Chapter 148 The Stage of the First Battle
Tian Jiaxuan: "My team's first team is 'Hua Xia Zhi Yu'"

Luo Junxiang discussed with Zhang Wei: "Then we invite our 'alternative'"

Ye Yuwei didn't expect that the first battle would be her own. She thought that she would not be frightened by having dozens of performances.

But the moment she got to the stage, she even heard the sound of her heart beating fast. The big stage and the small theater are completely different things.

Especially when you are facing so many audiences and cameras, it would be a lie to say that you are not nervous.

"Little Ye Zi! Little Ye Zi! Little Ye Zi!" passionate shouts swept the audience like waves, and some female fans even cried while covering their faces.

This is the enigmatic charm of idols. Mu Yunchu discovered that the boy beside him who seemed to be indifferent to everything, even a little scary, was completely caught in a different mood.

His pale face was burning with a sickly blush, his eyes were full of fanaticism, and the light stick in his hand was waving regularly.

The name shouted out of the mouth is like a devout believer praying.

For some reason, Mu Yunchu felt a little bitterness in her heart, she felt this big boy's crazy love for Ye Yuwei.

"Hello everyone, we are the 'Chinese Language' group." The six girls said in unison, showing their most beautiful smiles.

"I'm Ye Yuwei from Xinghe 'Entu'." He Fan in the audience all had mixed feelings after hearing this introduction.

It's like you think a child in your family is a heinous villain, but you still rely on him to fight for the honor of the whole family.

The others also said their names one by one, as well as their nicknames.

Standing in the director's room, Yang Xiaoyue relaxed a little from her nervousness when she saw that everyone had spoken the lines in advance.

She was really afraid that she would be dumb at the first shot, because many actors who were on stage for the first time were speechless because of nervousness, and even cried on the spot.

Ye Yuwei was chosen as the first group because of her popularity and because of her stage experience.

The lights dimmed suddenly, and the stage showed an oppressive and strange dark red color, like a vast battlefield after a bloody battle.

The clothes on several people looked cold under the light.

The audience in the audience all focused their attention on the past.

Watching the stage performance live is very impactful, and watching it in front of the screen is two concepts.

The performance watched in front of the screen is formed after cutting, and the lighting, lighting and special effects on the stage may overwhelm the guests.

There are even many companies that use these to cover up the lack of performers' strength, such as tuning and so on.

But in the scene, the performer is the absolute protagonist.

Every movement and every expression of them is infinitely magnified in the eyes of the audience. If you perform well, it will be shining and dazzling.

Needless to say, if the performance is not good, the audience used to throw things and boo when watching the theater.

Therefore, the live stage is the place to test the true strength of performers.

With the sound of the music, several girls spread out neatly on the stage, and at the same time, their facial expressions changed, as if they were facing a big enemy, and their hands were closed and closed according to the rhythm, which seemed to be a Tai Chi starting gesture.

At this time, the cameraman gave Ye Yuwei a close-up of the C position.

Wearing a long gown imitating Hanfu, she has heavy makeup, and her long ink-dyed hair hangs over her shoulders, leaving only bangs on her forehead and hair hanging down her ears to cover her ears.

The hairstyle that the stylist took painstakingly to comb out clearly highlighted her brilliant face, and looked beautiful and sassy under the light that was several degrees brighter than others.

In an instant, the eyes of the audience involuntarily focused on the former.

Ye Yuwei was so beautiful and gorgeous that even Li Ke couldn't help her heart beating wildly.

This girl and the village flower are two different beauties, one is like a saturated rose, the other is like a pure and flawless lily.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Yuwei was about to open her voice, her footsteps moved suddenly, and she floated into the line like a fallen leaf. Wei Xin stepped forward and sang the first line.

At this moment, everyone who was shocked just now suddenly woke up.

Although Li Ke didn't know much about music theory, he could tell that the other party was singing a bit reluctantly.

Xiao Du was dissatisfied. Wei Xin's ability to become the lead singer of the team should be the result of his "cooking" humility.

At this moment, everyone in the team couldn't help feeling tense. After a few rehearsals, Wei Xin could sing clearly. Why is it like this now? Wang Na can even see the nervousness in the other party's eyes.

The girls sitting in the waiting area are also cheering for this team, but everyone can see that this team has lost their voices.

Wei Xin was also extremely depressed at this time. She had no stage performance experience at all, and she performed abnormally under the pressure, and her singing fluttered.

Although she worked hard to find the pitch again, she still couldn't find it. This aria was only seven seconds long, and with a deep sense of frustration, she began to move to the next section.

When she and Ye Yuwei faced each other two by two, they received encouraging and appreciative gazes, which made her inexplicably relieved and felt at ease.

In fact, this is the role of the captain of a team, to stabilize the players at the most critical moment, to continue the performance, and not to enter the next stage with previous mistakes.

Fortunately, the hard practice some time ago played a role.

In order to practice the overall dance well, Ye Yuwei was very strict with these people, requiring them to break down the movements one by one, and even use a ruler to measure the angles to keep them neat.

In the over and over again boring, even mind-breaking exercises, all the moves and dance moves have been practiced to the point where the body can reflex and move with the music without thinking about the brain.

This is also the reason why Wei Xin didn't jump wrong even though her mind was blank.

Any success is not accidental. The seemingly easy and joyful singing and dancing stage is actually built with countless sweat and even blood.

Ye Yuwei then began to sing the second aria, which is the part that Mr. Hu Binbin modified to perform purely with rap.

Her voice was clear and precise, and every word she uttered was clearly heard by the audience, which reassured the whole team.

Yang Xiaoyue couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, this Ye Yuwei is really stable!

She saw that the girl's expression management was very good, and her eyes were interacting with the camera and the audience. This is the most direct expression of her rich stage experience.

Xiao Du was so excited that he couldn't be more excited, his "cooking" was so extraordinary, he used his own charm to drive the whole stage, and the emotions of the audience were almost instantly ignited.

Ye Yuwei's eyes are like lightning, and his slender body twists and turns with the voice of the master bass, soft but not delicate, strong but not hard, fully displaying this dance that combines ancient Chinese martial arts.

The beat of the drum kit suddenly picked up, the bass sound faded away, and Ye Yuwei returned to the team.

Wang Na and Ni Chunshu flashed to the front of the team like shadow assassins, and a rapping rap began.

Ni Chunshu's voice is quite textured, she has played rock and roll before.

Wang Na, who had never studied vocal music, was instantly killed by the other party, her voice seemed thin and ethereal.

The instrumental ensemble of the song sounded, Ye Yuwei and Simone stepped forward at the same time, and the whole team began to dance together

This is also the only dance in the entire watch, don't underestimate the short three seconds.

It is very difficult to dance together. When you can only face the audience and cannot see your companions, there is no shortcut to keep the movements consistent and uniform except hard work.

Qi Wu not only requires consistent movements, but also maintains a certain balance in strength, speed, and range, so that the audience can see that even people with different heights, shapes, and looks can perfectly blend together and become one.

There were also fans who had learned dance at the scene. Seeing Ye Yuwei's superb performance, they couldn't help giving warm applause.

At this time, they are not individual dancers on the stage, but a perfect whole, just right and indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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