Chapter 149

The girls in the waiting room were also shocked, they didn't expect Ye Yuwei's group to practice to this level.

Lu Fangxin proudly cheered Ye Yuwei up, seeing the people around her bewildered, when did they get so close

Chen Yinghan smiled and clapped politely.

In fact, all the girls cheered so hard because Yang Xiaoyue told them that their performance in the waiting room would be cut into the feature film.

And it will be shown to the audience on the spot, so many people are expressing themselves.

Although Lu Bingbing was smiling, there was already a cold light in the depths of her eyes. She really didn't expect Ye Yuwei to be able to lead this group so well.

After Qi Wu, Ni Chunshu performed alone. She rapped and sang very steadily. She was good at singing skills after learning modern pop music, but her voice was not recognizable.

At the end of the song, Wang Na joined in the harmony, which was insisted by the former herself. Ye Yuwei could only do Ni Chunshu's work in order not to affect the team's rehearsal.

In fact, this harmony is very poor. If it is replaced by a professional singer with a good voice texture, it will be perfect.

The originally passionate and fast-paced music began to slowly ease, and Simone finally ushered in a short solo of her own.

She herself has also received professional training. If it is a stance output, there is no problem, but the fast-paced singing and dancing just now disrupted her breath, and there were flaws in the ending.

Ye Yuwei continued to sing, and at the same time, the six of them began to move quickly, as if they were circling around a dense forest full of murderous threats.

The audience at the scene heard the powerful voice with a strong sense of rhythm, while the professional ladies and sisters heard it in amazement.

Ye Yuwei's voice is still as stable as Mount Tai despite such strenuous exercise, and this passage can no longer be said to be rap, but should be singing, and the range is around C3.

This is already a very good performance in a girl group, even if it is performed as a professional singer, there is no problem.

Ye Yuwei's strength is not to mention in this group, even among the 101 trainees, she is a top-notch existence.

Moreover, because of the song selection, this stage did not show the strongest dance of the former.

Here, Simona made an English chord for Ye Yuwei. She grew up in a foreign country without any problems.

Wei Xin, who sang at the beginning, won her second chance to sing solo. Unfortunately, she really encountered Kaner today, and she still couldn't find the right tone.

Du Jiayu also ushered in her own solo chorus immediately after. Her voice was immature without being an adult, and she could not express the sense of power of this song at all. Although the pitch was accurate, it was inconsistent with the overall performance.

And Du Jiayu also had physical problems. Originally, her physical fitness was fine, but she saw that other girls were losing weight and followed suit, often skipping meals.

Before she was an adult, she needed a lot of nutrition. This lack of food caused her physical fitness to decline more severely than others. Ye Yuwei tried to persuade her several times, but she just refused to listen.

This time on the stage the consequences were fully displayed.

She already felt that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

She didn't expect that such a young self would not be able to hold on to the performance for 5 minutes. After another formation change, although she stepped on the stuck point, she was already quite reluctant.

Ye Yuwei started to sing and dance alone this time. This is the advantage of the C position. She has a few more performance parts than others and can better express herself.

Then Du Jiayu panicked completely. After Ye Yuwei sang and danced, it was her, Wei Xin, and Ni Chunshu's performance. This time it was not standing but singing and dancing.

Ye Yuwei also gave her the best position in the middle.

But this girl didn't seize the opportunity, she couldn't sing because her breath was completely out of breath, Du Jiayu had the urge to cry at this moment.

In the end, Wei Xin made the pad sound at the end of the trio's aria. This time, she finally found the right sound, but she also lost it.

At the end of the chorus, everyone at the scene could only hear Ye Yuwei's voice clearly, and the rest were like harmony.

The audience burst into thunderous applause, and the Pho fans who often watch small theater performances were also shocked. They felt that this was a professional-level performance.

But only the people on the field and the experts know that there are major flaws in this performance.

The singing skills of the members were fully demonstrated in the top-level audio environment on site, and the professional people can be said to be able to hear who is good and who is not.

Ye Yuwei's voice recognition is not high, but his skills and vocalization are extremely solid, and he can clearly convey what he sings to the ears of every audience at the scene.

