Chapter 152

"Yuwei, you are amazing!"

"Yuwei, you have a long face, our team won."

"Yuwei, you are so charming, I will be your fan from now on."

Ye Yuwei, who returned to the waiting room, received a warm welcome from her team, as did the Ju Lin team who had returned earlier.

"thanks, thanks!"

Ye Yuwei also kept interacting with her teammates, keeping a modest smile on her face.

At this time, Yang Ni's group with Ye Yu's only group was already on the stage.

Many people in the audience were shouting Yang Ni's name. Hearing these shouts, she had the urge to cry.

She didn't expect that Penguin was completely annoyed by Zheng Chengcheng's withdrawal from the competition due to a drama, and the C position that originally belonged to her was gone, and it was given to Li Shihan.

At the same time, in order to prevent her from rehearsing with "emotions", the program group gave her a suggestive warning. In the subsequent word segmentation and rehearsal, she was left with the role of a tool person.

Li Shihan's mood is also extremely complicated, she did not expect that the program group would let her replace Yang Ni's C position, it turns out that her purpose of coming to this group is to be the dancer of this group.

She didn't know how to comfort, or explain it.

Because no matter what she said, it might be "wrong" in Yang Ni's eyes.

She actually didn't want this C, because after the second episode was released, she was almost depressed by those trolls on the Internet.

She was really scared.

After this performance, those trolls don't know how to make trouble on the Internet.

But she didn't dare to refuse the program group's arrangement. She was afraid that if she refused, she would be hidden by the program group directly, and the chance that had come so hard would be gone.

Liu Mengmeng in the same group has ambitions shining in her eyes. She has learned international dance since she was a child, and she thinks that she is very capable and looks good.

But the program group didn't give themselves a shot at all in the first two episodes. They had no strength and no enthusiasm, but they didn't even have themselves in the public version of the first stage.

This time Yang Ni was removed from the C position, which gave her a glimmer of hope. If she performed well and was obedient, the program team might be able to notice her.

Natasha standing beside her was desperate, she knew she was done.

Originally, before the yogurt-splashing incident, the program crew would take some shots of her in consideration of the overseas market, but now, she found that the cameraman didn't shoot her at all.

The choreography this time broke her even more. She is too tall and her dancing level is average.

Although she proposed to revise the dance, Tian Jiaxuan, who was instructing them, rejected it.

However, when Xu Qianhua, who was also not good at dancing, proposed to modify it, she got support.

This made Natasha understand that the show crew had given up on her.

But another sunny girl, Jiang Mengqi, was secretly thanking God for her blessing.

When Li Shihan chose their team, her world was filled with gloom, and she thought it was over again this time.

Because the arrival of Li Shihan means that this group has three dancers.

Originally, the performance part that could be equally divided among the 6 people was pitifully small, and there were not many opportunities for the dancers to perform. Now that the junior C is here, I have no chance to compete at all.

But God gave her another chance. Unexpectedly, Yang Ni's company committed suicide, resulting in the loss of the former's C position, and Li Shihan became an ACE.

Then, the dancers are me and Liu Mengmeng, and Liu Mengmeng is not as popular as me. When I divided the performances, the instructor gave me a good PA.
Yin Xiren, the youngest talkative girl, felt that she might be eliminated.

Although she is naturally aggressive, she wants to fight for more arias for herself.

But her strength is at the bottom of this group, she is useless in singing and dancing, and her appearance is average.

She couldn't handle the part that was assigned to her at first, and after being held back a few times, she couldn't even look at the accompanying teacher, so she could only quietly make leftovers.

The overall rehearsal of this group was relatively smooth, because Yang Ni, Liu Mengmeng, and Li Shihan can all be used as ACEs, and each has its own strengths.

The remaining Xu Qianhua is also a relatively powerful existence among professional singers.

Although Jiang Mengqi sang with a loud voice, she danced well.

Natasha is good enough as a "leftover material". Although Yin Xiren is not good enough, he can also cope with singing and dancing with the big group.

Full of worries, they started their first public performance.

There was no dim light at the opening, but warm-toned lights projected from the ceiling.

The clothes of this group of people looked like those they wore when going to the beach. The color was mainly orange, and the tops were sportswear and casual clothes. Among them, Jiang Mengqi was the most eye-catching.

Because she was the only one wearing a lake blue sleeveless sweatshirt, if it wasn't for her position, she would be the C position at first glance.

I don't know if this dress was given to her by the show crew on purpose.

Today, she's still sporting a reddish-brown wig with long curly hair, which looks great against her fair, creamy skin.

It's just that the big black-rimmed glasses directly ruined the look, making her look a bit rustic.

The best outfit here is Liu Mengmeng. She is wearing an orange sportswear on the outside, a white short dress with navel inside, and a white sports skirt dyed with blue flying patterns underneath. It looks like Youthful and lively.

The first sentence that opened her voice was also from her. This song "Sugar Cube" is a popular song composed by the Red Devils of the Beacon Country, which is very famous there.

However, many songs that are very popular in North America do not perform well in other parts of the world. This song "Sugar" is the same. Although many groups in Asia have sung it, it has not become popular.

However, many male and female groups use it as a song and dance song, because this song is more cheerful, not very difficult to sing, and has a strong sense of rhythm, which is easy to step on.

Liu Mengmeng's voice is pretty good, she has received professional training since she was a child, and she is very accurate in the pronunciation of songs.

