Chapter 142 Support Items
knock knock!

"Who sent me a message so late." Mu Yunchu turned on the phone and saw that it was a former fan of Ye Yuwei in the group.

His name is Zhang Du Zelin, his family is an auto repairer, and he is a sophomore in college.

He and Mu Yunchu went to visit Ye Yuwei together.

"Sister Yunchu, the day after tomorrow is Xiao Yezi's performance, do you want to prepare something?"

"What are you preparing? Light sticks?"

Soon, Mu Yunchu received several dizzy expressions from the other party.

"Oh my God! Are you our president and fan?"

Looking at the other person's words, Mu Yunchu felt very embarrassed: "It's also my first time chasing stars."

"Under normal circumstances, we need to prepare support uniforms, support hats, hand banners, key chains, light signs, etc., and we can also prepare some small gifts for the people on site." Du Zelin, who is a veteran of Pho, opened his mouth and came.

"Are support uniforms uniform clothes?"

"Our 'head' members in Hanoi all have their own special support uniforms. Xiaoyezi doesn't have one. We can make one ourselves, and so do other things."

"Is it too late? Need to design and customize?"

Mu Yunchu didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to support idols. She thought that everyone's light sticks would be enough to shout cheers, but in fact, there are several kinds of light stick support.

"I have a set of designs. If you think it works, we will do it. Some of the fans in our group open clothing factories and some make small accessories. As long as the pattern is determined, we can make it." Du Zelin replied quickly. .

"Is this okay? Just the two of us to settle all this?"

"It's a matter of urgency! If we discuss it with other people, the cucumber dishes will be cold."

"Okay then! Send it over and let me have a look."

Mu Yunchu thought for a while and decided to accept the other party's opinion. In less than 2 minutes, Du Zelin sent over the styles of support uniforms, support hats, key chains, and small wallets.

Not to mention, he did a pretty good job.

"I think it works! How long have you been working on it?"

"I've been wanting to make these for her since I powdered Little Leaf."

Looking at the other party's reply, Mu Yunchu suddenly felt creepy.

It reminded her that in the ancient mountain village, the mother prepared the dowry for the married daughter, starting from the birth of the daughter.

"Xiao Du, how many sets do you need, and how much?"

"This time we have 75 tickets, so we will make 78 sets first, and the remaining 3 sets are for those who stay outside."

"The ones staying outside?"

Mu Yunchu didn't understand for a while.

"Yes, we should also send some small gifts to passers-by, including posters, key chains, small wallets, small snacks, etc. After we go in, someone must look at those things."

"I understand, it's just sending things to get passers-by to support Xiao Yezi."


Mu Yunchu thought for a while and said, "How much do these things cost?"

"It is estimated that 4 yuan is enough, and this is the money for a good birthday party for the top members of Hanoi." Du Zelin said.

"Then I will pay 4, and you will be responsible for getting things."

"Let's raise funds! There will be more activities like this in the future, so how can you just get the money yourself?"

"It's all right! It's only 4 yuan."

Mu Yunchu felt that the other party was very interesting. The T-shirt she wore would cost more than 6000, and 4 was nothing to her.

"If we raise funds, we can increase the enthusiasm of our fans. After all, everyone has a sense of participation after spending money. As the manager of the support club, we can spend a little more."

The first time Mu Yunchu heard the other party's words, he couldn't help but suddenly realized: "Yes, then we will raise funds."

"Sister Mu, this is the fundraising notice I wrote, take a look."

"My God! You've got this all done."

Mu Yunchu felt that the other party came prepared, and that all the preparatory work that should be done had been done by the other party.

Mu Yunchu, who had slept through the night, was awakened by the dazzling sunlight in the morning.

Suddenly found that there were more than 1000 text messages on my mobile phone.

"Who is plotting against me, and I have not offended anyone!"

Mu Yunchu thought it was a spam text message, but after a closer look, it turned out to be a bank card arrival notice.

"Phew! I'm scared to death. I should receive red envelopes next time. My computer almost crashed. It's more than 4!" Mu Yunchu couldn't help jumping up happily when he saw the number.

She originally thought that it would be nice for everyone to get that three or five yuan, but she didn't expect everyone's enthusiasm to be so high.

She immediately got up and wrote down the screen name of the fundraiser on the computer, followed by the amount of money raised, and then sent it to the group after summarizing.

After that, she also showed her fundraising funds in the group, and she took 2.

These big fans of Du Zelin also took 2.

In this way, they raised more than 6 yuan, more than 2 yuan more than originally expected.

knock knock!

"Shen Xing!" Mu Yunchu, who was so busy all afternoon that he didn't even have time to eat, saw that this person wanted to increase his prestige.

"Could it be that Shen Xing from Xinghe? Where did he get his WeChat ID?" Mu Yunchu couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because this WeChat ID is her mobile phone number, and only her family members know her mobile phone number, after thinking about it, she will add WeChat.

"Hi, student Mu, is it convenient to talk via video now? I mean, let me tell you, I am indeed Shen Xing from Xinghe."


After Mu Yunchu finished speaking, the other party sent a video invitation. She saw that the other party walked around the office with his mobile phone to prove that it was real and not a cut.

"President Shen, what do you want from me?"

"Hehe! Then I'll get straight to the point, it's about the support."

Mu Yunchu didn't strike up a conversation, wanting to see what the other party had to say.

"Student Mu, I heard that you have already made cheering shirts and the like."


"Student Mu, although you are a new pho, you should also know that this time Xiao Yezi participated in this draft with the captain Lu Bingbing, so I think your support items should have the logos of the two people printed on them." it is good."

Mu Yunchu looked at Shen Xing's face with a fake smile, and his mind quickly turned to why he made such a request.

"After all, Yuwei is an artist who belongs to our galaxy. We have also done a lot of work in this draft. We want you to support the two of them together, and it is also for the good of Yuwei."

Mu Yunchu was even more confused at this time, and couldn't see the good thing at all.

"Mr. Shen, will you also wear cheering shirts for the two of you?"

"Of course, Bingbing's support club will also wear the same support shirt."

"Mr. Shen, our support shirts have already been finished, and there is no way to change them."

Mu Yunchu thought of Ye Yuwei's words and rejected him.

"Student Mu, Yuwei is also an artist of our company, and she must obey the management of the company. What you do will only make it difficult for us, which will affect Yuwei."

"Little Yezi is an employee of your company, but I am not. I will only express my love for her in my own way."

"You are her fan club, you have to cooperate well with the company in terms of support, casting, etc. You don't think that Ye Yuwei can make her debut just because of you!"

Shen Xing's voice became gloomy, and the face on the screen showed a slightly hideous look.

"Mr. Shen, are you threatening me with Xiao Yezi's future?"

"I just want you to cooperate with us and cooperate with the company's actions. Only in this way can Ye Yuwei debut smoothly."

"Mr. Shen, I've made it clear just now, I won't listen to your company."

After Mu Yunchu finished speaking, he immediately hung up the video, and then blocked it.

(End of this chapter)

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