Chapter 153 Unexpected
"Next, let's enjoy 'Love Back to the Origin'" Long Zitao dutifully acted as the host.

The moment the lights came on, the audience erupted into deafening cheers. Wu Zixuan's popularity was the highest among all of them, and Yuehua had the most fans today.

Xiao Du's face was neither sad nor happy, but Mu Yunchu was somewhat disdainful, because in her opinion, Wu Zixuan was not worthy of such popularity, and her level of "cooking" was not at the same level as her own.

But people like Li Ke who don't chase stars have a good impression of Wu Zixuan. They feel that she has a gentle temper and is kind to others. If possible, she is willing to vote for her.

Wu Zixuan, who is wearing a British-style plaid dress, looks youthful, clean and sweet today.

The dancing in their group was also different. Six people lined up in a vertical line, and she stood at the front, so that the audience could tell who was the C at a glance.

Several people spread their right or left hands in front of them like peacocks spreading their tails. From a distance, they look like Avalokitesvara, dancing with the rhythm of the music like silk ribbons.

Then Wu Zixuan half-turned and turned her head sideways to show a sweet smile to the audience, and the others also took half a step diagonally backward one by one, and at the same time turned around with their hands behind their backs, their hands crossed in front of them while their skirts were fluttering.

The whole movement was clean and neat, and the distance between everyone seemed to be measured with a ruler.

This one seems simple, but it takes thousands of times of training to achieve the perfect effect.

The sound of the guitar and the tambourine sounded, and the music was like a fresh poem, jumping out cleanly and neatly. This piece has a strong British rock style.

No one could have imagined that it was Wu Qian from the magic number girl group who opened her voice.

In particular, there is no way to do this. Among the six of them, she is the one who can sing, Yang Suhan and Wu Qian. Among them, Yang Suhan is the best singer, so she gave the most difficult part to the former.

In addition, Yang Suhan is her teammate, so Wu Qian was the one who opened the voice.

Wu Qian's completion is very average, better than Wei Xin in Ye Yuwei's group, but she doesn't lose her tune.

The team here also did a slanted arm swing and dance, which is very complete.

Then came the dreamy Luo Jiangyi. She danced well, but she sang with a loud voice. Although her sentence was not difficult, she still sang out of tune.

Audience members who understand vocal music sighed, and some even laughed loudly.

However, the dance of the other five people in this section is very beautiful. They are divided into two groups and Luo Jiangyi is surrounded in the middle. moved to the far right of the team.

The six people were divided into three groups and slowly twisted their bodies in the voice of the former, and then the five of them slid back and knelt on the ground at the same time with their hands over their heads in a flower-blossom posture.

Ye Yuwei in the waiting room praised her heartily, these six are performing very well now.

Although it is not as explosive as Ju Lin's group, it surpasses the former in terms of the completion of the dance and the complexity of the movement.

Moreover, the dance level of these few is not low, and the completion is very beautiful and smooth.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but smile bitterly in my heart. I am afraid that apart from Zhu Riri's group, my group is probably the worst group.

Immediately afterwards, several people began to quickly intersperse and move around, squatting half-squatting with Wu Zixuan in the middle. This is also the first chorus part of this song.

Wu Zixuan can sing well, her voice doesn't have any characteristics, but she can still complete the song accurately, and there is no down-tuning.

The five supporting dancers are also constantly changing their dancing postures, and the overall look is quite beautiful.

Many audience members took out their light sticks and started to shake them. Although the shouts were not loud, this was the way to open this already immersive song.

After the chorus ended, several people began to dance together with two different positions, and the stuck points were very accurate. At the same time, Yang Suhan also ushered in the first solo aria.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she immediately compared Wu Zixuan with Wu Qian. Her voice had been specially trained, and she also had the most pitch changes in a section, especially the small high note at the end. She sang very well.

At this time, the six people were standing in a triangle formation, with Yang Suhan at the front, and at the same time, the six people were dancing cheerfully to the rhythm.

The formation suddenly dispersed, and Luo Tiantian began to sing her own solo, with a loud voice, but she didn't go out of tune, and insisted on singing up the tune, which showed that her physical fitness was very good.

That lung capacity after more than two minutes of strenuous performance.

The connecting music of the song sounded, Luo Jiangyi and Wu Qian each sang a line, but they all collapsed, especially Wu Qian, her breathing rhythm was already a little messed up, and she didn't even sing the last word.