Then there was Xu Qianhua from HK Emperor Entertainment, who crushed the former who sounded good to pieces as soon as she opened her mouth.

Even among professional singers, there is a huge gap. The distance between these two is 100 points and 65 points, and the audience can clearly hear it.

The originally scattered teams began to move with the rhythm.

Here they are very clever, because three of them are not good at dancing, and they didn't adopt the fast movements of the previous two groups like butterflies wearing flowers.

Instead, I chose to put on a dynamic heart-shaped shape with the melody, which not only makes the audience eye-catching, but also makes up for my own shortcomings.

Jiang Meiqi, Liu Mengmeng, Yang Ni, and Natasha stood in front to form two rows.

Behind Xu Qianhua is Li Shihan and Yin Xiren behind Xu Qianhua, and the latter two reach out their hands at the same time to make a heart shape on Xu Qianhua's head
The audience immediately cheered, the overall shape is really sweet.

Then several people dispersed, formed a diagonal line and began to sing in unison. Here, Yang Ni stood in the middle, and then Jiang Mengqi and Yin Xiren moved forward and began to sing.

Both of them have big white voices, Jiang Mengqi is better, at least the tone has improved.

Here Yang Ni and Xu Qianhua made a harmony for the two of them, which made the audience sound comfortable.

Afterwards, Yang Ni ushered in her own solo, and Liu Mengmeng leaned on the former's body, her eyes were blurred, and she twisted like a snake.

The female fans at the scene suddenly screamed. Most of Yang Ni's so-called female fans are "rainbows". This interaction almost hit their hearts.

Natasha also walked over and squatted down to show a few seductive moves in the "pole dance".

The 7 people continued to move amidst the screams of female fans, and Li Shihan, the designated C, also started the first solo, but it was still Xu Qianhua who gave her the harmony.

The team started the first real unison dance, but it was a stance movement with very little difficulty, which is what we jokingly called "radio gymnastics".

When the rhythm changed, Jiang Mengqi ushered in a solo performance, and she still sang. Yang Ni made a chorus for her, and performed a backing dance for her with 5 other people, raising her arms on the spot and twisting her waist. It's also similar.

The male audience in the audience was very happy at this time.

Jiang Mengqi's popularity is still good, and she looks like a straight man. If she can not wear those big glasses, she will probably gain more male fans.

A second later, the team dispersed into a triangle formation again, and Xu Qianhua stood at the top and began to output firepower.

Her voice is extremely penetrating, and as the pitch of the instrument rises, it continues to rise, layer by layer, as if rapidly climbing a mountain, and finally stands on a cliff.

The instructors at the scene also showed satisfaction. After Xu Qianhua sang, this is the real singer.

The girls in the waiting room also applauded Xu Qianhua enthusiastically. At this moment, the seven of them suddenly threw a lot of candy, and the emotions of the audience were instantly ignited.

Li Ke, who was sitting in the middle, secretly regretted that he really wanted the candy of that cute girl.

The 7 people spread out, and the 5 people squatted down in front of them. At the same time, they stretched out their arms and made silk fluttering movements. Li Shihan and Yang Ni, the double C, started an interactive dance.

In the brisk rhythm, the two are like naughty little girls and little boys, with fighting spirit, interaction, and love, which makes those "rainbow girls" go crazy.

Up to now, Yin Xiren's physical strength has problems, she can't keep up with the rhythm, and Xu Qianhua's breath is a little disordered.

After all, what professional singers pay attention to in singing is stability, even singing and dancing is actually a few twists in place, or a few steps back and forth.

Although they have simplified the dance, the back and forth is still tiring.

Several people were singing in a chorus. At this time, Yin Xiren was completely confused. Jiang Mengqi who was on the side was almost taken off the beat by her, but fortunately she corrected it abruptly.

At this time, the roles of Yang Ni and Liu Mengmeng were very obvious.

Although their singing is not top-notch among professional singers, their perennial singing and dancing allow them to perform stably in such performances.

The two of them drove the whole team with their voices. Xu Qianhua adjusted her breath after paddling for half a beat, and began to join in. Suddenly, the voices of 7 people filled the entire studio.

When the song fell, the audience applauded like thunder.

The biggest bright spot in this group is actually Xu Qianhua.

Because the show is almost half-stand-up, the dance is relegated to the back burner and the song comes first.

Xu Qianhua's solo in the opening minute was almost "shocking everyone" and became the soul of the whole performance.

Of course, other people also performed well and basically completed the scheduled tasks.

Moreover, the several stance performances also have the taste of a stage play, which adds a lot of points to the stage.

In general, this stage performance allows everyone to use their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and give full play to their own advantages, except for Yin Xiren, because she can't do that.

Compared with the last two stages, it is still not as good as Ju Lin's group overall, but a little stronger than Ye Yuwei's group.

The other group standing next to them on the stage had a deeper feeling for the performance, after all, they watched it closely and parallel.

They also have nothing to do about Xu Qianhua's personal song output.

After all, in the entire base, except for Chen Afang who could barely fight against the opponent, the others could only be crushed.

But Wu Zixuan is not afraid of them, because she is not interested in the opportunistic performance of the other party.

She believes that as a girl group, when singing songs that are not too difficult, it is a shame to use this kind of performance that is almost a stand-up output, and it is a sign of insufficient strength.

How can the women's team show their strength?That is to sing and dance, to show the songs perfectly under the difficult dance, so that the audience can feel their charm.

(End of this chapter)

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