Chapter 144
"Everyone heard it!"

"Xiao Du just doesn't want anyone to fan Xiao Yezi, he wants to own her by himself."

"It's best for Xiao Yezi not to debut, because he once told people in private that if Xiao Ye Zi made his debut, he wouldn't have any chance to marry her back home."

Cang Ye's words caused an uproar in the group, and many people asked Ait Xiaodu what was going on, if this group was only established by Weidu, then they would leave the group.

"Xiao Du, what's going on?" Mu Yunchu asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just the old trick!" Xiao Du's voice became even colder.

Then Ye Yuwei saw Xiao Du sent a message in the group.

"I also have a recording for everyone to listen to. At the same time, I hope Cang Ye and the people around her can listen carefully."

Then the audio that was two-thirds longer than the recording just now was sent up.

When everyone listened to it, it turned out that it was still the conversation between Xiao Du and the president of Lu Bingbing's support club, but the content had completely changed.

Xiao Du is very rational and restrained. When he asked the other party the five questions just now, the other party either vaguely explained his words, or did not answer at all, but said some irrelevant things.

"Listen clearly, everyone! Cang Ye's audio was edited. If he could edit it so quickly, there must be professionals and equipment by his side. Everyone think about where she is now."

At this time, some people who "want to understand" started to take the rhythm.

"Cangye is in Xinghe's recording studio."

"Cang Ye is a double-faced, undercover agent."

"I'm really convinced. This is also an undercover agent. Ye Yuwei is not a big star, but a poor kid who wants to make his debut."

Immediately, the people in the group began to scold Cang Ye severely, but this person had already withdrawn from the group.

Then, the people in the group were filled with righteous indignation and went to Lu Bingbing's Weibo to swear, and even asked the president of the former support club to come out and apologize.

"Xiao Du, thank you for being careful, otherwise, our support club would have disbanded today. That Cangye is simply too hateful."

"Those people can do anything for money and fame. They must have other tricks. We don't have time to deal with them now. We must do a good job in supporting them tomorrow."

Just when the two were discussing about supporting tomorrow, Lu Bingbing's support club suddenly issued a statement.

He said that his president had never called Xiao Du, and at the same time, the president himself came out to refute the rumors, saying: "Xinghe discussed with them about the two families joining forces, but he explicitly rejected it."

At the same time, he asked "Yufen" to hear if he was the voice in the recording.

Afterwards, he secretly said: This is a drama directed and acted by Xiao Du himself, the purpose is to abuse fans, let them invest more money in Ye Yuwei, and even imply that Xiao Du and Ye Yuwei have something indescribable relation.

Then someone picked up a picture of Ye Yuwei asking Xiao Du to meet in the stadium for a "field battle", and even changed Ye Yuwei's name to "Dang Ye"

"Some people say that Ye Yuwei ran away from home because he met a netizen and took the train thousands of miles away to 'send guns'."

Then came all kinds of "substantial" scandals, including the revelations of various classmates, relatives, and teammates.

After all, Ye Yuwei's fans are new fans, and they began to be skeptical and paranoid.

All they can think of is to go to the Xinghe official to ask if these things are true, if it is not for Xinghe to carry out an anti-crime campaign.

But there was no response from Xinghe, which made Ye Yuwei's fans even more suspicious.

Why didn't Xinghe come out to fight against the gangsters?

Ye Yuwei is also an important artist of Galaxy!Are those all true?

"Xiao Du, the other party must have premeditated plans."

Mu Yunchu held back his anger and said loudly on the phone.

"Sister Mu, thank you, you still believe in Xiao Yezi so firmly."

Xiao Du's voice was full of gratitude and irrepressible anger.

Mu Yunchu couldn't help but smiled wryly, if there was no note from Ye Yuwei telling herself that the former had terminated the contract with Xinghe, she might have believed those Internet rumors.

"Xiao Du, what should we do now? Some people have already begun to waver."

"Xinghe wants to kill Ye Zi, these traps are one after another." Xiao Du's voice was still calm.

"But I also have a trump card in my hand. If they want to play, I will play a big one." Xiao Du's voice became extremely fierce.

"Xiao Du, you, you won't..."

"Don't worry! I won't do stupid things."

"Sister Mu, first stabilize the big fans in the group and buy me two hours."

over the phone
Sitting in a large chair, Xiao Du put down the phone and adjusted his glasses.

That handsome face looked very cold and terrifying in the bedroom with no lights on.

He took out a laptop, opened a program and made an Internet call.

"I can give you what you want, but you must pop it in your pocket immediately after receiving it."

"...Well, since she has betrayed me, I have nothing to worry about."

"Hehe! Very good, if you don't abide by the deal, I will also expose your scandal at the 'Dongjiang Hotel'."

The other party fell silent immediately after hearing this, and said half aloud, "Are you following me?"

"I didn't follow you, but I caught you when you followed her."

"Can I ask you a question? Are you the little idol who has followed the whole river?"

"It's useless if you try to trick me."

Xiao Du didn't want to talk to this person anymore, time was too precious.

"...Okay, I'll keep the promise, but that video of mine..."

"You don't have to be so nervous. In my eyes, you are just a small fish, and the value of using it is only this time."

Xiao Du's words seemed to be mocking the other party, but in fact they completely ignited the flame of revenge in the other party's heart. When a person is looked down upon by others, what he wants most is to prove himself.

Sure enough, the sound of breathing on the other side intensified, and the smell of anger seemed to spread over.

"You also know the consequences of publishing this video. I'm not as stupid as you to be a fan of idols and ruin myself, so I will give it to you." Xiao Du continued to fire.

"Hehe! I'm not a trash. She deceived us and tarnished the idol's honor. She will be punished. I'm doing justice for the heavens." The other party gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Okay, I'll see how you do it." Du Zelin hung up the phone, used some software to send the video to the other party, and then cleared all the records.

He waited patiently in front of the computer. Although he was calm on the surface, the thin beads of sweat behind his ears revealed his true thoughts.

Galaxy Corporation

Shen Xing was asking Lao Mu for credit with a proud face.

"Mr. Mu, Ye Yuwei's fans will definitely leave this time. It's a joke that she still wants to fight us based on her shallow foundation."

"Shen Xing, you've done a good job. In the next step, we will completely crush her to death, and we must not let her stand out."

"Mr. Mu, I've prepared an apology statement for her about her 'black material'. Once the time comes, she will never recover."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling extremely happy in their hearts.

"That Wu Jingxiang messed us up so badly, what happened to Xiao Liu made him hurt money, and this time what happened to Ye Yuwei made him hurt."

"Mr. Mu, you are still very clever. Do you want to find a few tonight..."

"Forget it, those old arms and legs don't want to move anymore, you young people should go and play!"

Just when the two were complacent, the staff in charge of network monitoring called Shen Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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