a large amount of evidence of the queen's younger brother in the court hall.

This man raped, looted, seized good land, and committed all kinds of evil.

And every time he does evil.

All the titles he used came from the Queen.

Dali Temple Minister stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, there is something that I have not had to tell. The Empress Empress' younger brother is so rude to the people, which has already made many people dissatisfied."

"At that time we were investigating, and many people came forward. They said that they wanted to abolish the empress. I dare not speak nonsense. If the emperor doesn't believe it, I can send the people back then. They are deeply hurt by this!"

With a sentence from Dali Temple Minister above the court.

The person who didn't like the queen jumped out quickly.

They spoke excitedly, "Your Majesty, this matter is extremely important, but it must not be handled carefully, we must give the people an explanation!"

The emperor was also very angry at this time.

"It's just that the queen's younger brother is so arrogant, and the queen is also so stupid, allowing such a fool to harm the people."

At this time, someone suggested, "Your Majesty, in the entire capital, there is a lot of dissatisfaction with the empress. Under such heavy pressure, if the empress is kept in the palace, many people will feel uncomfortable!"

Soon someone said, "Yes! Your Majesty, the reason why our court is a court is that there are thousands of people supporting it. Without them, the entire court would cease to exist! Your Majesty .”

Hearing these words, the emperor's mind has moved slightly.

Just when he was thinking, King Pingnan quickly stood up.

"Your Majesty, you can't sit still on this matter. The empress is pregnant now, so naturally she has no time to take care of things outside the palace."

"It's because the Empress Dowager's younger brother has done something wrong, so the Empress Empress will be abolished. This is really inappropriate!"

The faces of the courtiers all changed. What they were worried about was not the child in the queen's belly.
That thing is a threat to them.

Without thinking about it, these ministers wanted to say before the emperor, "Your Majesty, this matter is not appropriate, if it is only because of the child you are pregnant with."

The emperor originally had the idea of ​​abolishing the queen.

But hearing the word child, his heart suddenly softened.

The queen was also considered to be on par with him. She had stayed by his side for so many years and had never done anything wrong. King Pingnan was right, and he should not sit down because of this.


The emperor had a straight face, "You don't need to say too much, since that person is stupid and committed the crime himself, then he will bear it himself."

"For such a scourge, just kill it!"

A few people trembled their beards, and immediately showed dissatisfaction.

But the emperor's order has been issued, and they can't refute it!
And the Queen's mother, who got the news, frantically found the Queen all the way.

When she came up, she sat on the ground and cried, "My son! It's just that you robbed other people's land and got some silver. We can just return the things. What kind of crime is this?"

"Queen, don't forget, that's your younger brother, your only relative, how can you be so vicious?"

"Quickly open the door!"

The Queen wanted to avoid having a relationship with this person.

By the time this person came over, the door had already been closed.

Hearing waves of voices coming from outside, the queen was in a state of confusion.

Even if she wanted to help with this matter, she couldn't.
Her younger brother has done all kinds of bad things, so it can be said that he will definitely die.

Found that the door has been unable to open.

The queen's mother knew she was incompetent, so she began to curse the queen.

"You have lost your conscience, how can there be such an unfilial son like you in the whole world, your younger brother has become like that, is your sister blind?"

"Let me tell you, when your brother dies, I will go with your brother. When the time comes, the two of us will come to lock your life. You are a good queen! In front of your broken conscience, you will become a queen." Yellow wolf!"

The queen's mother became more and more uncomfortable as she talked, and sat down on the bottom again to slap her.

Her voice was sharp and harsh, "I don't care, give me back my son, give me back my son!"

Hearing the noise outside, and seeing the queen anxious.

Jiang Beibei slowly sat beside this person, and she asked in a low voice, "Empress, are you sure you want to let things go on like this?"

The empress looked embarrassed, "But what can I do?"

Jiang Beibei pointed out, "If we continue to ignore it, this person will only feel that he has the upper hand. One day, your brother will really die! She is frighteningly more and more arrogant."

"But that's my mother after all."

The queen's heart was soft, although she knew that the two were arrogant, she never did anything.

"No matter what, you have to drive them out." Jiang Beibei mentioned carefully, "Otherwise, with the current situation, Empress, you have managed to get away. I'm afraid that if you get involved again, you and your child will be involved."

Jiang Beibei sighed, "This is in the palace!"

At this time, the queen finally understood the meaning.

Jiang Beibei was right, if she kept retreating like this, something would happen to her.

The queen stood still, "Get the outsiders out and drive them away!"

The people on the side looked happy, they had already thought so.


After the man was taken away, the queen personally pleaded guilty to the emperor according to Jiang Beibei's suggestion.

She lifted her frail body and knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, although the concubines did not participate in it, most of them were indulged by the concubines, and the concubines regretted it."

"Although the emperor has not punished the concubine, but the concubine's heart is cut like a knife, and it is extremely uncomfortable, so I implore the emperor to punish the concubine!"

The queen spoke earnestly, with tears in her eyes.

The emperor looked at this person's weak and small appearance, and felt soft in his heart for a moment.

He didn't forget that the queen was still pregnant with his child!

He sighed and stepped forward to help him, "Queen, this matter has nothing to do with you, go back to the palace to rest first, I will see you off."

 The number of words has exploded today, I ask for comments and recommendations every day


(End of this chapter)

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