Chapter 146 No support group
Just as Li Ke was about to leave, he saw a quarrel over there.

"What are you doing? This place is ours."

"We didn't hinder you either! Just go ahead."

"You're not in the way? What do you mean by putting the table in front of us?"

At this time, Mu Yunchu was about to die of anger at the girl in the white dress in front of him.

After communicating with the program team, they were allowed to "set up a stall" in this place to support them. What they didn't expect was that Lu Bingbing's support team actually directly occupied in front of them.

"What do you mean, this is where we cheer, what's wrong here?" The girl in the white dress also stared.

Seeing that the two sides were about to clash, people from both sides pulled them away.

"Obviously it's our place, but they came to seize it, let's go to the program crew." Furious Mu Yunchu couldn't help shouting.

Xiao Du gently grabbed her and called her and the others aside: "Everyone, please calm down, this matter is not right, it may be intentional by the program crew."

"On purpose, how do you know?" Since the battle last night, Mu Yunchu has regarded Xiao Du as his greatest reliance.

"How could the program team make a mistake about the location of support? Their experience is much richer than ours, and didn't you see that some of them were secretly recording?" This sentence made everyone eat it.

"Brother Du, you said they deliberately framed things?" a boy asked.

"It's very possible, maybe the program team and Lu Bingbing's family have already linked up."

A sneer appeared on Xiao Du's pale face. He looked very ordinary, but he had an aura that could be remembered at a glance.

"Then, what shall we do?" Another girl asked anxiously.

"We'll go find the program team to find out what's going on. Don't bother with them and take out your cellphones to shoot. On such occasions, they dare not mess around."

After Xiao Du made the arrangements, he said to Mu Yunchu: "We both went to find the program group, but we don't have much hope. If it doesn't work, we can apply for a change of location. If it doesn't work, we will pack our things and distribute them to other people."

Mu Yunchu could only say: "Okay then!" Then he said angrily: "But why are we just giving in."

Xiao Du smiled helplessly: "No way, don't forget that they are backed by the company, and they have marketing accounts in their hands. If there is a conflict with them, they will turn black and white on the Internet and say that we can't tell."

Xiao Du's words completely convinced Mu Yunchu and the others, they were really thoughtful.

"Aren't Ye Yuwei and Lu Bingbing both from Xinghe? When I communicated with your company, I told you a place to support them."

Mu Yunchu looked at the staff who were pretending to be stupid and almost died of anger. It was obviously their support club who came to communicate with him before, but now the program team said this again.

"Brother, look, our place is a bit small now, there are too many people from the two families, can you expand our place." Xiao Du accompanied him with a smile.

"No, everything has already been booked. This place is not something you can get if you want it. We are also a place allocated to us after reporting to the relevant department in advance."

"Just be accommodating! Our place is indeed too small." Mu Yunchu also laughed.

"What's going on with you, I've explained it clearly to you, why are you still talking nonsense, why don't other families come to look for it, is your Ye Yuwei's family special?" This man suddenly changed his face.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Little Du pulled Mu Yunchu, whose expression had changed, and left.

Mu Yunchu who went out couldn't help but resentfully said: "What kind of attitude is this, what do they think they are."

"When you see more, you won't be so angry." Little Du Wen smiled reassuringly.

Mu Yunchu suddenly realized that Xiao Du's smile was so beautiful, he couldn't help but blush, and he didn't dare to talk to each other again.

"Let's go back and pack our things, and we'll distribute those aid items together, and that place will be given to Lu Bingbing."

"Just leaving like this, I feel so useless."

"Hmph! Don't worry! It won't be just like this."

The sneer that looked a bit pervasive overflowed from the corner of Xiaodu's mouth again.

After the two went back, they immediately packed and packed their things, and took a video, and then distributed things with other "rain fans".

The members of Lu Bingbing's support club were all surprised when they saw that the other party had really left.

Sun Miao, who was standing on the upper floors of the building, was watching what happened below with her mobile phone.

She still has earphones on her ears and a walkie-talkie in her hand.

Among those fans, there were people sent by the program group.

They carry equipment on their bodies, which can transmit the sound and picture of the scene back from time to time.

"There are talents among Ye Yuwei's fans! They can actually see through our plan." Sun Miao said to herself, with a cold smile on her face.

What she wants to see the most is that the fans of the two companies are directly tearing apart outside the venue, and she is also responsible for the bad attitude of the staff on the program team.

However, Ye Yuwei's fans were not fooled and left immediately.

Xinghe could only watch the other party go away. If they had inside information, they wanted to use this to make trouble. It would be better for Ye Yuwei's fans to beat them up.

This is also the reason why Xinghe didn't say anything to Ye Yuwei's fan support club when he went alone to contact the support venue.

Unexpectedly, the other party left directly, and they could only watch helplessly.

While Xiaodu arranged for "Yu Fan" to spread things out, he asked a fan who is very good at making websites to post the video of today's support to the official Weibo of the Ye Yuwei Global Fan Club they built.

At the same time, there was also a fan with a great literary talent who wrote a small composition.

The general idea is to thank the program team for their thoughtfulness, and to divide the fans of Xiao Yezi and Lu Bingbing into a place to support, because they are both artists of the same company.

However, due to the enthusiasm of the fans, too many people came, and there were not enough places.

Under mutual humility, "Yu Fan" gave up the venue to Senior Lu's fans, while he scattered support, and at the same time helped the senior to do publicity, and posted pictures.

In fact, Xiao Du didn't want to post such provocative things, so he had to keep a low profile before the performance.

But he knew that if he didn't publish the article, Lu Bingbing would definitely post an article to frame them.

Sure enough, less than 2 minutes after they finished posting, news appeared on Lu Bingbing's Weibo that Ye Yuwei's fans were of low quality and were robbing the show group of the support venue.

Obviously, Xinghe didn't expect Ye Yuwei to have a countermeasure.

In the end, it was not possible to pour dirty water on the other party, but instead, he encountered group ridicule.

Many people think that Lu Bingbing's side is too much. After all, it belongs to a company.

In extreme embarrassment, this framing video and essay were taken down.

At the same time, he issued a statement saying that everything was a misunderstanding, but passers-by didn't believe it at all. It can be said that this move almost ruined Lu Bingbing's popularity with passers-by.

In this way, the program group can be considered to have achieved a certain purpose.

This support also proved the judgment of the program group, that is, only those trainees with high popularity have large-scale support groups.

At the same time, only the interviews received by these trainee fans can be included in the more widely circulated regular version.

For those trainees who are not popular, the program team will not waste any shots.

But there are exceptions, and that is Lu Fangxin's fan base.

The program team was surprised to find that she didn't even have a support team.

(End of this chapter)

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