Chapter 143
Feeling terrified, Mu Yunchu tried to calm herself down, she picked up another phone and called Du Zelin.

"Xiao Du, did you answer Xinghe Shenxing's call?"

"No!" Xiao Du's words made Mu Yunchu heave a sigh of relief, but then the other party said: "But the president of Lu Bingbing's support club called me."

"what did she say?"

"She wanted our two families to join forces to help, but I refused."

Xiao Du's tone was a little unhappy, obviously aimed at the former.

"Shen Xing also said the same thing, but I also rejected it. What are they trying to do?"

"I don't know, but those people are good people, and cooperating with them is like seeking skin from a tiger."

"Xiao Du, let's do our own thing, don't pay attention to those people."

Mu Yunchu remembered Ye Yuwei's words, so naturally he would not tell Xiao Du what was written on the note.

Although Xiao Du didn't know the real situation of Ye Yuwei, he hated all fans except Ye Yuwei from the bottom of his heart.

He even hated Xinghe very much, even if it was rumored that Xinghe wanted to praise Ye Yuwei, he would not believe it.

In his opinion, this is nothing more than cheating on his own "cooking".

Mu Yunchu, who knew what the other party was thinking, was about to put down the phone when he suddenly saw "Aite" himself in the penguin group of the support club.

Opening it casually, it turned out to be a big fan asking himself: Why didn't Xinghe and Lu Bingbing's fans join forces.

"Xiao Du, look in the group, Cang Ye has a problem."

"I saw that this person found out the news so quickly. Didn't Xinghe call the members of the support club for us?" Xiao Du looked puzzled.

At this moment, a lot of strange speeches suddenly appeared in the group.

"Although our support club operates independently, we should also cooperate with the company!"

"Xiao Yezi wants to debut this time, the company is very important, otherwise it will be useless for us to invest more money."

"Xia Yezi is still an artist of Xinghe, if we don't obey the management of the company, will they..."

"I think this support should be with Lu Bingbing. Lu Bingbing is the captain of the galaxy. Once we support together, we will have at least more than 50,000 pho support."

Looking at these words, Mu Yunchu couldn't help being surprised by the voices of various discussions.

"Xiao Du, what should I do, someone is setting the rhythm."

"Don't panic, these must be 'fake fans' from Xinghe."

Mu Yunchu had never dealt with such a thing before, so he couldn't help feeling flustered.

After about a dozen seconds, there suddenly appeared a lot of voices in the group who were opposed to supporting Lu Bingbing together.

"Why should we support Lu Bingbing? She is not popular at all."

"Cheering with Lu Bingbing's fans can only destroy us and be sucked by her."

"Little Yezi has actually broken up with Pho. You have also seen it on her Weibo. Those people spread rumors about her, and the screen is full of stench."

"We've already prepared all the support items. Do we still need to prepare one? If Lu Bingbing really wants to join us in support, why did they say so now?"

"What you said upstairs is right, the performance will start tomorrow afternoon, we have time to redo it, and I really want to see if they made the cheering shirts for the two of them."

When Mu Yunchu saw these controlled items, his heart gradually calmed down.

"Sister Mu, I found Ye Zi's loyal fans to temporarily control the comments."

"Xiao Du, if it doesn't work, let's silence it!"

"Speaking is not acceptable, it will make doubts louder." Du Zelin paused and continued: "Just now I asked Cang Ye why she did that in a private message, but she didn't reply."

"Xiao Du, do you know that Cang Ye's phone number?"

"I also called, but no one answered. This person is 100% Xinghe's undercover agent."

At this moment, the comment area changed a lot, and more people supported Lu Bingbing to cheer together, and it also sparked a scolding war.

"Xiao Du, if this continues, our support club will split, and tomorrow's support will be over."

"Sister Mu, I saw those Penguin accounts that support cooperation with Lu Bingbing, and they are all new registrations."

"Don't worry, their bad methods are useless on our side."

After Xiao Du finished speaking, a large number of screenshots began to be taken in the group, all of which were screenshots of Penguin Space of those who intended to cooperate with Lu Bingbing.

"Sister Mu, stop talking for a moment."


Mu Yunchu immediately silenced her as an administrator.

At this time, she was very fortunate that in order to prevent people from posting some illegal pictures in the group, she did not assign management rights.

"Sister Mu, this is a statement I wrote, you post it in the group."

In less than a second, Xiao Du sent a short statement. Although Mu Yunchu trusted Xiao Du very much, he read it carefully before sending it.

Dear "Yu fans", please forgive my sudden ban, because there have been a lot of discordant and unfavorable comments in the group.

Here I would like to explain to you the issue that was debated just now.

1. As you all saw just now, most of those who support the joint support with Lu Bingbing's family are newly registered blank numbers. You should know who these people are!

2. Lu Bingbing's support club has already prepared all their support items, and they have no intention of supporting with us at all.

3. As for what Xinghe will do to our "cooking", it's a joke. Ye Yuwei has already half quit Xinghe.

4. Fans of Xinghe will not help us because of our joint support for Lu Bingbing, because Xinghe is facing a general election, and those fans also have their own fans, how can they waste money on Lu Bingbing.

5. Ye Yuwei has made it clear that she will not participate in the general election this year, but Lu Bingbing will still participate in this year's general election. She will vote for her debut and the general election. "kidney" is not enough, we can't take advantage of her.

Finally, I want to say that we are only responsible for our "cooking". If Xinghe is willing to help us "rain powder", we are naturally grateful, but if we have ulterior motives, we must resist.

After 10 minutes, Mu Yunchu, who made sure everyone had figured it out, turned on the silence again.

Sure enough, this time the wind direction in the group has completely changed. Although those blank penguins are still posting some confusing things, no one believes it anymore.

Just when Mu Yunchu gave his breath, Cang Ye suddenly sent a recording to the group.

"Everyone, please listen. This is the recording of the call between the president of Lu Bingbing's support club and 'Xiao Du'." It is a 'drug-only' 'illegitimate meal'"

Mu Yunchu immediately downloaded the recording, and then picked up the phone that hadn't hung up all along: "Xiao Du, do you want me to delete that recording?"

"It's okay, I want to hear what the hell they're doing." Xiao Du sneered.

The content of this recording is Lu Bingbing, the president of the support club, talking about the benefits of combining the two.

They even promised to spend money on changing support clothes.

And promised that Pho would support the two of them in a fair manner at the first time.

But Xiao Du was extremely rude and refused.

(End of this chapter)

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