Chapter 145 Survive the Difficulty
No one expected that Duan Yuxin, one of Galaxy's "God Seven", would be beaten for real.

A loyal fan of hers released a video of her living with someone in an apartment.

On the screen, the two went home together affectionately, and then Duan Yuxin went out to get takeaway in her pajamas.

And that man was none other than a trainee from Xinghe boy group.

Duan Yuxin voluntarily went to the Shudi Small Theater half a year ago.

Many career fans think that Sister Duan is "rather a chicken head than a phoenix tail"

Sheng Hai's competition is too fierce, even her fans don't believe that she can make it to the top.

Only at this time did all the fans realize that she had actually gone to be with the younger brother.

Duan Yuxin's fans are like crazy. In the past, the little idols exposed these things, most of them were eating somewhere or shopping, but this time they just caught the twins in bed.

While other pho satirized Duan Yuxin, they also did not forget to ridicule her fans.

Who made Duan Fan always advertise that his idol is a "career idol, and he will never collapse his house"!

Everyone has lost their minds about Ye Yuwei's affairs.

At the same time, this loyal fan also revealed that Cang Ye who provoked Lu Yeyu's family to start a war was actually an employee who had been fired by Siba, and this person was Duan Yuxin's illegitimate son.

Later, some screenshots of evidence were released, and the whole river was fried.

Shen Xing was still thinking about how to deal with the matter, but Duan Yuxin blew himself up.

After Ailang received thousands of humiliating text messages, she directly counseled in her pocket, saying: I am a human being, I have human rights, I have the right to fall in love, and I have to sue the twister who took the video.

Someone asked her about Ye Yuwei, and without any restraint, she said angrily that it would be fine if her fan did it.

Because she hated Ye Yuwei, the other party was just a scheming, and said that Xinghe had actually kicked her out.

When the news came, "Yu Fan" rejoiced, and at the same time deliberately pretended to be confused, saying that Xinghe had a problem in his heart, why didn't he let his family "cook" the love.

And the pho fans have completely lost their minds. What they hate most is that someone puts a "cuckold" on them.

In their view, small idols are their "private property" that they hold out for a dollar.

Of course, they can’t be entirely blamed for thinking this way. Many even eat dried noodles every day in order to be fans of these little idols. They are reluctant to buy even a pair of socks for themselves for a year.

All the tens of thousands of dollars earned by working hard throughout the year were invested in his goddess.

These people began to attack Duan Yuxin desperately, and some people published the addresses of her and the little milk dog junior brother, threatening to take more intense "rights protection" actions.

Now that there is a big trouble, if something bigger happens, Xinghe will be sad.

Lao Mu and the others were overwhelmed, so they directly sealed Duan Yuxin's pockets, and then asked the person in charge of the Sichuan branch to severely reprimand Duan Yuxin and the little milk dog, telling them to hide immediately.

But the hardest part was that they signed a tour deal with a company.

The owner of this company is also a fan of Pho and Duan Yuxin's fan, so he decided to ask her to come and signed a contract.

If Duan Yuxin does not complete the tour, Xinghe will have to pay huge liquidated damages, but what is the prestige and rules of letting him continue to perform?

After communicating with the other party, there was a clear request that Duan Yuxin must participate in the performance, and the organizer also planned to increase funds and further promote it.

Apparently the boss over there is also mad, humiliating Duan Yuxin in this way, think about what those pho will shout during the performance.

Regarding Duan Yuxin's real attack this time, both Lao Mu and Shen Xing suspected that Ye Yuwei did it, but they also checked and found out that it was indeed Duan Yuxin's illegitimate meal.

Even if this kind of person dies, he will not betray "Steaming", maybe everything is a coincidence!God saved Ye Yu's only life.

In the end, Xinghe still dealt with it in the old way, the idol was downgraded to a trainee, and then "playing dead".

But under Shen Xing's strict request, Duan Yuxin had to ask the company to sue the illegitimate student who shot and released the video.

After calming down, Duan Yuxin didn't want to sue that person, she also knew what she did was wrong.

Years of idol career made her sneer at the idol rules on the surface, but in fact these things have been deeply imprinted in her soul.

It seems that some people are not afraid of the law, but when they are really punished, they will be terrified to death.

Duan Yuxin was the same, after the passion to fight to the death was gone, when she considered the reality, she began to tremble and shed tears.

She still wants to be an idol, and she also wants to restore her influence, so she doesn't want to sue that person. If she does, she will never be forgiven by fans.

But Xinghe already knew that her use value was over, and the only thing she could do was to let them figure out if someone was messing with them behind their backs.

This night, it can be described as ups and downs, reversed several times, the inside story will always belong to a few people, and the vast majority of people are just tools to be used.

late spring and early summer
A light drizzle wiped away the heat of the afternoon.

Li Ke took his ticket and came outside the studio building full of excitement.

There are still three hours before the opening, and they are required to enter one hour in advance.

He found that a lot of people came today, almost occupying the front of the building.

Many people don't even have tickets, so they go around trying to buy tickets for them.

Some people even offered a high price of 3 yuan, but Li Ke was not tempted by it.

He just wants to watch "Village Flower" now, how could he sell his chance to meet the person he loves to others!
He saw an RV parked on the big lawn over there.

There are many tables around, all of which are full of various snacks, as well as large billboards, banners, and balloons with idol portraits.

The above characters are Wu Zixuan and Meng Meixuan. Yuehua personally sent staff to support this time. They are also the only team that can support in the big lawn.

The other vicious teams were all on the side of the road, not far apart, and seemed very crowded.

"Hello, please cheer for our Chaomingyue girl group."

When Li Ke walked to the green belt of the building, he saw five or six people distributing small gifts there.

He was stopped by a smiling girl with short hair and gave him a gift.

"Chaomingyue girl group! I know Lai Ruohong! It's that little cute girl." Li Ke said a word, smiled politely, turned around and wanted to leave.

"This is for you, as a souvenir from us." The girl handed a beautiful keychain to the former.

"Ah! This! Thank you, I have someone I like."

Li Ke was embarrassed to take the other party's gift, and said something that he wanted to laugh in a hurry.

The person I like is very speechless, he is a celebrity, and I am just an ordinary person,

"That's okay! When they come out to perform, you can give them a round of applause."

It was really hard for Li Ke to refuse, so he had to accept it and thanked the other party.

Then several fans of other trainees sent him gifts.

In fact, as long as he holds his "steamed" support banner and the like, no one will bother him. Everyone sees that he doesn't take anything and thinks he is a passerby fan.

But how did he, who was a fan of idols for the first time, know this.

He was a little apprehensive at the beginning, and he let go after eating a lot of support cakes.

Let’s talk when we’re full. At worst, we’ll applaud everyone. Anyway, I only spend money for the village.

(End of this chapter)

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