Several intense dances did not affect her performance at all, and her level was definitely professional.

Yang Xiaoyue and Sun Miao all showed satisfied smiles, and the tutors on the scene also nodded frequently.

Sure enough, Ye Yuwei did not disappoint them, and abruptly raised the performance to a higher level by herself.

Ye Yuwei!Ye Yuwei!Ye Yuwei!
The shouts at the scene pierced the sky, Xiao Du and his hardcore fans were also extremely excited.

Their own "cooking" is so powerful, completely beyond their expectations.

Long Zitao, who was standing in the camera area, also had brilliant eyes. In his heart, this girl was simply the embodiment of perfection.

Her charm is almost unstoppable, as long as she is given a chance, she will definitely become the most shining star.

The trainees like Meng Meixuan, who consider themselves to be very strong, also felt great pressure. Ye Yuwei performed too well, even much better than during the practice and rehearsal, like a benchmark.

At this time, the videographer also showed several instructors the camera, and their excited expressions appeared on the big screen, followed by the video playback of the girls in the waiting room.

"It's great, the performance is great." Tian Jiaxuan cheered while clapping her hands.

"How about it, are you afraid?" Hu Binbin also started to talk.

Luo Junxiang and Zhang Wei over there originally followed the script, but at this time there was also a little more pressure for no reason.

If the following "alternative" perform badly, they will also lose face, after all, there are so many people watching.

"Of course I'm not afraid, we have stronger ones." Naturally, Luo Junxiang couldn't admit defeat.

"That is, our 'alternative' will make you feel different." Zhang Wei also said.

Ju Lin, who had come to the stage at this time, was extremely nervous, or they were all under unprecedented pressure, and Ye Yuwei's performance was too eye-catching.

She took a deep breath with a confident smile on her face.

The brave and resolute eyes flashed across the faces of each team member, and a strong desire suddenly rose in the hearts of those who met her eyes: Come on!Ye Yuwei, even if you are a star, you can sing and dance, we are not afraid at all.

The hazy dark scene like the night of the city hangs down.

Ju Lin raised his hand slowly, and made a gesture of purple gold flowers withering above his head.

The other team members clustered around her and opened their arms one after another, like soldiers cornered by the enemy.

The lights suddenly turned on, and Ju Lin's arms slid down and landed on his face.

She is very beautiful. She is of mixed race. She has both the softness of the East and the three-dimensional facial features of the West. Especially her eyes are not pure black, but they look profound and charming.

The pure white bodysuit outlines her undulating mountains, which is breathtaking, and her thighs, which are tense due to years of exercise, are strong but not thick.

The black bright paper windbreaker was lifted up, her expression was a little tragic, her waist twisted and her body leaned back, and the waves on her limp and boneless body surged like tides on the sea.

What was originally led by guitars and drums was replaced by piano, mixed with electronic mixing.

At this time, the crowd had dispersed, and Li Tiange, who had dyed blond hair, twisted out with the dynamic music, like a "caracal cat" patrolling the territory

Her voice is rough and has a grain-like texture, and the lyrics are like bombs dropped by a bomber that will explode the audience in an instant.

Everyone's bodies twisted involuntarily following her voice, and the trainees in the waiting room also sang along.

Everyone's movements are almost uniform. The rhythm of this song is already very strong. This time, the accompaniment instruments were simplified.

It almost uses drums as the main instrument to lead the rhythm, and it is also mixed with electronic mixing, so it sounds more interesting. Overall, it is very similar to the style of European and American eight 90s electronic music!

Ju Lin himself is also a strong dancer. He integrated European modern dance styles into this dance music. These six dancers are really "different".

It is neither cute in Japanese style nor sexy in Korean style, but electronic modern dance in European and American style.

When Xiao Du saw that Ju Lin's group was making such a fuss, he couldn't help but worry about his "cooking".

Although Ye Yuwei's performance was extremely eye-catching, she still did not break away from the Korean style.

On the other hand, this group can already have different definitions, coupled with Ju Lin's explosive figure and hot looks, I don't know if he can become a dark horse.

(End of this chapter)

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