However, their dance is still very neat and beautiful, and their movements are exquisite and comfortable.

At this time, the five people retreated to the two sides, leaving Luo Tiantian alone in the middle.

Just when everyone thought she was going to sing, she performed one of her stunts, a one-handed somersault, followed by a flying kick.

At this moment, the audience burst into warm cheers.

Luo Tiantian is not the best dancer among the girls at the base, but she is the most distinctive, with two unique skills: one-handed back folding and one-handed somersault,

The six people gathered together again in a line, with their hands on the waist of the previous one, bending over and twisting their waist at the same time, looking sweet and sexy.

The moment the music ended, Wu Zixuan's name rang out in the audience, and the trainees in the waiting room all showed envy when they heard the deafening shout.

Penguin's shots of Wu Zixuan in the first and second episodes are really good, coupled with the excellent performance of their group, she was able to attract so many fans like a storm.

Although Li Zixuan's group still had a smile on their faces, they felt extremely sad in their hearts. They had a premonition that they were going to lose. The hard work and sweat these days were nothing more than a mirror image after all.

Zhang Wei and Luo Junxiang over there looked happy, this round was finally about to save face.

Tian Jiaxuan and Hu Binbin over there waved cheers to Li Zixuan and the others, meaning don't be discouraged, even if you lose, you are the best.

Seeing the encouragement from the two mentors, Li Zixuan almost cried, and felt sad at the same time.

"Oh my god! It's more fun than us performing!" Hu Binbin began to praise the show.

Luo Junxiang, the old fried dough stick over there, immediately burst out laughing.

Tian Jiaxuan and Zhang Wei also interacted with each other: "It's great, it's just a miniature concert."

Long Zitao over there is also full of passion, these four stages are really enjoyable to watch.

"The founders of Tianci Idol, please take out your thumbs-up device and choose your favorite girl to cast your precious vote."

Long Zitao said this almost in one go, and shook his head involuntarily after he finished speaking.

The two groups of girls also showed their charm and waved to the audience.

Tian Jiaxuan and Hu Binbin over there began to solicit votes for their group, "Put sugar! Put sugar! Only if you choose to put sugar, you will have Tang Chi."

Zhang Wei and Luo Junxiang over there were naturally not to be outdone: "Our group is sweet or not, we have your sweetest sweethearts."

Although Wu Zixuan doesn't want to be a sweetheart, but at this time it is already difficult to ride a tiger. Her personality has been determined, and she immediately shows a sweet smile to compare with everyone.

There were bursts of crazy screams from the audience, Wu Zixuan's name almost resounded throughout the audience.

The members of her group all had smiles on their faces. From their point of view, with Wu Zixuan around, they would surely win.

Many girls in the waiting room were afraid to look at it. They were so nervous that they were going to die, and some of them were muttering: put sugar, put sugar.

The instructors on both sides stood up and greeted the audience, hoping that the audience in the audience could vote for their own group, and they were already fully committed at this time.

"Okay, the countdown is over in 1 minutes, our votes have been counted, so the winner is!"

Following Long Zitao's words, colorful electric lights appeared in the middle of the stage between the two teams.

After the sound of fireworks blooming, the audience was stunned. Yang Ni, who was the first to react, suddenly jumped up: "We won, we won."

"Win? Did you really win?" Li Shihan couldn't believe her eyes, and stood there in a daze, speechless.

The other girls squealed with delight like never before in a split second, it was incredible.

Wu Zixuan, who had already raised her arms in a victory pose, was dumbfounded and stood there in disbelief.

All her teammates were also stunned, what's going on, were the cheers just now fake?

Their mentors, Luo Junxiang and Zhang Wei, were also stunned. How could they lose? Could it be that the program group is shady.

In particular, they guessed right, the show crew or Penguin is trying to suppress Yuehua.

In their view, Li Shihan is the real girl.

Yang Ni's fans, who were already slumped, immediately shouted crazily. They thought it was because of their "cooking" that they won the match.In fact, I don't blame them for thinking this way, because Wu Zixuan and Yang Ni are the most popular on the court.

Wu Zixuan's fans over there were gnashing their teeth angrily. If the fans hadn't stopped her, they would have scolded the shady scene.

(End of this chapter)

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